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Unread 11-19-15, 10:46 PM
cbxmike cbxmike is offline
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Thanks for responding. Below are some answers to your Q's. Hopefully someone with a similar year as you who has seen symptoms as this can head me in the right direction. Pulling Altenators and throwing big money at this problem is not where I want to start. Checking obvious things like connections is. The bus bar is an excellent place to start.

Hello Mike

I assume you are referring to the Regulators when you indicated the relay 1 & 2?

--Yes, I meant to say Regulators.

How is the battery condition? How old? Probably already have addressed this?

--Battery is less than a year old and is in excellent condition.

Could be regulators, have they ever been replaced?

--Not since I have owned the plane.

Do you have a service manual for schematics?

--I have a service manual but haven't dug into it yet.

I have seen a lot of posts about poor connections at the bus bar.

--That's a great place to start looking for wiring and connection issues.

Do you have a regular A&P that you work with?

--I do but he's slammed right now with work.
Herb R Harney
1968 337C

I'm in the front of the aircraft to prevent it from committing suicide
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