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Unread 07-26-02, 01:50 PM
GMAs GMAs is offline
George M. Amthor, Jr.
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 258
GMAs is on a distinguished road
Post Ahhhh the old T PIN thing....

Some time back cessna sent out a notice... to check the nose gear locking T pin... it originally was made out of plastic material.. the new one has a metal pin that goes thru it now... but, the spring guide is still plastic stuff... you can see the differance... and they were put in all the way up thru the 1980 series... so you need to check and make sure that you don't have one of the older ones... because the ears will cold flow to the point where they will break/shear off... and if they do you will unlock the nose gear... and the plane will fall on its nose/hull/prop kinda thing... basicly not good...

Now its the same assembly that the 210 uses... but, its upside down in the skymaster.. and no you cant change it around... guess what happend to the spring guides and cups... yep cessna forgot that while in the 210 the cups are open at the bottom... in the skymaster.. they are reversed.. and open at the top... so any water that gets splashed around or during a wash job... could get down into the plastic cup that retains the spring... and fill with water/junk... dirt.. etc... and steel being the choice of spring manufactures... does rust...

Now guess what happens when the spring that keeps the tension on the dogs/ears to lock the nose gear when it travels... rusts out... and breaks...

Yep same thing.. your down by a nose on the front... smile... and the cost of the spring/t pin... is cheep conpaired to the cost of a prop or to have the crank checked after a ground strike... so what is a person to do...

Well when you do your annual... or at the 500 hr mark... or anytime you have been operating from a dirt strip/wet enviroment... or run thru muck.. you may want to get the inspection mirror out and look at the little cup and spring... actually we have found that you can move it to inspect the spring just enough ...

Remidy.... while the cup is out... drill a small hole at the bottom so that water can escape... keep the spring lubed... but, not full of oil... grease works best but, again you have to remove it to do it... and that is a real bear of a job...

By the way... if you do have to take it out... DON"T go torquing the bolt all the way in on the casting... YOU WILL BREAK IT... and its real expensive to replace... if you can find one... the service manual doesn't cover it well either... but, we had contact with cessna some time back when we found the problem... and they sent us some info on how to remove it and replace it without doing damage... if you look at the drawing in the service manual... it doesn't show the washers... in the right places... some are thin some are thick... and you have to get them in the right placs or the actuator will bind up... or break the ears off the mounting bracket... the gear will lock or some other bad thing that you don't want to know about ... so this is not a play thing...

If you are thinking about taking it appart... write me and I will try and get you the info...

by the way.. to get the washers up on the thing and in place ... we found that super glue works.. once they are in place... a pocket knife causes them to come appart... others have used real cold grease to hold them in place till the bolt gets thru... any way you look at it ... ya want to get a rope and go hang the engineers who designed the thing... but, your too late.. their probably rolling around in their grave by now... with all the kind thoughts about their design of the plane... smile...

Good luck... and check your T pin... GMAs...
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