One other thing I didn't see mentioned, and that might work - you'd have to try it to see - is to buy a small antenna tuner and put that between the splitter on the A/C com antenna and the marine radio. There's no free lunch, and the tuner won't work wonders in terms of total efficiency (you can "match" bed springs to a transmitter if you really want to, after all), but it might allow use of the antenna while keeping down the SWR ratio, still permitting enough RF output to communicate well, and not having to mess with another antenna mounting. I had a small one (probably still around out in my garage) that was about 6" x 3" by 2 1/2" with two tuning knobs on it that I used to use in a 4x4 vehicle. It worked fine in terms of making the radio happy and I still had enough of an RF broadcast pattern to make for reliable communications. It was cheap, too (something like $20-30).