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FRED-E 10-15-03 08:30 AM

Faster Help
I think we could improve the response time for people needing help from this site by doing a couple of things.
Update your settings to include A/C year & model, tubro or normal.
Where you and your A/C live so we will know what kind of weather your A/C lives in.
Are you a CFI, CFII, A&P, IA, etc.
And last but not least, if you make a mistake in your post you can go back an edit it at any time.
Fred N358

kevin 10-15-03 11:30 AM

Thanks for your suggestions Fred.

I have changed the user fields to add aircraft type as a new field, and made both aircraft type and location required entries for new members. If everyone who is an existing member could please take a moment to click on the My Settings link at the top of the page, then Edit Profile, and update your information, it would be nice. Having your year and model of aircraft will help folks answer any questions you might post, and I think folks enjoy seeing where everyone is located as well.

If you prefer not to provide this information, you can always type the word "none" in either field.

Thanks, and any further comments or suggestions would be, as always, much appreciated.


P.S. All profile fields display correctly as of 9:10 Pacific, 10/15/03

WebMaster 10-16-03 07:11 PM

did that
However, the signature line I picked out doesn't work. Is it supposed to?

kevin 10-16-03 07:32 PM

No, sorry, only the aircraft type, location, bio, occupation and interest fields will show. Signatures are turned off, as they make the messages longer. Sorry to mislead you. The bio information is stored once for each person, the signature actually gets inserted into the message, so it uses disk space each time. I don't have time to change that, and besides, the signatures would also tend to allow less messages per page, to an even greater extent than the bio information does.

As you all have seen before, I do respond to mob rule, so if you all really really want signatures, please start another thread, maybe a poll, and if enough folks ask for them, I will bite the disk space bullet.


Ernie Martin 10-16-03 11:05 PM

No, Kevin, no signature. But can I put piņa coladas as one of my interests?


kevin 10-16-03 11:42 PM

Darn right. I'll put down Gin and Tonic. Maybe we should have a separate field for drink preference?


hewilson 10-17-03 01:40 AM

Margarita a las rockas, sin sal.

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