Wiley Post Airport, Oklahoma City
Contributed by Don Nieser
Skymaster/O-2 Meeting/Fly-in Scheduled
for April 22 - 24, 2004 in Oklahoma City
The dates, place and time have been decided. The next meeting will
be on April 22nd through the 24th, 2004 (arrivals on April 21st)
near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at Wiley Post airport (PWA). The meeting
is being presented by the new Skymaster Owners And Pilots Association
(SOAPA). For more information about the event or about SOAPA, contact:
Jerry DeSantis by email
or at 269-209-0809
Don Nieser by email
or at 405-503-4686
Larry Bowdish by email
or at 269-330-8308
All of our thanks are due the following folks for helping to organize
this meeting so far:
Larry Bowdish
Jerry DeSantis
Keven Kenison
Mary Lightfine
Peyton McCool
Paul Rooy
Brian Von Herzen
And most of all, our thanks to Don Nieser and Commodore Aerospace
for hosting the event!
The Wednesday night reception dinner will be held at the Olive
Restaurant located next door to the Courtesy Inn.
The class room sessions as well as the Friday night BBQ dinner
which is sponsored by Don Nieser, owner of Commodore Aerospace,
will be held at the Clarence E. Page
building at Wiley Post airport.
Owen Bell will be offering demonstration rides in an aircraft equipped
with his STOL modifications (winglets) and his air conditioning
When you fly into Wiley Post, after you land, tell ground control
that you want to park at SERVICE CENTER NORTH. Because the Service
Center has two locations on the airport, make sure you go to the
NORTH location. Informal transportation to the hotel will be provided
by Commodore Aerospace for those not
renting a car. For those wanting to rent a car, see Car Rental information
4/21 |
18:30 - ???? |
Arrive at Oklahoma City (PWA).
A reception dinner will be held at the Olive Garden restaurant
located next door to the Courtesy Inn.
4/22 |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Registration |
9:00 - 9:15 |
Welcome |
Jerry De Santis |
9:15 - 9:30 |
Welcome, and 337Skymaster.com web site discussion
and feedback session |
Kevin Mackenzie |
9:30 - 10:15 |
Installation and Results of Skymaster Vortex Generator
Project |
Peyton McCool |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Break |
10:30 - 12:00 |
My Adventure Crossing the Atlantic in a Skymaster |
Brian Von Herzen |
12:00 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 - 14:15 |
Keeping Your Medical Certificate |
David Hale |
14:15 - 15:00 |
Aircraft Parts Buying |
Ernie Martin |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Break |
15:15 - 16:15 |
Autopilot Presentation |
Bob Ferguson
Autopilots Central |
16:15 - 17:30 |
FAA Presentation |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Presentation on Deice Boots from Boots Edge Repair
Corp. This company does patchless deicer repair, sales, and
installations. Boots Edge is located at the PWA airport.
Doc Keller |
Evening |
Dinner and evening activities as you please. |
4/23 |
The FAA has offered us altitude chamber training. If you
would like to attend, please contact Don Nieser at 405-722-4079
or 405-503-4686 immediately. The schedule for the training
is as follows:
7:00 - 7:30 Travel to FAA facility in south OKC.
7:30 - 10:30 Classroom training and chamber ride
10:30 - 11:00 Travel time to return to PWA.
So, if you elect to do this training, you will miss the morning
presentations and possibly The Prop Shop tour.
8:30 - 9:30 |
Skymaster AD's |
Jim Stack |
9:30 - 10:30 |
Available Skymaster Mods |
Owen Bell |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Break and travel to The Prop Shop |
11:00 - 12:00 |
Tour of "The Prop Shop" |
12:00 - 13:30 |
Lunch, sponsored by The Prop Shop |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Flying Mexico and Central America |
Paul Rooy and Mary Lightfine |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Legal Comments |
Keven Kenison |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Break |
15:15 - 16:30 |
Aircraft Restoration and Maintenance |
Don Nieser |
16:30 - 17:15 |
Tour of Commodore Aerospace |
Don Nieser |
18:30 - ???? |
BBQ Dinner, sponsored by Commodore Aerospace.
Representatives from the FAA will be joining us for an informal
question and answer session. |
Don Nieser |
Depart at 8:30, seminar 10:00 to 12:00 |
Thanks to Paul Rooy's efforts, today's program is a fly-out
to Ada, OK, approx. 78 nm from PWA to attend a GAMI Engine
Management Seminar at their production facility classroom.
