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Unread 04-09-18, 10:22 AM
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n86121 n86121 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Potomac Airfield~!
Posts: 326
n86121 is on a distinguished road
Cool We do have hangars come open ...with some slow regularity

Reason is, many of our pilots are in Washington assignments for limited years.

If top level gov, they often retire out of this area (lower cost living, etc).

That, and the change of Administrations: Coincidentally Obama's CIO moved his Cirrus back to California a few days before Trumps Secretary of XXX (confidential) came looking for a hangar. I assured him that the periodic turnover of governments and appointments assured some turnover of hangars.

I didn't think his security detail was going to go along with his flying an experimental aircraft while Secretary of XXX. And I was right . Very nice chap by the way.

And a lot of military w DC postings of 3-4 years, etc.

I think only one or two retirees in hangars, for whose hangars you would need to wait for their obituary. But just a few.

So keep reminding me from time to time.

I personally find the convenience of pull-in, pull out tie down easier. Less impediment to taking the quick spin. Just put a home depot all-weather box next to tide down for 'stuff.' If it's nice enough to fidgit, I do. if not, not.

Of course I would consider a Skymaster part of my ongoing airport beautification project, and have been known for occasionally being 'arbitrary' at times with my priorities.

Also our fuel club will appeal, especially to a twin owner. We charge $18/mo for access and then sell the fuel at cost. My turbos boil through 44 gph on takeoff. Still less than an F14 on afterburner, but not by much,

David Wartofsky
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20744
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