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GMAs 10-05-02 04:02 PM

Ok... lets get thing started... and back to flying... go..go...
I think we have so far had the top three areas hold their own for where the group would like to see the meeting held... but, to be fair... maybe kevin would be able to take the top 5 and post them again... and we could narrow it down... although it seem like the leader is the midwest... and the most equatible for all... but, I am not shure exactly where would be the best place... and that would have to come from the people who are around their... else we are going to have to get the travel agent out and see what is of interest... around their.. and where a meeting could be held... at any of the many places...

I guess we could go by states but, their are a lot of them in the midwest... so maybe we should make boundaries... north and south.. and narrow it down a little more...

I possed the problem to a editor friend of mine who also writes for the mags... and asked him to select the best place in the midwest that has the most to offer in entertainment as well as services... he thought it would make a great article and so is going to fire something back in a month or two... his reaction was.. gee their are so many places that have great things to do and see... but, he wanted to know what time of year we were thinking of.. Hmmmmmm.... I assume it would be best in May... but, again that is something that is not my decision alone to make...

so what do you think... should we put up a new questionair... and refine the original .... I know the old72 driver was going through the old whitmakers newsletters and their was some mention of Kansas... but, that was then... and we are into promoting you to take a adventure and do some travel by air... as well as a learning experance...

Most of you are getting ready to put the planes in for the winter... and are going to start to do your maintance annuals... time to get the old bird back into shape and keep this trip in the back of your mind when you are doing it... just to make it go the extra distance...

Another thing that Pete suggested was that we have different people from different areas take their own area and send out, go post and give skymaster pilots who are not current on the regestery a handout/posting to try and get the "rest of the fold togeather"....

And lastly... how should we hold the skymasters meeting... should we have it just open... and anything goes... or should we have a lecture/fact finding and then open discussion... or make it back to school... should we have a facility that we can go out and physically open up a plane and do some hands on stuff... or just classroom.... Should we invite a guest speaker... like peter or Tom from CPA to come and give a talk... I think it would be great to hear what others have to say... and where they are from also... so maybe we could have just a group thing... all of these are questions that we should have thought of...

then of course their is the night life and entertaninment... for the other half that doesn't want to sit around and listen to a bunch of guys...gals... wave their arms and draw funny pictures that look like something from the but, on a budget...

And lets have more planes this year... heck only a hand full last year... none from the west... come on...start saving them pennies... for the fuel and flight... and who knows it might even make the news... hey that another thing... we going to have maybe some officers and PR person... I can think of several who are good at computers... and we do need a grand awkie thumper that can call the meetings to order... etc... a little more orginized than just.. well here we are... now what...kinda thing... we don't need no stinking rules... just officers... and PR people... whos term is good until they get tired of it or we find some other that wants too....

I have contacted a flag maker this morning .. they really are sail makers over here... that makes up them colorful flags.. and they said they would see about making up some proofs for us... I gave them some ideas... you got any others... one flag for the hangar... one for the house... and one for the meeting.. each with their own family crest or badge on it... and I guess we could number them.. as the new kids on the block would be higher numbers...sort of thing...

Ok... get to doing what we all do best their skymaster owner... start thinking in the easy chair and no snoring when the wife asks what your doing.. say ... thinking about flying... except for larry... and kevin... they work way to hard...

BTW.... we flew to a restraunt that is on a airfield... we frequent.. called jones's... their we usually do the old stunt of pulling up to the large picture windows... and at the last min spin the skymaster around... so that it is parked so all can see... while eating... we jumped out and headed for the insides and usually have several people ask if they can look inside... good pR... so we say.. sure.. and leave the top door open.. it also makes it cooler when you get back... Once inside we met the owner and she naturly has a table up at the window for us to keep a eye on the plane as well as great place to eat... (steak)... and we always have people marvel at the way we came in.. as well as the plane itself...

