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Timcote1960 01-29-18 11:43 AM

New Skymaster Owner
Hi All,

Well, I've been lurking for years and finally got the instrument rating done, the seaplane rating done, 450hrs in the book on my 182 so at last ready for THE plane, a 1977 P337G previously owned by Rod Teel N639GC. I will be keeping her on a tie down in Gaithersburg MD until I can get a new paint job (suggestions anyone?) and a hanger within 45min of my DC home.

This week I fly up to NH to get my ME rating and complete a course satisfactory to my insurer. Then I've got to burn an additional 15hrs of fuel solo before the insurer will let me take my wife (Puerto Rico?, Cuba?, Corpus Christi?). Excited to bond with the machine---POH is my current book of the month.


Skywalker 01-29-18 12:46 PM

New Onwer and paint Job
Hi Tim
congratulations for your new Machine, i am seaplane and helicopter pilot and now finishing my IR , just done the ME last month ;-)) and doing a pre buy in Europe for P337, I am working on the paint scheme i will post it on SOAPA soon
and any body can use it ;-))

kilr4d 01-29-18 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Timcote1960 (Post 22540)
Hi All,

Well, I've been lurking for years and finally got the instrument rating done, the seaplane rating done, 450hrs in the book on my 182 so at last ready for THE plane, a 1977 P337G previously owned by Rod Teel N639GC.

Congrats Tim. That's a well kept and well equipped Skymaster.

The last "new owner" post on her was almost on the same date:


Originally Posted by Timcote1960 (Post 22540)
I will be keeping her on a tie down in Gaithersburg MD until I can get a new paint job (suggestions anyone?) and a hanger within 45min of my DC home.

Get your plane inside asap. Skymasters don't like to be left outside.

What paint scheme are you doing and who have you selected to do the paint job?

Red Air Rambo 01-29-18 08:07 PM

Congrats on the new ride!

rrolland 02-04-18 08:28 AM

Congratulations! But no pics, it didn't happen :):):)

n86121 04-01-18 02:21 PM

Where to base near DC
Well, I have had a Turbo T337D w RSTOL for 25 years, based at my very-own, privately-owned public-use airport just 30 mins drive from the White House.


I would consider another 337 to be part of my airport beautification theme.

Yes, we run you through a security clearance light,
but then you never have to worry about airspace edges again.
You're cleared in!

Three flight schools on the field, and not one aircraft shot down :)
It can't be that hard.

If you live in downtown DC, it's really easy. Check us out.

And welcome to the world of 337s!


Timcote1960 04-09-18 10:02 AM

Potomac Airfield

I've had your airfield in my mind for a long time, seen your kooky (but love-able) videos and had already decided to join you out there at Potomac as you're 15min closer than KGAI where the bird is now. Driving time adds up; I live in Cleveland Park DC. Good new is I already have my PIN from my days at College Park. Expect me to join you effective May 1.

Just finished my multi certificate (see another longer post describing the process) and working to make my insurance company happy. I have too many planes---time now to sell the 150 (wife has opted not to go the full training route) and the 182 (my daily driver and a sweet bird with a WAAS G750, she taught me to fly and got me most of my 400hrs).

My only hesitation about your place is the severe lack of hanger space; I'd really like one. See you soon regardless.


n86121 04-09-18 10:22 AM

We do have hangars come open ...with some slow regularity
Reason is, many of our pilots are in Washington assignments for limited years.

If top level gov, they often retire out of this area (lower cost living, etc).

That, and the change of Administrations: Coincidentally Obama's CIO moved his Cirrus back to California a few days before Trumps Secretary of XXX (confidential) came looking for a hangar. I assured him that the periodic turnover of governments and appointments assured some turnover of hangars.

I didn't think his security detail was going to go along with his flying an experimental aircraft while Secretary of XXX. And I was right :). Very nice chap by the way.

And a lot of military w DC postings of 3-4 years, etc.

I think only one or two retirees in hangars, for whose hangars you would need to wait for their obituary. But just a few.

So keep reminding me from time to time.

I personally find the convenience of pull-in, pull out tie down easier. Less impediment to taking the quick spin. Just put a home depot all-weather box next to tide down for 'stuff.' If it's nice enough to fidgit, I do. if not, not.

Of course I would consider a Skymaster part of my ongoing airport beautification project, and have been known for occasionally being 'arbitrary' at times with my priorities.

Also our fuel club will appeal, especially to a twin owner. We charge $18/mo for access and then sell the fuel at cost. My turbos boil through 44 gph on takeoff. Still less than an F14 on afterburner, but not by much,


Timcote1960 04-09-18 02:08 PM

As part of your beautification...
If space allowed it an the ground lease was satisfactory and I could make the numbers work out, I'd consider an investment in a multi-unit T-Hanger to assure a roof over my wings, knowing that demand in the DMV is sufficient to merit 4-500/mo rent. Just saying. Couldn't get anywhere at KGAI with this idea, but you're a horse of a different color, for sure.

Regardless, I will show up on your doorstep soon (will call ahead) to talk turkey, maybe lunch?


n86121 04-09-18 05:05 PM

Am open.

The secret to Potomac Airfield (well, one of many),
is that we have grandfathered an approved zoning footprint
to build 40 additional T hangars,
plus two 100x200 other hangars,
(PLUS tennis courts and a swimming pool shaped like a rocket ship)

Just a building permit away (and perhaps a burning or two in effigy).

Was actually thinking of posting to our pilots proposals, as many have suggested.

So not so crazy.

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