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Unread 07-24-03, 12:16 AM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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Location: Pacific NW - USA
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SkyKing is on a distinguished road
Angry Something Smells ROTTEN...

OK GANG, it's time to THINK, THINK, THINK! Personally, I think we ALL need to take our 'Rose Colored Glasses' OFF our face and take a REAL CLOSE look at this queer deal that Richard alleges, i.e., that some 'crooked' FBO put autogas mixed with AvGas into his Skymaster. Now, do you all really buy into that? I DON'T, and here's why: First of all, the FBO is insured to the SKY(smith) and must meet all sorts of Federal and State permitting ---just to HAVE an AvGas facility. You mean to tell me, Richard, that your little old FBO just decided they needed to 'make more money', so they started pouring autogas into their B-I-G tank, mixing it in with their supply of BRANDED AvGas, obviously supplied by one of the Big Three, Chervon, AirBP, or AvFuel ? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, MY FRIENDS! Someone is smoking us BIG TIME. What FBO can YOU personally think of that would CHANCE putting autogas in their aviation storage tanks and take the EXPOSURE of going directly to jail for a wrongful death suit, huh? The FAA gets really pissie about people playing games with fuel... so Richard, I think it's time you come out of the closet and come clean... tell us the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help you God!

LISTEN UP! I think what really happened here is that ol' Richard put the autogas in his Skymaster ALL BY HIMSELF, and now he's crying 'FIRE'. Hey, it ain't gonna happen. Can you imagine the LIABILITY of the AvGas supplier and the fricking lawsuits that would emerge if, in fact, we were to 'buy-in' to Richard's ALLEGED 'storyline'? Time for a reality check folks... this ain't no time to be joking around with fairytales.

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