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cessnadriver 05-16-18 01:08 PM

Interconnected elevator trim to flaps
Hello all.
During a pre-flight I noticed my elevator trim does NOT automatically roll forward while bring up the flaps with the trim wheel rolled full down position. I went through the manual re-adjusted the fitting that is suppose to bump against the elevator trim stops. Afterwards I re checked to see if the trim wheel moved forward as required. It did one time. After that the trim did not move as it should. Has anyone else had this problem?
Thanks in advance.

hharney 05-17-18 01:57 PM

Have not ever seen the problem Bill. In the right boom, inside access panel is the trim interconnect cable, at least that is where I have noticed it

cessnadriver 05-22-18 08:44 AM

Interconnected elevator trim to flaps
Hello ALL.
I fixed the problem with the inter-connected flaps and elevator trim. It was a improper rigging.

cessnadriver 05-29-18 10:42 AM

Interconnected elevator trim to flaps
Hello ALL-Again.
Well I thought I had the flap elevator trim fixed__GUESS NOT. I've gone through the procedure in the maintenance manual going on THREE TIMES! I can get the trim set at the proper degrees of trim UP and DOWN, then when I adjust the interconnect flap-trim I cannot get the proper DOWN TRIM. I only get about 5 degree, it should be 26 degrees, because of the STOP BLOCK #8 on the up cable. This is the block that presses up against the #9 block on the end of the push-pull solid wire cable connected to the Flap bell crank. DOES ANYONE HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH THIS?
Thanks for any and ALL help.
Regards, BILLS

JAG 07-06-19 09:23 AM

Have you solved the issue? I just finished rigging my flaps (C337A) as the previous owner/maintainer had taken a short cut in rigging...anyway...

Once I finished rigging the flaps, I went through and checked the elevator trim and interconnect rigging and had to make some slight adjustment. I have everything working - just wanted to see if you did too - or if we put our heads together to solve yours.


cessnadriver 07-06-19 07:54 PM

Interconnected elevator trim to flaps
Yes, thank you, I did fix the flaps/interconnected elevator trim. I had to go through it several times, but I finished with only one dimension (angle of degree) full down elevator trim is off by about 3 degrees. I tried removing the connecting rod and adjust it but it's off 3 degrees the opposite way? It works/flys fine. Thanks again for asking. By the way I was down in the great state of Texas a few months ago for a visit-it was great to be back HOME!!
Regards, BILLS

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