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SkyKing 08-22-11 01:04 AM

Access "Limited?"
Hey... What's up with this crapola that I can't post a response to a regular post? WHO is running this show, anyhow? So much for free speech... trying to keep a muzzle on intelligent thought thru censorship. Thanks alot.


WebMaster 08-23-11 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by SkyKing (Post 17235)
. Thanks alot.


You are welcome

SkyKing 08-23-11 08:40 PM

Heads up...

Since you appear to be the "BIG KAHUNA" of SOAPA these days, unless you've been usurped by the "College Expert" AKA "Administrator" Ernie Martin, please explain why as a "Registered User" I am being restricted to post ONLY to the "Links" section, and otherwise discriminated against and prevented from posting to the Message Board and other sections of this website.

As an original contributing founder-member of this website from its inception, I think it's time for you to mitigate the wrongdoing of those, and probably yourself, who have participated in restricting my access to the website as well as my free speech. Instead of posting the remark like you did above, "You are welcome", you should have been busying yourself with correcting the wrong, not further propagating it.

As a para-legal, I am no stranger at using the system to correct little evils such as the one you and the other SOAPA directors/administrators have perpetrated against me. I could just go ahead and file a declaratory judgment action into U.S. District Court under diversity of citizenship against you and the SOAPA board of directors, since you reside in Beford, Michigan or thereabouts, and let the court ferret out this devious little conundrum, but since "NOTICE" is the first step in due process of law, you're now on notice that I intend to do something about this and it's only to your advantage to stop now and think of the repercussions that are surely to come forth in this restriction-discrimination continues.

You can take the first step now to either choose to mitigate the wrongdoing of SOAPA and the individuals who have, and are, discriminating and restricting my access, by restoring all of my public domain rights, and if you decline, we can ramp up the process by first filing a complaint with the ISP and then take it up with the courts. The path is of your choice. I'd choose very wisely if I were you.

"Your ARE welcome!"


WebMaster 08-23-11 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by SkyKing (Post 17244)

Since you appear to be the "BIG KAHUNA" of SOAPA these days, unless you've been usurped by the "College Expert" AKA "Administrator" Ernie Martin, please explain why as a "Registered User" I am being restricted to post ONLY to the "Links" section, and otherwise discriminated against and prevented from posting to the Message Board and other sections of this website.

"Your ARE welcome!"


Uh, you are not. Have you tried, since like, yesterday??
The former Webmaster did this. It was a pretty cool trick, I liked it. You were able to post in LINKS, because that was added after Kevin was Webmaster.
I was less obtuse the last time I blocked someone.

Oh, and since I pay the bill every month, and screen all those people from Thailand that have the "bravia" airplane, I guess that makes me the administrator.

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