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gkey 11-05-08 10:01 PM

And she's changing to glass
It all started last month somewhere on my way to Edmonton, when ATC told me they could not see me on the radar any more. I recycled my transponder, idented and still they could not identify me. Then I smacked the transponder (my friend calls it a callibrating tap) and we were back on the radar. Then, the next day, I lost transmission capabilities on com #1. Then a week later while we were flying a turbulent patch, we smelled electrical smoke and the autopilot kicked off line. Granted, the Silver Crown centre stack I have has been in this plane for a good 25 years or more, so it was time. High time.

I took the plunge in a big way. I got GKEY ferried over to Victoria Avionics and we started talking new units over the phone. My new centre stack will now be (from top to bottom): Garmin 437 audio panel, Garmin 530W, SL30 NavCom, S-Tec 55 (currently in the stack), DME (currently in stack), Garmin GTX 330 S transponder, ADF (currently in stack). The S-Tec 55 has been sent back to the factory to see what went wrong and if it can be repaired, otherwise we buy a 55x.

I am also removing the left and right panel and have new ones cut. The left one is planned and configured to take the Aspen PFD and MFD's. I am throwing out almost all of the current steam gauges and will install the 2" Mid-Continent back-up trio gauges. The right panel will house the new Xerion AuRACLE 2120 engine monitor, and because of all the new electronics I'll have to have a second breaker box. This will be made electrolumiscent and dimmable, and will house all the avionics related breakers.

So far I am over $50K just on hardware alone, but I realize that. To me it is a favor returned to the best girlfriend I've ever had - beloved my 337G.

Ernie Martin 11-06-08 05:08 PM

Congratulations. Send pictures, not only when it's all in, but while in progress.


gkey 11-06-08 08:04 PM

Yes, I will. My avionics mechanic is equally pumped about this install - many units going in there that he has never installed before. He is doing a lot of research (not on my account, fortunately!) on installing these new avionics, like the Aspen and the AuRACLE 2120.

He has taken over 100 pics so far and burnt them on a CD. He wanted to have a few pics himself to remind him how it was done, should he encounter another 337 with similar installs in the future.

The "clean-up" process has been going very well, and they are almost done with it. There was a ton of excess wire in the panel, because the previous guy did not remove the old wires 20+ years ago when the Silver Crown was installed. He merely snipped the connectors and left the bundles of wire behind, and laid new wires for the Silver Crown stack. All of the removed excess wire after the "clean-up wieghed 27 lbs!!

Don't know if I mentioned it before, but I am also at the same time replacing my windscreen, and fresh air intake grills, grommets, ducts etc. And adding an avionics fan.

Pics (not all, I promise!) to follow as soon as I get the CD.

hharney 11-06-08 10:31 PM

Jakes, I am starting my interior refurb next week and I am seriously considering a windscreen replacement. Can you give me any details on your install and procurement?

Has anyone had experience with these fuel flow transducers? You can tie them into the GPS system for fuel flow reference, seems like an easy way to go if you have the GPS on board already. I know that Riley always used Insight Gem Graphic Engine Monitors. I don't see them around very often or just don't remember seeing them. Seems like JPI and some of the others are more prevalent. The Strike Finder has been around for a long time.

I see Jakes is jumping into the Xerion unit. Has anyone installed this yet? Is it approved for C337's? There are a couple guys with the Aspen already, and that sounds very promising.

gkey 11-06-08 11:11 PM


I don't know much about what it takes to install the windshield, but here's the quote I have for the job:

Replacement of windshield:
LABOUR: 12 hours X (Rate/h) $76.00, Total = $912.00
HARDWARE: $50.00
FREIGHT: $300.00

TOTAL: $1,884.00

Regarding the Xerion AuRACLE 2120, I really would like to think that I am the reason the 337's are on the list for STC's. When I first contacted Eric Hathaway, Vice-President of Xerion, I was the first to enquire about that for a 337. At that time they did not consider certain models at all, but he promised me if I bought a unit he would make sure that the 336's and 337's would be on the list. And they are. At the time I bought my unit, mine was order #6 (for all makes & models), and the very first one from Canada.

The original date for delivery was in August 2008, but then they ran into some hiccups with the certification. In his last email to me he indicated that the 2120 would be ready to go approximately in Spring 2009. I have seen this monitor in real-life action, and I can tell you, I cannot wait.

The 2120 also comunicates with the 530W, so one can also access your FF information on the 530W. It is an automatic "crossfill".

hharney 11-06-08 11:22 PM

Yeah I asked them about STC for Skymaster at the OSH booth this year and they were really snobbish about the whole thing. It was a real turn off for me. Acted like they didn't want to give me the time of day. The did say that I would have to contact Eric because he was not at the booth at the time. They were scheduled to present their info at the SOAPA meeting in Kalamazoo but bugged out at the last minute. I not real impressed with their bedside manner at this point. It does look like a nice unit. It's got to be a lot of labor to install with all the systems though.

