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Unread 10-06-18, 02:21 PM
Skywalker Skywalker is offline
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pre buy inspection

Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Hose prices are a little high. Also, the way those snags are written up are appalling - it's as if the person writing them has English as a second language. They should be written as what is wrong, including any reference to the manual to support this. As a Canadian Licensed Maintenance Engineer and former Director of Maintenance, I would not have such a list as a pre-buy. You have to break down the airworthiness defects separate from the cosmetic and opinion defects. Just my opinion...
Hello Jeff
the aircraft which i bought was one of the highest asking price, so i wanted every inch to be checked ,minor or major and u can see from the list made, it was as some one using microscope to inspect the aircraft, Of course we then separated airworthiness items and minor items in seperate groups, seller reduced the price for the airworthiness items which needed to be fixed. but i decided to go and fix each and every thing now, as i think lot of minor items are waiting to become ;major; one day , any how its just my way of thinking, as i am big advocate of ;preventive maintenance ;-)))) about the language ,i think, its straight forward and we have another report which explains every item in details, purpose of posting ;this kind of pre buy check list ( shortest possible) was , the future buyers and current user to see ,what kind of things they should be looking at ,when buying,or using the their aircrafts, its kind of fast track checks
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