Hi All,
Sandi & I are planning to attend Sn'F again this year although it's always subject to the uncertainty of work, weather, etc. We usually come in the day before the show starts, sometimes two, which in this case would be Monday or possibly Sunday. In previous years we have always camped in GAC. Its proximity to the runway provides a good view of arriving/departing aircraft and the afternoon airshow from the comfort of your campsite along with reasonable access to showers, ice, potable water, etc. The drawback is that in years when a military demonstration team is in the show the campsite lies within the show box and the FAA insists that it be evacuated during their performance. For that reason, and to be closer to any SOAPA aircraft staying in ONC, I am considering moving to VAC this year. The problem with ONC is that it is much further from show central and from camping amenities. Additionally, it is unclear to me if the weeklong camping & admission package price applies to ONC or if the $25/night + admission is the only available ticket. If the latter, this would increase costs by another $100 or so. Getting together in Daytona sounds like fun but my present thinking is to decline the invitation in favor of arriving earlier in the week. Good luck with a group arrival on Tuesday. My bet is that it cannot be safely accomplished. Invariably someone will cut you off in the arrival sequence and disrupt your best laid plans. Well, that's my story for now but subject to revisions as they may become necessary or expedient. Hope to see y'all in a few weeks. |