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mhudsonbsme 12-16-11 11:48 AM

Rear Firewall Access Door Installation
Has anyone taken a firewall access door off of a later model 337 and installed it on an earlier model? I have all of the parts off of a 76 and would like to retrofit it to my 65. Anyone do this?

Ernie Martin 12-16-11 06:35 PM

The problem is that the firewall in the later models may have been reinforced to account for the door. Cutting a hole in an earlier model may weaken the firewall. Aside from the risk, you may find that no one will sign the 337 form without a structural analysis.


WebMaster 12-20-11 11:45 AM

Owen Bell owns the STC to do that.
Buy the STC from him, have your maintenance facility install it.

rhurt 12-21-11 09:30 AM

Owen installed one in my 337c last fall (2010). It cost around $1,000 for the STC and about that much for the installation. Since then I have used the opening to install the drain for an air/oil separator and to install new spark plug wiring harnesses. There might be a way to use your later model door in the firewall. Owen would know if there is: (615) 865-1802.

mhudsonbsme 01-07-12 07:31 PM

Thanks for the info
Thanks for the information. I am going to go with the one from Owen. The cost is really reasonable. Thanks all!

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