Ernie Martin 11-06-08 11:41 PM

Herb, several points about the windshield. First, you can buy it from the manufacturer, LP Aero (find the P/N for your Skymaster at ). Second, do a Search and you'll find several lengthy messages with important tips. Finally, it is indeed a 12 hr job, but it's really a 6-hour, 2-person job, and you could be the 2nd person. What I mean is that one person mostly holds one end of the windshield as the installer maneuvers it around. My mechanic and I did it together, and he had never done it before. We followed the instructions carefully and, as suggested in those instructions, called LP Aero several times when we had trouble; they were incredibly helpful.


rhurt 11-07-08 11:30 PM

The windshield center post is removed from my '66. Taking it out may save some time in the install.

We put a JPI 450 in for $1,300 and it talks to the 530 perfectly. The Aspen will not drive the Navomatic 400 though. We're going to try upgrading it to a 400A (about $1,000).

Ernie Martin 11-08-08 12:54 AM

Do not take out the center post without the structural-strengthening STC from RT Aerospace ( ). Aside from being illegal, my recollection is that removal of the center post can result in structural failure, loss of the windshield and an increase in drag of such magnitude that the aircraft cannot maintain altitude.


gkey 11-10-08 07:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is a picture of the panel structure. Most of the braces and brackets are either corroded or broken. Also, the previous install did not go too well, and they had to cut away some of the supporting structure to make the centre stack fit (a big no-no!).

My mechanic did not want to remove and rebuild the panel structure, as this would imply tampering with the airframe structure. Instead, he found a "radio rack" with a STC specifically for Skymasters that can be installed without tampering with the existing structure. The beauty is that it will not only correct things, but also make the panel sturdier than ever before.

gkey 11-10-08 07:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
During the "clean-up" phase, they removed just over 27 lbs of wire that was just left behind with the previous avionics install. I flew around with 27 lbs of dead weight!!
This picture shows the heap of wire that was left over AFTER they already filled an apple box with wires, connectors etc.

gkey 11-10-08 08:02 PM

Just got word back on my S-Tec 55. The good news is that I do not need to buy a new A/P; they could fix mine. (Yahoo!!).

But they did find about half a dozen problems. I still have to find out what these problems were exactly, but one was that I fried the resistors on the ALT and pitch during a very turbulent flight (will NEVER do that again!). I understand they loaded it with a newer version software as well. Oh, and they cleaned up the LCD display.

Cost? $600. What a relief...

rmorris 11-12-08 01:08 PM

Navomatic & windshield post

Originally Posted by rhurt (Post 13047)
The windshield center post is removed from my '66. Taking it out may save some time in the install.

We put a JPI 450 in for $1,300 and it talks to the 530 perfectly. The Aspen will not drive the Navomatic 400 though. We're going to try upgrading it to a 400A (about $1,000).

In my T337C, I am also interested in upgrading from a Navomatic 400 to a 400A (or B), but haven't had any luck finding info on it (cost or process)....where did you find out it's a $1K and how do you do it?

On the windshield post being removed...what STC did you use. I want to replace my windshield soon, and would love to remove the post (legally and safely of course).

Penny Stocks To Watch

rhurt 11-13-08 08:52 PM

The autopilot is not changed out yet, but is scheduled for next week. Supposedly the head and computer can be changed and maybe an electric trim added to complete the install. The electric trim will be the problem.

Chad at Cumberland Avionics in Nashville is doing the install. I believe he got technical help from Autopilots Central. He had some old 400A parts hanging around and sent them to A. C. for inspection and tagging.

I'm planning to take it to Naples, FL at the end of next week, and I'm hoping the thing will shoot hands off approaches with the 530w, Aspen GPSS and 400A, just like my dad's plane does with the s-tec. I'm not holding my breath, but I think the thing can be sorted out eventually. We'll see.

The windshield was done before I bought into the plane, so I'll have to check the STC, but it was probably RT aerospace.

gkey 11-15-08 03:47 AM

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I got some pics today from the shop, as they started with the dry fitting of avionics and instruments. The CAD program was a little optimistic with real estate on the panel, so they cut a plywood panel and did it the old way.

In this picture the ADF and attitude gyro were in the wrong positions - they should be positioned vice versa. Left of the Aspen comes the ASI, and to the right of the Aspen comes the ALT. They will be removed as soon as the Aspen MFD's become available, which will then be installed in their places.