This is a condensed version of the $995 GAMI/John Deakin
2-day Engine Management Seminar written up in the January
2004 AOPA Pilot Magazine. Observe actual engine operations
on GAMI's state of the art engine test cell.
The flight should be a blast with multiple Skymasters in
the air at the same time. Plan to depart PWA at 08:30. The
hop should be short and sweet.
As an added incentive to attend, GAMI will extend their Sun
n' Fun show prices for GAMI products on an exclusive basis
to attendees on Saturday 4/24/04 only - Thanks GAMI!
12:00 - ???? |
Lunch on a "pass the hat" basis |
How to Register
Registration is $50 per person attending the event if payment is
received on or before April 2nd, 2004, and $75 per person for registrations
received after that. According to Jerry De Santis, the fee will
be used to cover meeting room rental and cleanup, presentation equipment
rental, a buffet style reception/get together, and meeting room
coffee and tea.
Registration is 100% refundable if notification is given to Jerry
De Santis or Larry Bowdish by email or telephone by Tuesday, April
13th, 2004. After that, refunds cannot be provided.
Checks for registration, made payable to SOAPA, should be sent
Jetech, Inc.
P.O. Box 86
Bedford, MI 49020
Once your registration is received, your name will be added to
the attendee list at the bottom of this page.
Meeting Place:
Clarence E. Page building at Wiley Post Airport (PWA).

Courtesy Inn (pictured), 405-722-8694, 100 rooms, $37.99+tax for
single, $41.99+tax for double.
Executive Inn, 405-728-9913, 40 rooms, $44+tax for single, $48+tax
for double.
Car Rental and Transportation
Commodore Aerospace will be providing free transportation between
the hotels and the airport.
You can reserve and Enterprise rental car through the Service Center
by calling them at 405-789-5000. We suggest you rent your car through
Enterprise at Service Center rather than from Millionaire.
FBO Information
Service Center NORTH (there are two, make sure you request NORTH).(at
PWA Wiley Post Airport)
The Service Center phone number is 800-299-8546 or 405-709-1550.
They can be contacted by radio on 129.17.
Manager: Shawn Parker, 405-227-7523.
Customer Service: Denise Cotton
Fuel will be $2.60 per gallon. Please do not go to Millionaire
as previously planned. There was some sort of insurance issue with
them that has been solved by going to the other FBO. Fuel cheaper
at Service Center North anyway. No ramp fees. Tiedown will be $8
for the entire stay.
Attendee List
Please email Jerry if
you have mailed your registration and your name is not on the list
Attendee List, Oklahoma City 2004
Name |
From |
Aircraft |
Notes |
Owen Bell |
Tennessee |
Larry Bowdish |
Michigan |
'69 337D |
C. Fred Emde |
Oklahoma |
'67 337B |
Rick and Joan Galvin |
Maryland |
Steven and Sandi Gustafson |
New York |
'66 337A |
David Hatfield |
Minnesota |
'73 P337G |
James Henderson |
Texas |
'73 P337 |
Ken and Dee Ann Hollrah |
Oklahoma |
'75 P337G |
Gordon Humphrey |
New Hampshire |
'73 P337G |
David C. Jarrett |
Montana |
Keven Kenison |
South Carolina |
Robert K. Kessel |
California |
David Littlefield |
Minnesota |
'75 337G |
Kevin Mackenzie |
Oregon |
757 |
Ernie Martin |
Florida |
Peyton McCool |
South Carolina |
Nick Nicholson |
California |
Don Nieser |
Oklahoma |
J. C. Rainer III |
Tennessee |
Paul Rooy |
Florida |
Jerry De Santis |
Michigan |
'75 P337G |
Jean and Walter Simendinger |
New York |
'64 336 |
Charlie Simms |
Maryland |
Jim Simms |
Maryland |
Jenny Stack |
Virginia |
Jim Stack |
Virginia |
A. W. Steed |
Georgia |
Tom Sullivan |
Georgia |
Berrien Sutton |
Georgia |
'66 337A |
Lisa Sutton |
Georgia |
Brian Von Herzen |
Nevada |
Riley P337 |
Hugh Wilson |
California |
Please email corrections or additions to any content on this web
page, to kevin@337skymaster.com.
Information on this page provided by the Skymaster Owners And Pilots
Association. This web site is not operated by or affiliated with
the Skymaster Owners And Pilots Association. The 2004 meeting described
on this page is presented by the Skymaster Owners and Pilots Association.