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Unread 10-26-03, 05:24 PM
Posts: n/a


Brilliant thought, or so I would like to think since I had it also. I was hoping that the existing fund of money would increase this Board's membership's desire to keep the fund alive, grow it, and do something with it to perpetuate the annual meetings, help with this site, etc. If not, I'll resort to contacting each donor to see what they want done with the $50.00.

I was hoping this board would eliminate that for me. But hey, if I don't start to hear from the other 13 of you on this Board, I'll be in touch via email so you can keep your preferences private. Or . . . feel free to email me at with your preference.

501(c)(3)s are a hassle as I and others have mentioned. I currently represent one such entity and have for a few years now, and it's not quite as onerous as you would think, but it is still a hassle and you need an accountant. I am still willing to do it, but with the response so far, I dare say it's worth the time and energy to do it.

I also agree with Ernie that it is time to start planning for the annual meeting. I don't know if this idea was kicked around or not, but what about 2 annual meetings, one out west and one out east, so that we don't have the same problems of location selection every year? If it's east, I'll be more than happy to take the lead, or help. Jerry, truly did a bang up job last year; especially for not having any funds to work with. And if we do send out mailers, we may easily have enough people for 2 separate meetings, one east and one west.


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Last edited by Keven : 04-23-11 at 05:04 PM.
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