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Unread 12-21-24, 12:15 PM
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Insight G4 vs JPI 790 - pros and cons?

Okay, okay already.
I am considering an engine analyzer.
It amazes me there are no decent videos showing these in use,
Neither company's fault, just terrible movie makers.

Everyone raves about having an engine analyzer.
AND ...I guess it would ba a 'capital improvement' too.

Will it improve my sex life?
Lower my mortgage rates?
Extend my auto warranty?


Easiest to install while the airplane is filleted open for annual


My thought to keep my shadin FF display, for its nice big dedicated FF indicator.
To keep arithmetic simple for me, I match fuel flows F and R.
Big display makes that easy.

OPTION 1 - Insight G4
Install where EGT is now.
Shadin REMAINS at bottom of engine gauges.

OPTION 2 - Insight G4
Bottom of engine gauges, where shadin is now.
REMOVE shadin and EGT.

OPTION 3 - JPI 790
Right over throttles, bottom of avionics stack.
I understand it can be set to scroll automatically between values?
while displaying bar graphs

One COULD remove shadin and EGT.
But again, shadin has nice big juicy display and easy to watch/track

All of these analyzers present a lot of data in small areas.
Their alphanumeric (digital) values may 10 point font?

Thoughts ....gents?
David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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Unread 12-21-24, 09:09 PM
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My vote for “simplest” install: Option 4: insight G4 in custom panel at bottom of avionics stack and leave everything else alone.

There are many more options also: MVP50 for each engine, GI275 for each engine, and the EDM960. I went the dual GI275 route and really like them.
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Unread 12-25-24, 07:54 PM
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Same EIS question. I currently have 2- EDM 701’s and a Shadin. Need to come up three decades in tech and I want more accurate fuel sensors while I’m at it. The G-4 twin setup (packaged for a 337) is a fair bit lower priced than the alternatives and go into an existing panel cut out. I want it on the left panel for line of sight. I’m sure the 960’s are nicer but I don’t want another big square box cut out on my right panel. The G-4 can just go into one of the two remaining 3 1/8 holes on the left panel. I have to keep my T&B for the S-Tec unless I can get away with adding a GAD 43e. Not sure that would be a full replacement for the T&B for roll inputs? If so, all vacuum and analog gauges would be gone. How are you getting space in your center stack? For me, anything in the av center stack is not an optionas it’s too full already. A pair of GI 275’s would be great but cost is quite a bit higher than one G-4 which has a package already setup for the 337’s. I’d like to know what you decide to do. Please share a picture of your final setup. Mine is sitting in the shop pending a second fuel pump rebuild.
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Unread 12-27-24, 08:11 PM
kbecker kbecker is offline
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I replaced my old Gemini 1200 with a G4 and am very happy with it. I was able to keep the harnesses for the EGT/CHT, but had to add new wires for fuel flow, vibration, oil temp, oil pressure, OAT, etc.

It was well worth it. The old Gemini 1200 was a bear to download data from.

My only negative is the G4 doesn't have the "level the EGT" bars the old 1200 did. I kind of liked that feature as it was easier to tell which cylinders had an increase in EGT during a flight.

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Unread 12-27-24, 08:28 PM
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Did you swap out your senders for digital units or stay with the factory originals?
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Unread 12-27-24, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by mdrob1985 View Post
Did you swap out your senders for digital units or stay with the factory originals?
If you’re asking me, I put in CiES senders to feed the GI-275 EIS.

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Unread 12-27-24, 11:41 PM
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Sorry LJ, I know you’ve got a nice 275 setup. I was wondering if Kevin’s G4 was using new digital senders. My PFD just went T’ts up and so I’m doing a panel upgrade that I was planning to do much later in 2025. My eyes want all Garmin, my wallet says we are going all Aspen. Unfortunately I’m having some trust issues with Aspen right now as that’s what has failed. I haven’t dug through the logs to see when it was installed but photos from 2015 do not show it. I can further reduce costs down by going with a G4 and new senders. It’s certified and meets my needs without cutting up my panel. I’ll have a bunch of hole plugs in place until I can get a new panel formed in 2026.
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Unread 12-29-24, 03:31 PM
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See cutouts below photos for consideration

Currently I have a stratus 2S (w external power and antennas) mounted behind smoked piglass. Its status LEDs are visible in flight.

