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Jhogan0101 04-18-23 06:18 PM

Recommendation for prop shop reseal threaded prop
Anyone know a shop that will reseal these?

GAdams 04-18-23 07:37 PM

Sensenich Propeller. Right in your back yard. Resealed mine and a good job too.

TomM 04-19-23 11:01 AM

H and S out of Michigan did mine and if parts are needed they seem to be able to find them. Some shops will only do overhauls, so make sure you contact them and find out if they will do reseals. The older propellers have a hard time being overhauled.

edasmus 04-19-23 01:52 PM

I second the recommend on H&S out of Michigan (White Lake is the town I believe) not far from the KPTK Pontiac Airport north of Detroit. Excellent experience with them in the spring of 2021. I'd check em out. They do not mind the old stuff. They seem like true GA enthusiasts.

rmorris 04-21-23 07:29 AM

Speak with Yo at H&H prop in Burlington, NC. Great shop, used by folks worldwide for threaded props. Tell him a fellow Skymaster owner, Robert , sent you his way :)

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