We always overhear some funny stuff though... one time the guys girlfirend or wife was saying ... "no.. no.. they have the engine in the rear to make it climb better... and he replied.. gee I think its a spare..." we helped out by saying... she was right... heck giving the little woman a sence of inferority... and others who we have met before are still amazed at the plane... sometimes we even speak a little loudly and make the offer after dinner to take someone up for a local flight... we always have takers... and the gal that owns the joint usually gives us dinner on the house... because it brings 'em back...

Well we did the same this time... but, instead of having to ask... a bright young looking gal came over and said... are you the one that takes people up in the plane... looking her over... what a doll... I sat streight up in the chair... sucked in the gut.. and said... sure am... are you interested in going...after dinner... thinking wow a chance of a lifetime... atttttt.... nope... she was sent over from another table... that the owner of the steak house had informed its occupants that I was the one... and as I looked back I could not see too many people or who.. but, I said.. sure I can take two this trip... she then gave me her card.... girls carry cards now... hmmmm.... and it said that she was a escort service... DOWN LARRY... this is not what you think... she is a planner... and aranges things for clients... like lemmmos and dinners and things like that... darn knew it was too good to be true... anyway... after dinner I sent the waiter over and said were ready any time they are... and I guess I should tell you that the steak house is in NAPA... ahhh the land of movie stars and actors... and guess who along with their wife came out and got in the plane... smile... nope I am going to keep you guessing but, they are on TV in a sitcom.... and they were having dinner with another very fine actor... Mr. Eastwood himself... who flew his helo up with his wife also...
Anyway we took off after meeting all the people and went up the wine country way... flight lasted about 40 min... and we checked out some trees and houses like my Elmer larry did... and then came back... and they left in Clints helo... as I was going back to the skymaster I had flown over... the fuel truck pulled up.. and started to get out his hoses.. I replied .. naw I don't need to buy any fuel... its expensive their... he replied.. nope its paid for already... your guest told me to come over and filled up the plane... took about 70 gallons...
Wow... now that is what I like.. free dinner, free fuel and meeting great people... wow... and so did the owner of the skymaster I flew... as it came back with full tanks... he was impressed.. and said I could use it any time I wanted because of it...

Isn't it nice to go in looking like dirt and coming out smelling like a rose... smile... only in a skymaster... beach drivers eat your heart out... G.M>GMAs

kevin 10-05-02 05:31 PM

Sounds good.

Just so everyone knows, anyone can post a poll any time they like, doesn't need me to do it. But I'll post another if we get some folks agreeing that they want another...

The number of responses to the last poll is so small (it is not really 33 people voting, because in the last pole you were allowed to vote more than once). I am not sure another vote will tell us anything more. Central U.S. seems to have won among those voting. I suggest someone propose a date and place based on the information from the last two polls, and people sign up to attend, or not.

Don Neiser (sorry if I am spelling that wrong) has already offered his time and facility in Oklahoma City, but there was very little response to the offer.

Jerry De Santis has offered to organize a meeting in Nashville, if Gmas will commit to attending (I think anyway, if I've got that wrong, please correct me). Not much response to that suggestion either.

Would it be easier to get together in conjunction with other events, such as Sun 'n Fun, Arlington, Oshkosh, Reno Air Races, or ...? Have the meeting on Sunday, so folks could attend the other event on Saturday? Just trying to find a way to increase the participation. We had something like 30 people at the meeting we held at Oshkosh, and that was at a very bad time of day (5:30 PM, as I recall).

My two cents.


Ernie Martin 10-05-02 06:21 PM

1. Central U.S. sounds good. I supported Nashville earlier, but Oklahoma City is OK.

2. I'd schedule it on its own, not in conjuction with another event, and for the whole weekend.

3. It's important to set a date NOW, so people can start making plans. I vote for April or May 2003.

4. I like the idea of some hands-on activities, actually working on an aircraft.

5. What about some time carved out for precision flying? Perhaps some really short short-field landings, etc.

6. Based on the May meeting in The Bahamas, I would NOT invite other experts beyond GMAs. They would just take valuable time away, since you can't really expect them to come just for a half-hour talk.


