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OhioSkymaster 02-28-18 11:03 PM

Battery Box
I bought a Concorde RG24-16 for my 1967 T337B. It fits into the battery box, but the lid won’t fit due to the shape of the top side of the Concorde battery compared to the Gill G242 I’m replacing. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Solutions, other than going back to the Gill?

hharney 03-01-18 08:09 AM

I remember making that switch years ago and the old flimsy Cessna cover didn't seem to fit as well. It's weird because the Concorde is shorter than the original Gill. I think because it was sealed battery I didn't worry about the fit and just set the lid on the battery and strapped it down with the original hold down. Eventually I had to replace the lid as it was in really poor shape anyway and bought a lid from Aviation Enterprises that is fiberglass. It fits really well and much better solution. Not cheap but I have had years of use with no regrets. My original box is still in use.

SteveG 03-01-18 09:33 AM

My suggested solution would be to skip the battery box cover entirely. With the sealed battery its superfluous. Just install the hold-down bar in direct contact with the top of the battery case and call it good. Add cable terminal covers if you're particularly conservative.

Red Air Rambo 03-01-18 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by SteveG (Post 22635)
My suggested solution would be to skip the battery box cover entirely. With the sealed battery its superfluous. Just install the hold-down bar in direct contact with the top of the battery case and call it good. Add cable terminal covers if you're particularly conservative.

+1 That was my solution.

OhioSkymaster 03-01-18 11:09 PM

Thanks, guys! We’re doing the first annual on my Skymaster. I have a lot to learn, and I appreciate the collective wisdom on this forum!

CO_Skymaster 03-31-18 04:15 PM

I was getting ready to replace my Gill242s sealed battery, but Aircraft Spruce & Specialty does have it in stock. Seems the same for other places I check. Does anyone know if they have discontinued this line? I'll check into Concord batteries if that is true.

Thanks for any answers,

CO_Skymaster 03-31-18 04:50 PM

Looks like the Gill 242S has been superseded by the Gill 7242-14. Looks like its a little heavier (27 to 30lbs), but its has more cranking power (10amp/hour to 14amp/hour). I like that, even though I use a battery minder to keep mine charged, I found it was pretty easy to drain the 242S trying to start the Skymaster's two engines, if they didn't start right away. Especially the rear one.

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