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Timcote1960 06-20-21 05:47 AM

Paint recommendateion
Hi All,

Just got my bird back from Mena Arkansas, which is a very obscure rural town which is the capital of general aviaition aircraft painting on planet Earth. There are at least 5 paint shops on this little field and they all compete against each other and tap into the local reasonable economy.

I got 5 quotes from around the country, all between 28K-35K to paint my bird, in Mena it was 15K (17K final with add-ons like metalic belly paint and stainless steel screw replacements) and I am delighted with the work; tried to attach a photo and hope it goes through.

Look up Trea at Mena Aircraft Painting.

n86121 06-20-21 11:05 AM

I wonder
Wasn't it Mena AK that was famous years for drug runners, clandestine ops, Clintons, and other suspicious cartel activities?

That may have been what created a demand for rapid-turn paint shops?

A friend years ago (with past affiliation with a USG agency) joked they had water soluble aircraft point.

They could fly into a rain cloud as one aircraft, and come out the other aside as another.

Might still be useful....

MD83driver 06-20-21 06:51 PM

Mena, AR
There were some clandestine operations going on there back in the early 80's. They made a movie about that starring Tom Cruise, American Made. He played one of my fellow TWA pilots, Barry Seal. I have flow with people that remember him well. There was quite a bit of recruiting going on back then in the freight business I heard of prior to my flying at TWA.

mshac 06-21-21 02:12 PM


Show us how she came out!

Mena, AR really is the best place to get your airplane worked on. Half the town works at the airport at one of the many engine, interior, sheet metal, or paint shops on the field!

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