WebMaster 10-06-02 12:32 PM

Escort Service??
Way to go GMAS!!!
I like the idea of some precision, formation flying. Jerry DeSantis and I have done some, including low approach to an airport. It would be cool to get some more planes, and do a larger formation flight.
I looked at Cirrus for Duats, and if you criss cross the country, Hays, KS comes up close. It's home to Rans aircraft, a kitplane place.
I agree with Ernie, that if you want a larger turn out, the decision as to where/when needs to be made soon. I also agree with him that it needs to be independent of any other event, and forget guest speakers, except as a footnote, much like we did at OSH, where Les Brindle talked about the 3 blade props, and MaryAnn talked about the Diesels. April or May would work for a lot of people. Again, we need to decide where/when soon, so that people can start planning. Bob did a wonderful job at Treasure Cay, especially considering that until weeks before hand, we didn't know for sure that anyone would really show up.
Once a location and date is settled, notifying everyone who does not read this message board takes some time. It can be done by downloading the FAA database, and sending out a note. Timing is everything in this. I remember Guy saying they planned the gatherings 2 years in advance.
So, a place, and a date, need to be set soon.

WebMaster 10-06-02 12:48 PM

One More Thought
Where ever we go should have decent fuel prices, and Instrument approaches, and be reasonably warm in April/May.
One place that does come to mind is OSH, which certainly is set up to handle visitors, and has hangars, etc. Unfortunately, there's not much to night life that I am aware of.

GMAs 10-08-02 01:22 PM

According to the poll which everyone should have now had a chance to vote on... shows that the top 5 responses should be examined more carefuly....


Logicly we need to start to deduce which area we find most interesting and will meet our prerequsts...

Central ... North or South...

Should we list the states within this region and then pick which one we should infiltrate...

In any case we need to get on with comeing up to some decision so that plans can be made in advance... as to the month... which is best...

Off season... on some of the resorts are cheeper rates and fair service...

Season... its more called bring money...

Weather.... some place that has good wx during

Accomidations... enough for all... with choices...

Transportation... for the masses...

Useability.... ahhh here for the frequent flyer as well as the GA plane... and not a rip off for parking or services...

the big question is not only for US skymasters.. but, for the other folks who come along too...

If we went to say Yellowstone and stayed in the lodge... or outside... we are going to have cold climates kinda thing in Feb or May... but, I think we all need to look up some of the spots... and make some inquirees as to what they have that we will find useful... kinda thing...

If we went to Las Vegas... ya I mean like do we need to explane anything their... its adult and kids playground... again check out the web.. and staying at North Las Vegas field is not bad for pricing... etc... comes with rental car... and figures out cheeper than staying in one hotel.. although they do cater to groups and give group rates... kinda thing... so again scoping is the word here... to find our options...

Ok.. just food for thought... what say... all... G.M> GMAs

Ernie Martin 10-08-02 07:37 PM

Note to readers:

The GMAs message which appears just above this one was originally posted under a new thread heading. Since it deals with the same subject which GMAs first raised in an earlier thread, Kevin has merged the two threads.


kevin 10-08-02 10:49 PM

Threads merged.


GMAs 10-09-02 05:13 PM

Yep... Yep...
ya it was better to have it all in one thread... thanks kev... G.M>

