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Unread 11-04-04, 11:24 PM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Pacific NW - USA
Posts: 413
SkyKing is on a distinguished road

A 1.5 hour flight isn't even long enough to warm-up the plane! Since this is a special occasion, and the weather window is in your favor the next few days, why don't you point that thing to KBFI in Seattle and take the wifee to the Seattle Space Needle for dinner!

Just checked parameters, fron KPTK to KBFI with initial cruise @ 16,000' and with 2450/31" (about 70% Power), your total flight time for the 1654.6 NM trip is 8:52 and a total fuel burn of 1299.5 pounds, assuming zero wind... of course you'll probably have some! But going back home might be a whole nother story.

You could make a fuel stop and have lunch, say half way, like in Dickinson, North Dakota (KDIK), top off and in another 4.5 be in Seattle, or stay the night and take the second half the next day.

I picked Dickinson as it was on the flight planning module, but you could drop down into the Black Hills of South Dakota and spend a day looking at the sites, like Crazy Horse.

Probably is a little farther than you were thinking, but with the WX window, it might be a fun trip, and would give you some long-haul time in the bird.... after-all it was made for 'traveling'.

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