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Unread 01-26-25, 09:59 AM
n86121's Avatar
n86121 n86121 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Potomac Airfield~!
Posts: 343
n86121 is on a distinguished road
is A 337 male or female?

For the French, known for love, sex and food, ... and coffee and croissants,
"J'aime ma voiture" affirms cars as feminine.
However, in 'j'a'dore mon avion,' "I love my airplane," an airplane is masculine.

For years, Ferrari and Porsche car ads drew visual parallels to the female form.
So we know where the Italians and German's are at on this:
The Italians the lovers, the Germans wishing they were.

So what is a cessna 337, by nature and form? ...masculine, or feminine?
Or, "...neuter?"
Somehow that seems insulting.

Depending on the viewing angle, 337s can be gracefully feminine,
or, from another, a robust military airframe, for example, when unpainted.

At one point I thought I'd name my 337 'Toes?'
Perhaps the historical reference doesn't jump out at you???
Ceasar's war horse had odd hooves and was nicknamed "Toes"
So "Toes" leaped out at me as the obvious name for my 337.

But apparently not obvious to everyone....?

My wife named our Alfa Spider "Isabella" after Isabella Rossolini,
Her pistol is 'Wilma,' a Walther (and she also likes the 2nd reference to the Flinstones).
Her shotgun is "Nellie," reference my wife being from Oregon and the old west.

I named our volvo C70 "Ingrid,' for Swedish heritage and after Ingrid Bergman.
I have not yet figured out how to visualize a convertible car "peeling me a grape."

I named our boat 'Ninotchka,' (a great movie BTW),
because my wife is a doppelganger for Greta Garbo.
In the movie, Garbo arrives to NYC as a soviet commissar to impose order,
but instead falls in love with an Italian.

So, what is YOUR 337, male or female, and does it have a name?
David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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