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Paul462 02-24-11 10:56 AM

Gear Cycle Time.
Would some of our illustrious readers be so kind as to advise their in-flight 337 gear retract time (from the time of handle positioning to handle spring-back to neutral), and in-flight gear extend time (from the time of handle positioning to handle spring-back to neutral)? Please advise whether you have one or two hydraulic pumps, year aircraft, and whether turbocharged.

Does anybody know of any published nominals for these? The only thing I can find is 9 - 16 seconds from panel light illumination till handle spring-back into neutral.


Paul462 02-24-11 11:16 AM

Re: last post - timed numbers only, please, in seconds. Thanks!

Roger 02-24-11 10:10 PM

Sometimes it take several days. That's the time between when I throw the handle, and I later attempt to get it fixed. I will let you know the normal time provided that it actually works :)

edasmus 02-24-11 11:51 PM

Roger, I'm guessing that your airplane and Paul's are quite different in the landing gear department. I believe Paul's has engine driven hydraulic pumps versus our planes have the electric power pack to move fluid. These two systems may have different gear cycle times though I am certainly no expert. Just something to consider!


hharney 02-25-11 07:53 AM

The video link on this thread shows the cycle on jacks during inspection. The process is described on the thread. Start your watch and time it. The second cycle is uncut.

hharney 02-26-11 08:42 PM

The video is not accurate on the cycle time because of using the drill motor as the drive component. Although it's a great tool to use for testing the gear cycle, it clearly is not as powerful as the engines to cycle the gear.

Paul462 03-01-11 02:39 PM

In flight today, 76S (T337C with dual hydraulic pumps) retracted and extended the gear with 15 - 19 seconds total cycle time, from handle selection through handle kicking back into the neutral position. That's pretty hard to complain about! :-)

hharney 03-07-11 06:20 PM

In flight today, single gear pump on the front engine. Level flight 2400 RPM IAS 135 MPH.

Up Cycle 18.3 seconds
Down Cycle 17.6 seconds

This is from the first movement of the handle to return / neutral

Well there you go, timed with iPhone 4

Paul462 03-07-11 09:37 PM

Thanks, Herb - sounds like we're in synch.

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