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LostKiwi 02-27-16 11:00 PM

C337 initial / recurrent training, CA.
1 Attachment(s)
Hello all.

Recently I had the pleasure of doing my initial 337 training at Van Nuys, and after talking to Herb about it, thought I would share my experience and contacts with the group.

The man in question is Mike Killian, of Corsair Aviation - Van Nuys.

Corsair owns and operates an absolutely gorgeous Riley Rocket. They offer initial and recurrent training on the Skymaster, which may be advantageous to owners for insurance requirements, not to mention piece o' mind.

Mike is a very amicable and knowledgeable guy, and really put me through my paces with the Skymaster over the course of a few days.

Before we set foot in the machine, we spent a solid half day running through the flight manual, limitations, performance, various systems, normal and emergency procedures, FM supplements various flight schemes / scenarios, and the like . Upon laying eyes on his beautiful little aeroplane, we spent a further several hours discussing preflight procedures, known "gotchas", mistakes that have been made in the past, as well as me ooohing and ahhhing over his plane, and taking dozens of photos.

The flying itself was excellent. Mike is a great instructor and will put you through every emergency you can think of (as well as some that you didn't!), in such a way that it's all stress free and entirely enjoyable. I came out of there feeling confident that I could safely and efficiently operate a 337.

Although Van Nuys is a ridiculously busy little airport, the controllers are perfectly happy for you to fly round and round the pattern all day doing touch and goes, and it is close enough to open airspace that by the time you've put the gear up and turned cross wind, you can start thinking about doing emergency training - without having to pay for hours of ferry time to the training area. The scenery around the area is also quite something, and there is approximately a billion little airports within a short flight area if you want to go and see / do something specific, or get the obligatory photo of the Hollywood sign.

I'm absolutely hooked on these fascinating little airplanes, and I can't wait to get back in one for s'more!


I'm not employed by Mike or his company, Im just passing this on for anyone that needs/wants some training in the 337 in California..

...although he did give me a free t-shirt - I do loves me some free swag!!197...kymaster/c1dv6


VNY Home Airport

Corsair Aviation
7155 Valjean Ave
Van Nuys, CA 91406
(located inside Signature FBO)
Ph: 818-906-4024

Attachment 1641

hharney 02-28-16 11:40 AM

Knowing this is available, it's not out of the question for anyone in the USA to make a trip to Corsair and complete their transition training or initial ME for that matter. Thanks for sharing this and those that are trying to find a CFI, an airplane and legal training out there, make the leap, in the long run it will probably pay off.

JB78382 08-04-16 09:55 AM

Corsair @ KVNY
My plane and I are currently using Mike Killian/ Corsair Aviation for initial 337 training and getting us ready for the IPC/Checkride. Through his good offices with Signature Flight Support, students can stay and park @ KVNY for their training. THIS IS A GOOD DEAL. Corsair provides absolutely magnificent student and or customer support.

JB & N2131X

JGug1 07-15-18 12:33 PM

Training In Van Nuys, California in P 337
Odd that I just noticed the post about flight training in Van Nuys. I have been in communication with Van Nuys for nearly a year. Their Skymaster has been down getting a major overhaul for that long. It's probably time to check back in with them though I have been promised communication when the airplane is flying again.

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