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frank.oconnor19 05-14-20 10:13 AM

Warning Horn when Entering Clouds
yesterday I was taking a flight from TX back to NC. On my climb out I passed through a few cloud layers on way up to FL190. The plane was stable, about 110 IAS climbing at 700-800 FPM. Prior to entering clouds and picking up any moisture no issues. Outside air temp was slightly below freezing, maybe -2C. Once we entered the cloud and there was visible moisture on the windscreen I started to get a warning horn, Almost sounded like the stall warning, but no as consistent. Was kind of warbling. I applied Pitot heat, and turn the prop heat on, though these was at this time no visible ice on the leading edge of the wings. The horn remained, in the unstable warble until we were clear of the clouds for about 3-4 minutes. At this time we were climbing through 17,000 feet. My guess is I picked up a little ice on the stall tab and it was bouncing around. Would love to know if anyone has other ideas, and a way to remediate.



Kim Geyer 05-14-20 12:52 PM

it sounds like the gear warning horn switch on the throttle bodies got moisture in them
I had it happen on several of our 337's. you can put RTV on the connections where the wires solder to the switch or buy cessnas upgraded switch witch has a bolb of epoxy over the connections. check out cessna service letter ME77-24

Jerry De Santis 05-15-20 06:41 PM

I agree with Kim. Had same problem. Check exposed wires on throttle control on top of engine.

frank.oconnor19 05-18-20 08:10 AM

I ordered and received the RTV102. Plan to apply today. I have a flight planned on Weds. Expect some rain, so there will be a test. Will let you know if it works. Thanks for the help.


Timcote1960 05-18-20 05:19 PM

When you do apply the goo, please take a pic or two. I'd like to know the exact geography to do the same in my P337G.

I have had exactly the same problem myself. It doesn't bother me---I am well aware that a loud gear up alarm at 5000' feet AGL is irrelevant---but man, it can scare the passengers. I hadn't known this was a regular 337 issue until reading this thread.


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