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rmorris 09-28-17 09:42 AM

Puerto Rico, Key West, or TX
My plane is finally out of annual later today 9test flew yesterday with a couple minor things but overall good) new JPI EDM960

Now I want to do some good....I am sitting in Ft Lauderdale as I type this out.
1) If anyone knows of any orgs or people that can use transport for the people, animals, or supplies to/from a hurricane ravaged area, lmk
2) If you have a plane and want to join up (Skymaster or otherwise) to make a bigger dent, lmk

let's fly our planes for doing good

drop me a line at:

JimC 09-28-17 01:59 PM

Key West & Houston both have excellent access by road at this point. Puerto Rico (and other Caribbean islands) are places where help by air can really shine. Here's the problem:

Where to go *from*? Puerto Rico is a looong flight from FL - this limits the # of roundtrips you can make in a day. SJU (main airport of Puerto Rico) is still VERY capacity restricted and a 337 will clog up the works. They can fit a lot more relief supplies on a 737 than a 337.

The other islands in the area tend to rely on Puerto Rico - so if you can't base out of PR, you'll have trouble. They started GA relief flights out of SJU after Irma, but they stopped them when Maria came and they haven't restarted.

My local Angel Flight was collecting names & numbers of pilots who could help. If you're a member of PALS, Angel Flight, etc contact them and they'll steer you the right way.

I'll be down in FL next week with a 340 (up to 1400lbs, up to 800nm - but not both). If you're still flying then, post here and I'll join you for a day or two.

rmorris 09-28-17 08:06 PM

all valid points

I really only want to do it, if it makes a difference...not just to do it to make myself feel good or say I did it

there might be a need in some of the smaller outlying islands, like Culebra and Vieques

I am looking hard, and talking to lots of people, to see if/how I can help

if I don't get a solid flight/plan by tomorrow, I plan to just head up to NC, grab my wife and head back towards home (Nevada), so time getting short

If I do fly over tomorrow to PR, I am willing to stay 4-5 days and do small flights between the outlying islands, if that makes sense...if so, maybe I will see you when you make it over

JamesC 09-28-17 08:42 PM

Worth reading if you haven't already:
I enjoyed flying in and out of TJBQ a couple of times. It's a joint civilian/military airport and things tend to run pretty efficiently there. Customs guys were great.

JimC 09-29-17 11:11 AM

And remember to check your W&B.

JimC 09-30-17 08:30 AM

I just got this a minute ago:

Hello PALS Sky Hope Pilots,

Thank you so much for your patience as the PALS Sky Hope team has been working tirelessly on relief efforts in the islands. At this time, we are doing flights to Puerto Rico and also supporting Dominica. We have the need for capable aircraft to support an airbridge effort to Dominica through the Turks as well as from Florida to Puerto Rico. The need in both places is urgent as the calls from the ground are getting more desperate by the day. We need more help!

Missions profiles below:


MBPV-TDPD/TDCF-MBPV (Or Barbados) - (have housing at Barbados and MBPV avail for people to position there)

If you are able and willing to help with these efforts, please REPLY ALL with the following info:

Potential schedule
Aircraft and Tail Number
How many seats you will have available
How much weight you can carry
Your co-pilot’s information

If you know of any other pilots with available and capable aircraft who would like to help with this effort, please have them register with us here:
Thanks so much for your support!

Kristinia Luke,
Pilot Coordinator
Cell: 516.640.2245

rmorris 09-30-17 10:05 AM

I met a guy at the Banyan FBO yesterday morning who was coordinating relief flights for PR, as part of a group who is based in NC (US Relief I think?)...anyway, I mentioned I had a Skymaster and was willing to help. He was very kind, but more or less said that the time for small planes was over - he was coordinating DC3s etc to take over supplies, and evacuate people out. I mentioned the generators I was being asked to carry over and the people on Vieques I was planning to try and go 'rescue'. He said he could get them out, and then gave me contact info for the coordinator. His name was Tim Chase, and said to mention his name when calling the coordinator...but if you know of anyone in PR that needs to get out, they have planes flying daily it seems, and much larger than our Skymasters.
Coord is Rachel Wall 336-605-3433

The previous link in this thread sort of sums things up wit the article from AOPA on flying small planes for disaster relief. Most (if not all) of us want to help out and willing to jump in our planes and go...but the bigger planes, especially such a distance as PR and the limited air traffic control capabilities right now over there, make more sense.

My sense, after days of being staged down in Ft Lauderdale, trying to figure out how to help, is that the time for smaller craft is during the first few days of a disaster, because we can get into and out of smaller places than the bigger planes, and can be more reactive. At this point the 'bigger and more organized' groups that do this for a living are on the case.

I believe I will be taking the money I had planned out of pocket for fuel and donate it to American Red Cross, Humane Society of US, they can support these larger planes.

Again, not meant to dissuade anyone from going, just sharing my own personal experiences over the last several days.

rrice 10-21-17 01:12 PM

Any new developments on PR relief flights?

JimC 10-21-17 06:31 PM

PALS is still looking for pilots to base in Barbados for a few days and fly 100-mile shuttles back and forth to Dominca. It's a long way to Barbados but they're really in need of the help. I can forward contact info if anyone's interested.

They'd prefer heavy haulers (2,000+lb useful) but will take any help they can get.

hharney 10-21-17 09:59 PM

Are there any concessions for fuel? Cheyenne II burns some serious Jet A

JimC 10-22-17 12:39 AM

Not last time I checked - just room & board (at a resort !)

The cheyenne will be burning less than others. For that range and payload, it's pretty much all twin turbines.

If you can get me some PIC time in the cheyenne, I'll join you and chip in for a few loads of fuel.

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