WebMaster 10-12-02 08:57 PM

A Thought
We have polled, with no clear cut results, as to where to have the next meeting. Of the 164 people that have registered for this message board, only 34 have voted for a location. The 164 includes some people that don't currently own skymasters, and represent about 18% of the skymasters that are registered in the US, not counting the ones that are Canadian, or Mexican, or other countries.
So, does it have to be one meeting?
Why not schedule 3 - 4 meetings a year, somewhat geographical, and invite everyone to all of them. If we can get 30-40 planes to any or all of them, we call it a success. I remember Guy writing about Whitaker (sp) setting them up 2 years in advance. We had one, with what I thought was a success, given the timing and advance notice.
So, here's my proposal.
Let's have a meeting in Las Vegas, first week of April.
Let's have a meeting in Treasure Cay, first week of May.
Let's call these semi-technical, social gatherings. Let's combine them with some localize travel, sightseeing, trips. From LV, we could go north to Tonapah and Groom Lake. East, towards the Grand Canyon, or lots of easy, short hops are available in the area. Call it a long weekend, or 4-5 days.
For Treasure Cay, a short hop over to one of the local islands would be possible.
Let's have a strictly technical gathering in Oklahoma City, or Nashville, first week of June. Given the participation of Don Neiser, I think we could have a better technical meeting at Don's place.
Let's schedule another gathering, unofficial, unorganized, for Oshkosh, and a formal, semi-technical, gathering in Las Vegas, for October.
Anything on the east coast, after mid June, becomes subject to Hurricanes and tropical storms. The folks in Texas going north to New York have found that out, this fall.

What do you folks think.

Personally, I'd like to see an eastern meeting in my backyard, or DCA, but neither of those are practical.

Anyone else have a better idea?

Ernie Martin 10-14-02 04:45 PM


Since only 34 people have voted, my guess is that it's those people -- 10, 20, maybe 30 -- who will actually go to these meetings. And I think most of them simply CAN'T go to that many meetings. So they'll go to 1 (maybe 2), and attendance will be much reduced at each meet just because it's a small number of people spread over many meets.

I think we should get ONE meeting scheduled (maybe one in the East and one in the West). And see how that goes. And expand from there. I'm flexible. I'll go to Chatanooga or Oklahoma City or Treasure Cay. But I think both Jerry DeSantis and Bob Cook are right when they urge us to get cracking, to set a place and time. The greater the advance notice, the greater the attendance.


Keven 10-14-02 05:56 PM

Treasure Cay, May 1-4, 2003
How's that for getting the ball rolling!!!

If that doesn't work, then May 8-11.

Both of those sets of dates are Thursday - Sunday which gives us all plenty of time to get there, relax, and find a few things to enjoy on the island(s) for a nice, long weekend.

Bob, I defer to you to make sure you can attend in either one of those time frames. If so, let us know if either is more preferable than the other. If not, let us know better dates for you.

Everyone else, speak now, or hold your peace for another year:)


Vaporizer reviews

WebMaster 10-14-02 06:45 PM

Way to Go
Way to Go, Keven. No indecisiveness in your post. I still like the idea of cruising up to Groom Lake, just to see what they got there.
With a stop at Desert Rock, which GMAS wrote about last year.
How about doing that in October?
900 letters to skymaster owners, telling them to be there or be square.
?what's the date again?

Keven 10-14-02 09:05 PM

I hate to be focused, but . . .

Let's deal with Groom Lake after we put this thing to bed about TC in May. I've got to plan 1 vacation at a time when I've got 2 little kids to work around;)

Last chance, May in TC. Any objections or problems from anyone?

Larry, after we get this TC thing hammered out, I'll see if I can work on the October trip. No way it's going to happen with me AND Allie Cat (who most people like better than me), but maybe I can drag a few boys or wanton pilots along if I can get a kitchen pass (which is doubtful at this time, which is why I'm somewhat hell-bent on getting TC in May worked out).

party Cam

GMAs 10-15-02 01:30 AM

I kinda think the poll says midwest .... and the last time I checked...
TC was east... Hmmmm.. is my compas broken...

I like the idea that we have it at LV... that way their is something for everyone.. as well as a great time... commercial service ... and mid range for the folks all around... besides the wx is much better than back east at that time...

Just my two cents worth... I am still of the opinion that mid west is the area of choice... and May sounds good... so does april.... and I agree with larry LV sounds like a great playground for night life, food and neet places to play... including the AFB which we might be able to get a tour of .. with sims... who would like to fly the F-18... and do a little dog fighting... smile.. as well as we might be able to have our meeting at the North Las Vegas field.. which is cheeper.. than down town... kinda thing... Area 51 is now open... and flights are allowed to fly over almost all the time... but, just south of LV is Grand Caynon....and again it would be a great adventure to fly in/over and have our meeting at the marble caynon lodge... but, that is all things that can happen...

