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Unread 12-03-17, 09:29 PM
JAG JAG is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Texas
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JAG is on a distinguished road

Hi Tom,

I am not an expert on the Skymaster, but an AME/A&P for quite a few years, so I will offer a couple other spots to look at that are even cheaper than a CB.

If the gear pops its CB, it means that it is drawing a higher current as it works against electrical resistance, and will not be dependant on any other system. Things that can cause it to work harder to heat up and pop the CB:
- corrosion on connector (or bad connection)
- corrosion in a crimp of a connecter
- bad or loose ground (I always check grounds first - it is the simplest and most often the offending party).

Check the wires on the motor and at the CB. It may take a bit of work, but is cheaper than replacing any parts.

I think you already filled the system too - so that would eliminate any pump cavitation issues (I am really stabbing in the dark here, as I am not well studies on the power pack).

Anyway, hopefully some of this may help.
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