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Unread 10-26-03, 11:49 AM
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Ernie Martin Ernie Martin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Miami, Florida
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I didn't go to the Nashville meeting, nor did I contribute any of the money, so, like Don Hickman, it is with some trepidation that I stick my nose where it probably doesn't belong.

I never thought I would share the same ideas as SkyKing (please, SkyKing, don't take offense, it's just that many of your prior non-Skymaster postings run counter to my views), but I think he's right on the mark here. The amount of money is so small, its future use so benign and this discussion so open that there's no chance it will draw IRS interest. Oh, and I forgot to add "and the listing/reporting requirements so burdensome...".

There are some coffee clubs with more money than this. I vote for Keven to cash the checks and hold the money in one of his accounts, this on-going discussion to decide what to do, and for Keven to disburse the funds accordingly.

BTW, I'm posting a message immediately after this one supporting the idea to start organizing the next Skymaster meeting. I figure Kevin may separate it from this thread so we can have a separate forum on that subject.

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