Lets survey a date... by months... to see when the others want to have it.... Kevin could you post the 5 months that would be the best... April, May... etc... and see who is in favor of what month... as we now have the area... thanks G.M> GMAs..

WebMaster 10-15-02 11:00 AM

How about
How about TC in May, Vegas in Oct?

Ernie Martin 10-15-02 12:51 PM

I'm in
Keven & Larry:

Count me in for TC in May. I will shoot for Vegas in October (it's 2003, right?), but can't guarantee.


kevin 10-15-02 02:21 PM

I'm in for TC in May, Vegas in October, unless economics force me to sell airplane.


Ernie Martin 10-16-02 01:02 PM

Note: Webmaster moved this message from another thread, so "two messages above" is not accurate any longer.


Two messages above, you say to Bob that the group has spoken regarding a meeting location. I went to look at other threads but could not find this. I see a suggestion of Treasure Cay in May and Las Vegas in the Fall (and considerable support for these locations) but Nashville may still be in the running in the East (for me in Miami TC is better, but for other Easteners Nashville may be far more convenient). Also, and I think this is VERY IMPORTANT, the location may be substantially influenced by your availability. If you can make Nashville, say, but not TC, I think the consensus might be to do it in Nashville. We haven't heard from you on this subject; could you give us your views?


GMAs 10-16-02 04:57 PM

Ok... lets get it on... with the meeting place...
It appears that from the discussion and flury of E mails that LosVegas is going to the the meeting place... I cliped a section from the navweb group (public) that shows North LV.. but, mccarren is still good too... as they have services to the hotels... here is the site.. check out the aerial shots of the place...

I have also asked for permission to land... yep land at area 51 better known as Groom lake... as a group to tour the facility... limited access.. and guess what.. they came back and asked when we would like to come.. wow... that is a switch... I also asked Nellis if we could tour the air base and play in the simulators... and they too have shown an intrest... of course we could always go down to the dam and take the dam tour... as hover dam is well know also... then their is the grand caynon...

I re-read Bobs trip around the islands.. and heck I don't think it would allow for much time... one day Sat morning... is all.. hmmmm almost a HI how are you thing... the rest of the time its party on... so I guess not much technical... all social... I am of the oppinion that it should be balanced... kinda thing... but, then again its up to what ever everyone wants...

Looks like were looking at May on the strip... now to decide where to stay and what services they will provide for us... most have small business meeting rooms that can be scheduled for a group who stays at the house... and with the new mid-evil times... and all the rest of the entertainment... wow... it should be a full house ... not requiring much travel unless you want to...

Frankly I would perfer grand caynon... marble as it was great to land down in the bottom of the grand caynon.. and the take off up thru the painted desert was well worth the stay... as it is the only way you can go down into it now... you have to have reservations... else ATC will keep you high... above... where this way you can get within 500 ft of the floor... like we used to do... rafting down the river ... optional... at your own risk... smile...


SkyKing 10-16-02 05:11 PM

KVGT- North Las Vegas

This sounds like a a good selection, close to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon... excellent scenery. And besides, it's not so far as to limit you in what you can bring along for the meeting. That commercial airport TSA stuff and their Homeland Security BS is for the 'birds'... they can keep it!!


GMAs 10-16-02 05:23 PM

More... on LV
Hey here is the biggie airport... as their are three in Las Vegas... Henderson, north and this one... check it out... as well as meeting rooms and great rates... if we go as a club we might even get comped in to a dinner show... check it out... its looking better all the time...

GMAs 10-16-02 07:44 PM

and for those with nothing to do.... while at LV.... check out these side trips...

some food for thought... after all out west we don't have anything except rattle snakes and indians... pardner... GMAs..

Jerry De Santis 10-16-02 07:50 PM

Is nashville out?
From the various comments it appears to me that Nashville is out! If not, I will set it up. Just let me know.