Why do I have this, as backup to the unlikely event everything goes kerplunk.
If needed I could still use iPad etc and keep going.

Consideration above throttles -
In my mind, right where engine monitor of any sort could go,
To put anything just above throttles
requires re-locating the stratus 2s ...somewhere.
I can probably find somewhere.
Over to right behind overlay is/was an opening holding an old radio,
so it might mount on back ...perhaps.

Or maybe just drop stratus 2s backup?

Option 1 - Simplest install - right of Shadin
Remove EGT
G4 goes where EGT currently is, to the right of Shadin.
Not a direct line of view, but pretty close, and probably good enough.

Option 2 - G4 above throttles.
Remove EGT
Re locate stratus 2s ...somewhere.
Use same or similar panel w 3.25 cutout
mount G4 right over throttles.
Maybe slightly left, to be clear of RPM which sits higher up

Option 3 - JPI 790 nice big digit display / scanning mode or stop
Remove EGT
Re-locate stratus 2s ...somewhere
Install JPI 90 right over throttles
Remove or leave shadin in?

Option 4 - Upper left of pilot panel
Not sure curing 3.25 into overlay panel would go perfect;ly,
but stuff in that area is no longer used, OM, MM, IN, panel/speaker etc.
Far way from engine gauges, but worth considering
Attached Images
File Type: jpg G4 center.JPG (30.3 KB, 107 views)
File Type: jpg G4 right shadin center.JPG (51.0 KB, 104 views)
File Type: jpg jpi 790 center.JPG (76.0 KB, 110 views)
File Type: jpg g4 upper left.JPG (53.5 KB, 101 views)
David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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Unread 12-29-24, 05:01 PM
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You changed my mind with the photos…Since the G4 is STCd as primary EGT, put it to the right of Shadin FF as in option 1 leave everything else alone. Wire in all the sensors you can, and enjoy!
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Unread 12-29-24, 09:45 PM
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That's probably the way I'll go G4 where the EGT is now

I find the G4 vibration analysis and percent power indications ...interesting.

Even to the right, the vertical temp strips for EGT and CHT will be fine.
I understand they change to yellow or red if anything starts to move out of range.

I have never seen one powered up. Reasonably bright and easy to see at a slight angle?

It appears the latest software also has an EGT leveling display of some sort
so anything that should stand out will, one way or another.

I BELIEVE EGT is not a required gauge on the 337, as it is called an 'economizer' I think.
So while it can't ground the aircraft, but still nice to know.

I partially rationalize this as another somewhat value-adding option as well.
As well as useful in cruise, and diagnostics, adds some value to the airplane,
David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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Unread 12-29-24, 10:21 PM
kbecker kbecker is offline
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I never had fuel flow tranducers with the GEM 1200, so they were installed with the G4. I was finally able to do the GAMI lean test now that I had accurate fuel flow information.
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Unread 12-29-24, 10:23 PM
kbecker kbecker is offline
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My G4 is mounted right able the trim wheel.
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Unread 12-30-24, 11:36 AM
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Above trim wheel..... hmmmmmm.

Hmmm. That would be nice, but I have a slaved stormscope wx 950 there.

Its really nice to have real time t-storm tracking, vs 'dated' adsB
ADS blobology is good enough to widely-avoid t storms,
but I've had enough times where the T scope made a big difference.

Mine also gets real time heading from the autopilot AI circuit (which is always powered).
So strikes out to 200m always show relative to aircraft heading.

Personally, I find the separate real-time gyro-slaved 200mile T storm display ideal.
If it shows nothing, there is nothing.
If it shows something, it is real time,
not just tiny little strikes in an already cluttered map.

Similarly, I have the ATX separate display of TAS-fed active traffic.
While TAS and ADSB traffic are all integrated in the Avidyne orgasmic suite 550 map,
Like the stormscope, if nothing is shown on that display, then nothing there
(with any type of transponder, even basic mode C)

The traffic embedded into 550 map is okay, but not as clear (or attention-getting).
I'd say the biggest problem with everything-maps is too much-overlayed clutter.

ADS B weather and traffic DO provide pretty good 'blobology.'
"Just say no"

If I had just those, would that be enough?

Hard to give up real-time separate displays though...
David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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