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Unread 08-08-11, 02:19 PM
rmorris rmorris is offline
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bulk purchasing power

I am looking at getting the following things done in the near future to my T337C. I thought I would post here (and other spots) to find others interested in doing one or more items from the list as well, then maybe we would have a little more purchasing power as a group, than as individual owners.
- paint job
- add cargo pod (new or used), prior to paint job
- add O-2 door, prior to paint job
- add LP Aero windows to the O-2 door, prior to the paint job
- replacement carpet
- replacement seat covers and cushioning
- replacement sidewall covering
- Aspen PFD

Contact me directly if interested in discussing. There is no committment just to talk through the idea. Let me know.

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Unread 08-08-11, 09:59 PM
mhudsonbsme mhudsonbsme is offline
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02 Door

Hi Robert,

I know that you are looking for an 02A door. If you search on ebay under aircraft for sale, you will find a guy selling two project 02As, one to make flyable and one for parts. Maybe you can offer him some money for the door off of the parts plane?


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Unread 08-08-11, 10:06 PM
mhudsonbsme mhudsonbsme is offline
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Hi Robert,

I am game for carpet and interior panels - Would like dark gray/black carpet and cessna gray interior panels.

Let me know what you find out.


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Unread 08-09-11, 11:54 AM
rmorris rmorris is offline
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O2 parts

Originally Posted by mhudsonbsme View Post
Hi Robert,

I know that you are looking for an 02A door. If you search on ebay under aircraft for sale, you will find a guy selling two project 02As, one to make flyable and one for parts. Maybe you can offer him some money for the door off of the parts plane?


Mike - searched ebay generally, and then ebay motors....did not see either listing (project or regular) for the O2. Did you happen to notice an itme# I might use to search on ?
PS. You can reply diretcly via email if that helps:
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Unread 08-13-11, 06:05 PM
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Talking Skymaster redo bits and pieces

Over the years here's what I've done to mine:

Interior plastic:
Planeplastics - I replaced all the interior sisde window etc plastic. The new stuff is about twice the weight of the original flimsy stuff and easy to paint/finish. I also had leather over all windowframe plastic, etc. Quite posh.

Sun Visors:
Planeplastics also have ARFC sun visors which simply go into the existing brackets for $190. I wasn't psychologically prepared to spend $600 on rosens for sunvisors. I put heatshrink tubing around the metal support rods to give plenty of friction.

Sound Proofing:
When the interior was being redone I replaced all the useless stuff Cessna had in there, and put in the thickest sound-proofing material I could find. It dropped the ambinet noise so much that afterwards I started actually hearing updraft winds with my bose. Cover every inch you can find.

Seat Covers:
Years ago I bought Rmsheepskin seat covers. Good ones out front for my wife and I, thinner ones in the back for the kids to spill on. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Add about 1" of cushion. Very comfortable. Protect or ignore whatever seat condition lies beneath!

Headliners / Side Panels / Carpets
Airtex interiors has all of these for 337s. (As Potomac Airfield is over the hill from Andrews AFB, and I know a few people, I had the guy that did USAF 1 do mine custom, and quie inexpensively, but went with airtex headliner for all the weird fittings).

Back in 1989 my 'thrasher had original thin foggy window. Can't remember who I bought it from, but went with modern and thicker windshield. Years ago Cessna told me windshield has huge impact on noise level too.

I have had it tied down outside Washington DC (at least facing north) without cover for 20 years and the plastic is still clear. I use 'mirror glaze' on it occasionally, but not often. Autobody shops have told me that covers can grind whatever gets under them.

And yes folks, I'm getting my 337 fixed!
Fresh paint as well as some avionics upgrades.
Had the insurance company total it out, and send me the cash and I kept the airplane.
Will send photos before and after.

David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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Unread 08-17-11, 03:06 PM
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For windows and windscreen look at Great Lakes Aero Products. Really good to work with and very good prices for quality products. They supply several of the manufacturers, Cirrus, Mooney and others. I installed the grey tint with UV protection on all the exposed locations.
Herb R Harney
1968 337C

Flying the same Skymaster for 47 years
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