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Unread 04-06-12, 12:08 PM
sns3guppy sns3guppy is offline
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Fly around in convective weather for very long, and one will fly into a thunderstorm. Hopefully one will luck out without learning the hard way that a convective cell is like the finger of God, and that little airplane is like a gnat.

I did atmospheric research for a time, intentionally penetrating cells that ranged from simple level one and two thunder cells to massive level five and 6 cells. I was interesting, educational work, but I don't believe I'll ever go there again. I had enough. Many who enter a cell may not make it to see another.

The idea of punching clouds seems appealing, and perhaps one is emboldened enough by holding an instrument ticket to think that one should. Without weather radar, one has no more business flying in convective weather than one has parachute jumping without the parachute. It's a game of Russian roulette.

Just because it's legal doesn't necessarily mean it's wise.
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