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Unread 11-02-02, 03:31 AM
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Jerry De Santis Jerry De Santis is offline
TAS (Thin Air Seeker)
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Battle Creek, Mi
Posts: 457
Jerry De Santis is on a distinguished road
Nashville Meeting

Bob, answers to your question:

1, I will moderate the meeting.

2, Since no one stepped up to the plate, I am doing the
planning and organizing. Would you like to help in that

3, Outline is being developed. Spoke with Riley Super-
Skyrocket people who is considering sending a person
re tech. participation. Plan to get someone from Cont.
engines as well.

4, Since we are all big boys and girls, I believe to be worth
while, the meeting should revolve around the tech aspects
of the Skymaster. Socialize in the evening one night and
the second night whatever each person whats to do they do.

I am checking out some good hotels for the meeting. Until I establish who will attend the meeting to assist on the tech. side of things, I will leave the agenda open for a few more weeks. I requested Gmas but I have received no response. I am also checking on other tech. people to go to the meeting.
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