For back-up instruments we will place 2" miniature ALT and ASI in the far left corner, one above the other. The big attitude indicator will remain. The syncophaser needle will be placed in its usual spot, in the left upper corner of the panel.

gkey 11-15-08 03:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is what the panel is going to look like so far. Again, the ADF and attitude instruments should be reversed.

WebMaster 11-15-08 09:52 AM

I know that the Aspen is the latest, coolest thing out there, but in your considerations, did you consider the Bendix King PFD??

I like that it is larger, and very cool looking

gkey 11-15-08 10:55 AM

Very valid question. Short answer: no. I did not even occur to me. I guess this one went past me because I do not regard myself as a B/K fan.

But at quick glance the B/K MFD looks very cool, I agree. I'll have to read up about it first though. For starters, if I have to give advice so far to others planning a similar venture with their panel, I would caution on available estate on the panel. These panels are a lot smaller than we think. The B/K is 8.5" wide x 7" tall. It actually works out better (read:smaller) than the 3-piece Aspen glass, which is (per unit) 3.5" wide x 7" tall. Something to consider indeed. With my setup I do not have enough panel space to install all three 2" mini instrumetns in a cluster together, hence the mini-ASI and mini ALT on the left side and the normal attitude indicator on the right side (it would just look funny if it was a mini too).

Another winning ingredient is the cheaper price for the B/K vs. the full set of 3 Aspens.
OTOH, the Aspen can direct the MFD to take over PFD duties in case of failure, which the B/K can't do. It is very unlikely that all three or even two Aspen screens will die simultaneously.

Make no mistake, I am still very smitten with the Aspen setup. But I do know of at least 2 problems it has (defaulting to HDG mode during landing and attitude problems in certain conditions), but Aspen is working on a software solution to be released (hopefully) soon. I would like to study the B/K unit as well and see if it has similar quirks.

gkey 11-25-08 12:26 AM

Update - The shop dry-fitted everything (left panel and centre stack) over the last few days. They completed the harnesses and connected everything, and then bench-checked the system. The Aspen, 530W, S-Tec 55 and SL-30 work seemlessly together with no glitches. Everyone is happy. Over the next day or two they will cut the new aluminum panels and dry-fit them to the panel frame to check for accuracy. Then they will send them off to be powder coated.

There are four 2" holes in the panel that will be plugged for the time being. Mid-Continent takes about 120 days to deliver the 2" ASI and Altimeter, and the other two 2" holes are for the cooling fans of the soon-to-be installed Aspens 1000 EFD and 500 EFD.

GJ Humphrey 11-29-08 02:17 PM

Placement of Aspen on panel
Hi All,

Had the Aspen Pro istalled about two months ago. Fabulous piece of equipment. Everything worked as advertised right from the first flight. Best aviation invention since the wing!

I made one error. Notice in the mock-up panel in the photo submitted by Jakes Dekkers, that the Aspen is offset about 1.5" to the left of the control wheel shaft. This is because the Aspen fits into the hole left by removal of the attitude indicator, and on my ship and, apparently, Mr. Dekkers', the AI is not centered. over the shaft. Once the Aspen is installed, it's such a Christmas tree, with all the glowing colors and wealth of information beautifully and compactly displayed, the off-center position of the unit seems really assymetrical and weird.

I had an aluminum panel overlay made up and could have changed the layout slightly to achieve symmetry, had I noticed the problem beforehand. If you're going to spend the money, you want a nice-appearing panel, not one that's lop-sided. I plan to have mine redone at some point in the future.

Got rid of the super-junky, brittle and cracked plastic Cessna overlay in the process.

Next dream project: getting rid of the rectangular 1948 Studebaker engine instrument and fuel gauge cluster. Worst thing in the airplane in appearance and function.

GJ Humphrey
Concord, NH
N3CU, 1973 T337G, SN P3370063

hharney 12-01-08 08:00 PM

How about a photo. I am curious about the placement and the view.

gkey 12-01-08 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by GJ Humphrey (Post 13132)
Notice in the mock-up panel in the photo submitted by Jakes Dekker, that the Aspen is offset about 1.5" to the left of the control wheel shaft. This is because the Aspen fits into the hole left by removal of the attitude indicator, and on my ship and, apparently, Dr. Dekkers', the AI is not centered over the shaft. Once the Aspen is installed, it's such a Christmas tree, with all the glowing colors and wealth of information beautifully and compactly displayed, the off-center position of the unit seems really assymetrical and weird.

