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Unread 07-09-02, 05:23 AM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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SkyKing is on a distinguished road
Argus 5000 CE

Kevin, et al...

For 'further-down-the-road', wonder if you've considered the color version of either the 5000 or 7000 Argus moving map displays? You could then couple to your M1 Loran and also double-time with ADF display if you wanted and with the 295 you'd be pretty well set. I also understand the Argus has Stormscope overlay capability and RMI.

We have the Apollo 618TCA Loran with V-Nav and it has been a very reliable piece of gear, but have been thinking about swapping out for a KLN-88 and then piggyback it with a KLN90B, switchable to the Argus color display. (Best of both worlds? -- Loran and GPS!) Only thing is the KLN-88 seems to need lots of cooling air... wonder if it's the same with the KLN90B?

Has anyone installed the newer Argus color units, either the 5000 or 7000 CE? Without redoing the entire panel and keeping our existing equipment (KNS80, KY196A, KX155), the Argus seems a viable economic option with the addition of the KLN88 and KLN90B. The GPS antenna is already mounted and wired up top side, and we've already got the KLN88 with rack, so all we need to find now is a KLN90B and a surplus Argus.

Like Bob says, GPS mapping is in its infancy and as more and more people covert to the newer glass, there'll be all sorts of great deals for those of us on the 'Champaigne of Beer' budgets!

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