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Hwolf 02-15-24 10:55 PM

insurance for a p337
anyone knows an insurance company that will insure a p337 ?
bought one yesterday, and like to insure her.
You can email me directly at


YankeeClipper 02-16-24 01:38 PM

Really going to depend a lot on your time in type. If you have none, they won't insure you in motion at all until you get 25 or more hours with someone as PIC who has 50 or more (or something like that). Funny thing: they won't give you non-motion unless you buy the in-motion. Insurers run this country. Open your wallet now, and perform a snap roll. Mine is currently 10k annually for a non-turbo at only 60k hull value. Granted, I'm still working on my 25 in type.

I've used:

If you have more experience than I, try any of the big names, like Avemco.

TomM 02-16-24 01:58 PM

I will chime in here as well regarding obtaining insurance with no or low time. I moved directly from a C-172 to the 337. I was unable to get coverage in that situation. I did luck out that I found a super nice CFI that actually owned a 337 and had lots of time in one. I got around the rules by listing him as a named pilot so I could be trained in my plane at a reasonable insurance cost. We trained in my plane and after I took my check ride (also in my plane) I was able to get coverage - needed 20 hours of dual to meet the insurance requirements.

I now have about 250 hours in the 337 and 60k hull value with zero deductible was quoted to me last week (renewal time) at $3400. So it does get better with time. However, whether you have 250 hours or 2,500 I dont think there is a lot more discount for the experience once you reach a certain point.

Most open pilot requirements are like 1500 hrs total, 500 hrs multi, and 50 hrs in the 337.

This is for a non-turbo, non-pressurized 337A

YankeeClipper 02-16-24 02:01 PM

Tom, is that motion and non, with your fellow CFI no longer on the policy at this point?


TomM 02-16-24 02:10 PM


The boxes checked on the quote are:

1. All Risks - Ground and Flight
2. All Risks - ground only, not in motion
3. All Risks - ground, including taxi

So that about covers everything in my mind.

I would also like to confirm one of the previous replies about not being able to get non-motion without in-motion. Last year I needed to rebuild the front engine and it was going to take most of the year. I tried to reduce the coverage to non-motion only and hit a brick wall.........

And yes, I no longer have any named pilots on the policy other than myself.

I use a broker (US Aircraft Finance) but also got the same exact quote from going through the AOPA insurance application process.

YankeeClipper 02-16-24 02:13 PM

Thanks Tom

You're giving me hope that there aren't all that many hours ahead of me to a much more reasonable premium. 10,000 is just about breaking me ... Well okay, on top of a new engine, completely rebuilt brake hydraulics, new cowl actuator...

This first annual has run about 4 and 1/2 years so far.

Joes 02-17-24 09:29 AM

Wow, I feel your pain. I also have a p-model with a hull value insured at 120, I'm at 6300.00 per year. I thought I was the only one getting violated. BTW, I have approx 300 hrs in a skymaster turbo and only 50 in p-model. Thought seriously about going liability only this year with a quote of 1700.00, just couldn't bring myself to do it.

SkymasterRobert 02-17-24 11:36 AM

Have been with them and AIG for 3 years 200K hull value and $4500 a year
800 hrs in 337
They do require annual training that I do at RTC in Fl.

YankeeClipper 02-17-24 02:27 PM

What do they specifically require in the way of annual training, out of curiosity?

SkymasterRobert 02-19-24 12:35 PM

Yearly Sim and approach training.
Avemo and AGI require it.

Joes 02-19-24 07:16 PM

Don't mean to sound cheap, but what is the cost?

n86121 02-24-24 01:11 PM

This will make you feel better
When in my 20's (1980's) I bought an Enstrom impress girls.
And yeah, it was a lot of fun.

I had the requisite 40 hours or so in a Robinson R22 to get the rating,
then went shopping for a (used) Enstrom.

I would not say 'more affordable' in this discussion.

I had no loan, but if you wanted just liability, vs at least $50k hull,
the premium was about the same.
So you might as well get the $50k hull for about the same money.

By the way, that was with a $7,500 deductible.
I remember calculating I could hover it backward into a tree once a year
and come out about the same.

The 1st year premium was around $3.6k
Then $5.9k
Then around $8.5k
Then when it hit $11.9k a year (remember, 1980's dollars), I stopped playing.

Remembe, $7.5k deductible, $50k hull coverage.....1980s

At that tiime,
all piston helicopter insurance fell into the same risk pool at Lloyds as launchpad insurance,
The last year a $300m satellite blew up on the pad,
and that particular Lloyds syndicate made the paid out, my piston helicoptrt insurance rate went to $12k

Now in 2023 dollars that would be.....

With two exotic cars, I would tell people,
"Perhaps a cocaine addiction would be a more cost-effective hobby?"

That all said,
I've now got about 2k hours in my turbo non-pressurized RSTOL 337,
no accidents since 1989, $150k hull @ around $3.4k/year.

Frank Benvin 02-24-24 01:42 PM

Dad and I have had 5 337's between us over 46yrs 3 -67 337 72 337 and 73P337 Self insure never bought hull insurance We had one incident that cost us 2200 which we could have claimed if we had insurance Took the money we would have paid on hull and invested it in our own hull insurance fund We now have a nice nest egg put aside.

YankeeClipper 02-24-24 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Frank Benvin (Post 30043)
Dad and I have had 5 337's between us over 46yrs 3 -67 337 72 337 and 73P337 Self insure never bought hull insurance WA had one incident that cost us 2200 which we could have claimed if we had insurance Took the money we would have paid on hull and invested it in our own hull insurance fund We now have a nice nest egg put aside.

I would do this...I really would... if it weren't for an increasingly irascible mother nature.

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