Thread: Turbo grief!
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Unread 04-07-04, 01:52 PM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Pacific NW - USA
Posts: 413
SkyKing is on a distinguished road
Angry Hired hands...

It seems real difficult to hire a good hand these days and it's gotten to the point that if you don't do the job yourself, it never does get done right. Everybody seems to be cutting corners... and quality of workmanship doesn't happen when it's a hurry-up and get-it-out-the-door thing. And some shops, with inexperienced people working on rather complex systems like the turbocharger set-up who don't understand have been known to misdiagnose a problem and repeatedly send a perfectly good part, like a controller, out to a distant repair/overhaul facility, costing the owner big time... when the problem all along was a small carbon particle blocking the inlet orifice to the wastegate. But do you think the shop would rectify the 'problem' they created? NOPE! It's part of their 'troubleshooting.' And that's why it's best to have a retired IA work with you on your plane where YOU take responsibility for getting the job done. Yah, their are exceptions like having to send out a turbocharger or whathaveyou, but the majority of things can be accomplished with a little common sense. That too seems totally lacking in most shops.

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