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Unread 02-29-16, 09:52 AM
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YankeeClipper YankeeClipper is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: CT
Posts: 258
YankeeClipper is on a distinguished road
Thanks for some thoughtful and informative replies gentlemen. So far as the "mission" goes, again I'm a neophyte so I've had trouble with that term. Perhaps I think that means the occasional trip from CT to [pick your destination within 3 hours, Skymaster time]. Maybe the occasional grass strip (which I've read these aircraft are comfortable with). 2-4 adults and light luggage. Don't forget the dog (@45#). I'll never knowingly put myself and pax into harm, and am willing to advise them that the trains are a lovely ride, but sometimes you find yourself in a surprise, TAFs be damned.

So may I ask, have you found yourself in the scenario described, where you were cruising along and suddenly needed to climb over nasty weather--be it 337 or other a/c? What increase in altitude did it require and from what original?
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