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spurlockda 09-27-18 02:54 PM

Revisiting Old sensing assembly-over & under voltage board issue
Hi everyone,

I purchased my 1973 P model and am getting avionics upgrades and complete rewire. A question came up on that bizarre looking circuit assembly front and center on the front firewall. As I am sure most of you all already know, finding nomenclature info in the MM is challenging however I found the posts herein and now know the name of the device. However the posts are rather old and I am wondering if there have been any new products introduced on the market?

Mine seems to be working however it is excessively corroded and appears to be damaged (cracked, crazed and “patched”).

I intend to upgrade the alternators to higher power.

Does anyone have any sources on new solid state style replacements?

Thanks very much,

Skywalker 09-27-18 03:13 PM

Voltage Regulators
Hello Dave
pls cehck web site of planepower
i am upgrading mine with parallel type and it can be done with form 337,
also zeftronics have solid state regulators too;

spurlockda 09-27-18 05:34 PM

This is the assy I want to learn about
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a pic from another of the post streams in here. I went to the Pp link you sent so my question is about whether that R1224 assy is equivalent to that one in the pic. With the 1224 will I lose any functionality or indications or action capability in the Altn sys or cockpit? I assume that any function or action losses would have to be placarded or POH entries made?

Just trying to ask the right questions so I don’t screw anything up :eek:

Thank you.

PS: I want to ask about upgrading the alternators and associated items. Should I post that in a new post stream?

hharney 09-28-18 08:34 PM

There is some interesting read on the post above

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