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rmorris 06-17-23 07:53 PM

See pics..The wire broke right at the resistor. It is the wire connecting to the rear alt not charging light.

It is so old and worn, kinda hard to read the rings. Looked in the ipc & sm... can't seem to find the value for a replacement resistor.
This is on a 68 T337C.

Just seeing if anyone might have an idea for the specs, and source for those specs so I can replace it.

Cross posted

mshac 06-18-23 11:02 AM

Would love to help, but there is no photo here.

n86121 06-18-23 03:54 PM

See my replay on facebook
As I recall from 20 years ago,

the alternator out light leads:
one goes to 24 volts,
the other goes to the alternator output line, and this resistor takes that line to ground.

If the alternator is putting out 24 volts both sides of lamp at 24 volts, no glow

If alternator not outputting 24 volts, this pulls lamp down to ground, lamp on.

From Facebook info, maybe 220 ohm resistor.

Dead short would be under 4 watts, so 5 watt rating should do the trick.

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