I had a belly leak that was dripping from seam in belly skin. Similarly left a hydraulic stain about size dinner plate after a week. Floorboards up and hydraulic fluid all over from front to back by mains actuator.
After clean up and quite a bit of time (hard because the fluid weeps everywhere) finally found I had a drip from the emergency hand pump. At first didn’t suspect it because your brain goes to the worst case scenario, kept examining the main’s actuator.
I finally found via a good clean up and using a flexible scope (like from harbor freight, very affordable). I would see wetness in the well around the shaft. Suck it out with corner of paper towel. Wait a while, scope it and start seeing the fluid build up in the shaft well. The scope magnifies things making the tiny leak findable.
The pump was an easy rebuild. Just some o rings.
Last edited by wslade2 : 09-02-23 at 07:31 PM.