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WebMaster 01-19-12 09:33 AM

Yesterday, some of you may have noticed that the front page was not the same as it is now.
The site exists for the free exchange of information. There are bills before the House of Representatives, and the Senate, that would restrict the free exchange of information.
Like a lot, 15,000, other websites, we protested that. The protest worked. The bills are dead, for now, but only continued vigilance will maintain the freedom of speech that we have come to take for granted.

Skymaster337B 01-19-12 06:16 PM

The tree of liberty is kept alive by the blood of tyrants and Sir are a patriot. It is unbelievable that elected representatives are acting like tyrants.

WebMaster 01-19-12 07:52 PM

It's not Over
The SOPA bill appears to be dead in the House. That is not certain, because there is still a committee vote scheduled for next week, but there is a vote for PIPA in the Senate scheduled for Tuesday.
Further, Rep. Issa, CALIFORNIA, has introduced legislation called the OPEN Act, that is a replacement for SOPA.
Monday is call your Senator day.
You can follow this link to contact your representatives.

Also, this link will help you get a message to Congress.

Please exercise your rights as citizens of the world, to stop this nonsense.

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