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Unread 09-02-07, 06:05 PM
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SteveG SteveG is offline
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I believe Rick often makes presentations at SnF & Oshkosh on the joys of flying into Mexico and S. America. Maybe a more feasible approach would be for Rick to attend the next meeting as a presenter. It could be an interesting program, get some members thinking about such a trip, promote Rick's tour business and give him an excuse to fire up the Skymaster. Sounds like a win-win to me. As to actually having the meeting in Mexico, as appealing as it sounds, if the purpose of SOAPA and the meetings is to promote interpersonal relationships and desseminate type specific information to as many owner operators as possible, I suspect a Mexican location would be poorly attended. The stateside and just offshore locations are not exactly sold out performances. Personally, I would hate to spend the time and dollars to make a trip to the Yucatan then spend much of the time there indoors listening to hangar chatter. My preference would be to have a centrally located meeting requiring minimal expense with modest outside entertainment. Enough to make the trip fun but not so much as to make me wish I was there with someone else or for some other purpose. I recently returned from CPA's S&P course in Tennessee which was well done for its purpose. Days filled with classroom and hangar work, evenings free for socializing. Calandar timing is also an issue for me. May would be ok for an east-central location but I generally travel to the Bahamas in March and SnF in April making another deep south trip in early May difficult to schedule. An all Skymaster group tour to Mexico arranged by Mr. Gardner sounds like a great idea for a fun week but a poor idea as a meeting venue. I hope he will consider making its case at the next meeting.
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