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rmorris 04-26-17 10:02 AM

Cessnas To OshKosh (C2O)
Most know by now that I participate every year with a formation fly-in group to's the home page link:

it's a lot of fun, all Cessna aircraft are invited to fact ever since the Cardinal type club found out, there are lots of them that join up each year....just wish there were more Skymasters...would be cool to see a bunch of us in formation!

Anyway, one of the requirements to participate in the actual fly-in is to attend one of the training clinics held throughout the US on different dates to try and make it most convenient for folks. In fact, I am visiting NC this week and leading a clinic this Saturday at the Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport (KEQY) at noon. Attending the formation flying clinic does not obligate you to do the C2O fly-in at OSH, so worth attending even if you just want to learn more about formation flying and share some camaraderie with fellow pilots.

The airport has an unrelated pancake breakfast and FAA safety seminar in the morning. Then I am kicking off the formation flying clinic in the afternoon. So you can make a day of it, or just come at noon :)

if you have an interest in attending the clinic, please let me know ahead of time so we can get an idea of possible attendance - email me at


PS. Please help spread the word about the clinic this weekend...even if you can't attend, tell all your fellow pilots in the Southeast

Eeubanks 04-28-17 04:36 PM

Can't make NC, but maybe Ft. Collins. Sounds like lots o fun. planning on first year to OSH in the skymaster anyhow.-Ed

rmorris 04-28-17 04:43 PM

skymaster to OSH

Would be nice to have more folks attend my clinic in NC...but regardless of where you attend the training, just attend....the training itself is fun, even if you don't intend on going to OSH....then if you do decide to do OSH, participation in C2O is a blast.....I've done the RIPON arrival and I've done the C2O mass formation far, I feel the C2O arrival to be much, much safer and less stressful as well.

When you do RIPON, you better have your head on a swivel. It is fun to 'rock your wings'...but there are a LOT of others coming in at the same time, to the same spot in space....some less safe than others...

On the other hand, C2O is done in a very safe manner: we all take off from UNU together, fly in formation, then land (usually) on the main show runway (36)....then we all taxi to the same area and park together. We have a big tent where we show movies at night, popcorn machine and all. great family outing...then the Bonanzas to Osh guys park next door...and they have the margarita mixer blasting as we pull you have that option as well.

But it all starts with taking the formation flying clinic.

Eeubanks 04-28-17 07:04 PM

thinking the margarita mixer cinched it for the boss 😉, Know what you mean about ripcon even in an aztruck was scary( almost like watching a WWI dogfight)
Split between the CO and GA clinic any limits on numbers of attendees?-Ed

rmorris 05-22-17 04:22 PM

No limit on number of attendees for the training, but I think they have a limit on planes that can fly the actual arrival. So if you re thinking of doing it, go ahead and register to grab a spot. There is a cancellation window (you will have to verify that of course) that gets you your money back if you change your plans.

it will be fun to have multiple Skymasters/O2s in the arrival this year. to see us all fly in, and park together, should be awesome.

Eeubanks 05-22-17 07:08 PM

got my slot(#37) for OSH, heading to GA Thursday for the clinic!! sooo excited 😊

rmorris 06-02-17 10:14 PM

So it looks like we have 2 337s doing the formation flight....any others?

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