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WebMaster 04-02-03 10:20 AM

I thought it was a joke. It isn't

WebMaster 04-02-03 10:27 AM

I had a business trip planned, to attend a seminar in downtown chicago, on April 8. We, myself and 3 others, were going to go over to Meigs, attend the seminar, come back. From previous experience, it's about a $10 cab ride.

With the closing of Meigs, we won't go. Instead of a 10 minute cab ride, we're looking at a rent-a-car, and at least an hour in chicago traffic each way. I have informed the conference folks that with the closing of Meigs, we're not coming.

Jim Rainer 04-02-03 12:19 PM

It looks like they left the taxiway intact so locals can get out. It'll be interesting what happens when the "alphabets" get busy - AOPA, NBAA, EAA, NATA, GAMA, etc!

Jerry De Santis 04-02-03 07:25 PM

Chicago's Mayor
Full story on this sad note can be found on the following web page. 16 planes stuck, but may be able to use taxi way for take off.

Its bad enough that the airport closed, but the way the sneak did it brings SHAME to Chicago.:mad: :mad: :mad:

WebMaster 04-02-03 09:15 PM

I agree Jerry.
They said the taxiway may be used for take off, provided you do it when city says so. One point made is that they may have to get Ferry Permits to take off, and then there is a question of will insurance cover if something happens.

Paul Sharp 04-03-03 04:56 PM

It seems sad indeed that we are being hit with a raft of "gestapo" like government officials these days. Unfortunately, I can see where adequate, law-breaking, immoral, and un-caring political opportunists in high office over the recent past have paved the way for such behavior and the insolent denial of responsibility and accountability (and "see if you can stop me") attitudes that seem to be behind such kinds of actions.

I don't want to start a big political diatribe, though. I do think that unless citizens can start sticking together and force changes to the status quo that we're going to see more of such kinds of actions (not necessarily with airports, as there appeared to be some legal issues there that are diff. from the average airport according to AOPA's legal counsel). It was reported that Daley was reelected by about a 70% margin or more. What can you do if voters vote for these kinds of people?

WebMaster 04-03-03 09:06 PM

do what Phil Boyer said. Boycott Chicago, and the companies there. Does that include Boeing?:D :D
I sent a note to a columnist, the mayor, and the organization that was holding the seminar I was planning on attending, Oracle Corporation. I told them all we were not coming to Chicago. I also told the mayor and the columnist we would not do business with any company in Chicago.

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