Thread: Avemco Quote
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Unread 09-16-21, 04:22 PM
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YankeeClipper YankeeClipper is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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Posts: 258
YankeeClipper is on a distinguished road
Thought I'd add an update to this saga, which perhaps should have been titled: GA Insurance: The Demise of Private Aircraft Ownership.

I have called numerous insurers and agents this year, and cannot get insurance for my '69D. Not at any price, not at any level. Since I don't have my multi rating yet, they won't insure me for anything in motion. They also won't insure me for non-motion. So I have a very expensive bullseye sitting on the tarmac waiting for the next hurricane to come along, and no recourse.

Incidentally, the northeast continues to have very limited hangar availability, and even then, hurricanes eat hangars too.

Over the past 3-4 years, I've watched my 20 year dream slowly fade into two conclusions:

1) insurers run this country (if not all of them). What other entity can discriminate so boldly and with impunity? Ask your neighborhood, 20-something male, who's looking to insure his first car what I mean...

2) I have entered a hobby far too late, and beyond it's prime. Twin engine Ownership is all but relegated to the truly wealthy, and those who got in a long time ago. Our family income has significantly outperformed our highest hopes, yet with only one child and no other hobbies, debts, drug habits, etc...we are clinging to this dream by few remaining hairs.
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