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kevin 03-06-05 09:29 AM

Ideas for TBO Poll
Kyle et al,

Oops. I was trying to remove Kyle's poll, and I removed the entire thread by mistake.

Very sorry.

Anyway, here is the beginning of a thread call "Ideas for TBO Poll", as Kyle suggested...


kevin 03-06-05 09:35 AM


I still don't think your simple polls are going to produce meaningful data. For example, I have overhauled to engines, one at 800 after a catastrophic failure, the other at 1600 based on time only. I can only vote once for my P model. How do I vote?

It might be more useful to have people send you (or someone, not me) email and tabulate it, than it would to use the site's polling mechanism.

My thoughts, FWIW.


Keven 03-06-05 06:36 PM

Glutton for Punishment
If we'd like to make this as complicated as possible, there really should be 4 polls, 1 for front in a normally aspirated, 1 for rear in normally aspirated, and 1 for each in turbo/P models. These 4 polls are probably the best way to get all the info sought, as well as seeing if there are any bizarre trends for front and rear engine replacements in normally aspirated and turbo/ps.


Ship Sale

KyleTownsend 03-06-05 07:44 PM


I know it's not ideal, but I indicated in the instructions that you should only VOTE based on your MOST RECENT overhaul. This would eliminate any bias resulting from people tending to report only their highest, or lowest, time engine and still make the poll valid.

I was going to use the optional part of the poll (the message) to perform a more complete spreadsheet analysis after the poll closes.

Earnie. Thanks for your remarks. I see what you are getting at. My original idea was for people to report overhaul for ANY reason. You've got to figure that the vast majority of people are going to have some rational reason. If it is regulatory, or due to an accessory flying apart and damaging the engine, you've still got to overhaul the engine. So it would be good to know. Hopefully, people would supply enough information in their message attachment so that you could do an analysis on a subset of the data (ie: only engines that experienced mechanical failure).


kevin 03-06-05 08:45 PM

OK, so (and this is the actual case), I overhauld both engines at the same time. I guess I'll have to ask the mechanic which one he installed last... ;-)

I am kidding you mostly. But the above is the actual case for me.

Anyway, whatever y'all want to do is fine with me.


KyleTownsend 03-06-05 09:12 PM


I didn't think about the case in which both were overhauled at the same time.

Anyway, hopefully, people will attach a comment and I can do a more thorough analysis.

Keven 03-06-05 09:12 PM

Against My Better Judgment
I'll respond that maybe, with this group of folks, you would want all of their Skymaster experiences, not just their most recent engine replacement thoughts. I've got to confess, with a thinner wallet, that I will replace my second engine in two years in the next couple of months, so I've got a pretty fresh and painful impression concerning these things in my simple mind.

I know that Larry has also replaced both of his engines within the last couple of years, and thus, my suggestion. BTW, I do not suggest that Larry's mind is nearly as simple as mine. :)

Ipad cases

KyleTownsend 03-07-05 06:08 AM



That is what I ask folks to do in the message they attach. Maybe my instructions weren't as clear as they should have been?

WebMaster 03-07-05 08:13 AM

Re: Against My Better Judgment

Originally posted by Keven
I've got to confess, with a thinner wallet, that I will replace my second engine in two years in the next couple of months, so I've got a pretty fresh and painful impression concerning these things in my simple mind.

I know that Larry has also replaced both of his engines within the last couple of years, and thus, my suggestion. BTW, I do not suggest that Larry's mind is nearly as simple as mine. :)


Oh, shucks, Keven, you can say that. It is a painful experience, though, as I'll freely (it's the only thing I can afford these days, free) admit.

big al 08 03-07-05 11:46 AM

replaced both mills w/remans at 1450hrs., could have gone longer, but oil comsumption was 1qt every 2hrs. really got tired of cleaning the belly constantly.
also they were orginal engines and were
30yrs old. purchased it with tt750.0hrs.
also thought it was wise after 30yrs to
change all excessories and hoses, not sorry, 259hrs and narfy a problem.

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