It is a very valid point. Actually, we were paying a lot of attention to that. We were torn over the two choices we had: (a) centre the PFD over the steering column, or (b) centre it over the amber warning light directly beneath it. Option (b) made more sense for 2 reasons: (i) the basic structure of the panel support allowed for it very easily, and (ii) visually it looked better when centred over the yellow warning light. We also pasted real-life size pictures of the MFD's either side of the PFD, and when the area covered by Aspens is bigger, the little offset is almost not noticeble.

It's weird, but in the "old" steam gauge configuration everything was also 1,5" off to the left - I did not even notice it then.

gkey 12-28-08 12:01 AM

Time sure goes by verrryyyy slooooowwww when your plane is in the shop. I do get pictures from the shop on a semi-regular basis, showing the progress that's been made. The aluminum left panel has been cut and the new radio rack has been installed. Now the panel has to go to the shop that will be powder coating it (grey). In the meanwhile a new breaker panel was also cut to house the new avionics breakers, and this panel will go to a shop in the States that makes electroluminescent panels, so one can actually read the different breakers' assignments.

Tic toc tic toc...

gkey 01-24-09 10:14 PM

And in case anyone is wondering, I'm still waiting for GKEY to be finished. Good thing the winter up here in Cold Lake (no pun intended) is so bitterly cold (- 31 C) that nothing can survive outside, so no flying would have been possible anyways.

The avionics shop is waiting for the powder coated instrument panel to return, and then the assembly of the panel can begin. The harnasses are all in, new radio racks fitted and the new windscreen is ready for installation. They did find one last problem though (that once known about, if left un-corrected would have invalidated the airworthiness): a previous person working on the plane had disconnected the wires to the windscreen defrost unit the way Cessna intended it to work, and hardwired it directly to the battery and the switch. This is dangerous, since the defroster can work while the plane is not moving, and has no airflow over the windscreen, thereby damaging or even cracking or melting the windscreen. The factory-fitted way dictates that the defroster cannot work when (a) the wheels are down, and (b) the front engine is not running (aka my shop). So they changed the wiring back to the way it was supposed to be. Airwothyness saved.

gkey 03-03-09 01:58 AM

Need a hotplate!!
The (expensive) upgrade is almost done, and yet the Gremlins keep coming out from somewhere...

Newest Gremlin: My windscreen hotplate has decided to finally part with this world. It has been fixed twice before, but this time it could not be revived. Where I fly a hotplate is needed about 6 months of the year.

Anybody wants to sell a hotplate?

gkey 03-12-09 03:41 PM

Almost done!
OK, we're almost done now. GKEY is still enjoying her stay "at the spa", but things are coming to a close for this phase of the upgrades.

Besides the 2" ASI and ALT intruments that are still coming, the rest is in the panel and ready to play. They did a power up test again, this time with everything installed (previous time was on the bench).
I got some pics, and boy! Wow. I'm in awe.

From the pics I can see that the Garmin 530W and Aspen Pro and all the other fancy stuff are communicating with each other just fine. This morning they have completed configuration of the Garmin 530W, the GTX 330 and Aspen's colorbands on the ASI. Due to a newly known glitch on the software ver.3.2 on the 530W, I have opted to stay with the previous software version until Garmin issues a fix for their new problem.

This week they are taking her out of the hangar to do the compass swing with the wet compass and the Aspen. Then they will put back the cosmetic trimmings, and voila!

I asked for a physical weight assessment since so many things have changed, and that will be done when they do the new W&B.

Tony 09-06-09 03:52 PM

Did you ever post picture of the completed project. I am very interested in seeing how it turned out. How does the Xerion AuRACLE 2120 work?

gkey 09-07-09 08:56 PM

No, I have not done the right panel yet. The centre stack turned out extremely well, and the left panel looks beautiful. Unfortunately, I had a few problems with it (i) The Aspen could not keep it's heading straight or accurate. My shop talked to Aspen, and they replaced the RSM with a new one that will work better in the high lattitudes. Now the Aspen gives heading within 1 degree of the wet compass and the 530W. (ii) The new panel kept heating up terribly. It would become so hot, that the S-Tec 55 would disconnect during flight. After about an hour's flight, one could not touch the adjustment knob of the altimeter without feeling the burn. I swear, you could bake an egg on that thing, if it wasn't vertical. That got fixed too, and the problem was the heating duct. When they installed all these things for me, somehow the cable to the heating duct got loose, and it wouldn't close properly. (iii) I very recently found out why Auracle has not been answering my emails for the last 6 months - they were selling out to someone else! I am going to get into contact with the new company, and ask them if they would honor my order and also my deposit I paid...

Tony 09-08-09 10:47 AM

Glad to hear you got all the bugs worked out. To bad about the Auracle. Hopefully they come through for you. I have been trying to get info on it and can't find anything on pricing. I guess that's why.

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