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Unread 05-03-20, 03:15 PM
edasmus edasmus is offline
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My recent experience with my front prop was not good. After a long search for a serviceable front prop for my 1973 C337G I simply gave up and purchased a brand new prop. Like Herb said, directing overhaul does tie the shop's hands but I have also found that asking for an IRAN (inspect and repair as necessary) and reseal is met with resistance also. My prop was sent to Aircraft Propeller in Fox Lake, IL and the service was absolutely horrible. I found that surprising as my past two experiences with that facility were positive.

It took them 70 days to tell me my front prop was junk due to corrosion. This after two reseals with them and them telling me then that the prop looked "great," "we can tell you fly it regularly and that it lives in a hangar." They kept telling me dates of completion that were never met and then would not return my emails or phone calls for updates. When I finally would get an update it was "maybe we'll get to it in January." After they red tagged it, they offered me a new prop at full list price with the added pressure of "you better buy it within two days or there will likely be price increase." My shop has stopped sending propellers to Aircraft Propeller now as several other customers were unhappy as well.

I had another shop in Tiffin, Ohio state their policy is "overhaul ONLY" on any propeller that has not been overhauled within the last 10 years. Inspect and reseal is not an option with Tiffin Aire. Their service however was outstanding on the overhaul of my prop governor.

Another vendor in KS (when I was searching for a serviceable prop) stated "you likely will not find one," and "you likely will run into shops unwilling to inspect and reseal only." In his opinion, the prop industry is extremely subjective and that companies have ZERO incentive to put their signatures on old propellers. They just say "corrosion" and now it is junk. That proved to be my experience.

When I do my rear engine next year I am trying to decide how to handle the prop differently. I do feel in my opinion my props should be opened up every 10 years to take a look but now I'm afraid. It cost me $500 to be told it was junk. My props have lived identical lives so I'm tempted to not even attempt to save my rear prop. I'm leaning towards simply saving that $500 on the rear and just buying another new prop back there.

If anyone has any suggestions and good experiences, I'd love to hear them.

Good luck in your search. Let us know how it turns out.


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