GMAs 10-16-02 08:03 PM

Where is it.. Oh.. let me send you the area... where you can see...
This makes a good trip in October... as it is cool and clear.. and the kids are back in school...kinda thing here is the whole map of the area.. in detail...

good for boating trips up through caynons.. etc..

Rickskymaster 10-16-02 08:04 PM

Late to the party but let's have one
I think TC and Las Vegas are great choices. After having lived in LA for over 20 years, we have flown into Vegas many times and have not been disappointed with the time we had there.
I would suggust going into the major international airport as it is much closer to the strip and you can actually walk from your tiedown to the Strip in about 10 minutes, if you know the FBO to go to and the area to park.
Now that we live on the EC, I am all over getting down to TC, you tell me when and where and we are going to be there.

Ernie Martin 10-16-02 08:08 PM

I'm getting confused by this thread. Are we narrowing it down to TC in the Spring of 2003 and Las Vegas in the Fall of 2003? Sounds good to me. My question to GMAs stands: will you come to TC in the Spring?


kevin 10-16-02 08:55 PM

I agree that the main airport in Vegas is fabulously convenient. I flew there for years on business and pleasure trips. But nowdays, better check the ramp fees, overnight fees and fuel price at the FBO you select, to make sure you are prepared for what it will cost. I checked a couple of months ago, and found it to be prohibitively expensive for me (perhaps not for others). North Las Vegas is very inexpensive.


Jerry De Santis 10-16-02 10:13 PM

I am confused! Seems like most people voted midwest. Now the talk is west and TC. People, why did we vote on anything? Been to TC last meeting. Time to try somewhere else. Remember, a lot of folks can't take that much time to go to TC. Is this only to be a social gathering or are we as a group interested in helping our skymaster friends who would like to learn more about their planes and at the same time meet and enjoy other nice people who own Skymasters.

Ernie Martin 10-17-02 10:24 AM

I tend to agree with Jerry. Although TC is far more convenient to me, a more central location in the East (like Nashville) may attract far more people and is more convenient for GMAs. We ought not rule it out.

In fact, since there now seems to be a consensus for LV for the Fall 2003 meeting (with perhaps only the airport up in the air), now is the time for us to focus on the Spring meeting in the East: should it be TC or a more central location, say Nashville? Add your message below with your views. I vote for Nashville.


Rickskymaster 10-17-02 10:34 AM

Nashville or TC
As I mentioned last night, I am all over TC becasue it is an easy "SEll" to the wife.
But I would be interested myself in Nashville since I have wanted to see Owen Bell's operation etc.
Half a vote for TC and half a vote for Nashville.
Quite frankly, I will go to either one.


GMAs 10-17-02 04:30 PM

We have mail..... and a meeting room... and a place to park... and...

We got this back just a while ago... look good for May 2003.... :)

Re: May meeting of the Skymaster Club
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:34:25 -0700
"Diana Rankin" <>

Dear G. Amthor:

North Las Vegas Airport would welcome your 337 Skymaster group to hold your meeting here. We do have a room w/ power connections for your PowerPoint
presentations, out of the main traffic stream, where you could hold your technical meeting (no charge). The room can hold up to 75 people. There is a
restaurant, in the terminal building, that can meet any catering needs you might have. We should be able to park all of your Skymasters in the same general area,
in the event you wanted to have a "beauty contest" or "show & tell".

The Texas Hotel & Gambling Hall, Budget Suites, and the Fiesta Hotel are all within a mile to a mile and a half from the airport. The only contact I have is Greg
Gibb at the Fiesta Hotel — 702-638-3647. The airport has a shuttle service, which will deliver you to your hotel, until 6:30 p.m. If you need to make later
arrangements, let us know and we'll try to help you.

Avis - 702-396-7785, Enterprise - 702-395-2244, and Hertz - 702-395-2207 Rent-a-Car all service the North Las Vegas Airport.

If you need any other information, please don't hesitate to ask.

Looking forward to hearing back from you,
Diana Rankin

>>> G <> 10/16/02 2:09:04 PM >>>
Hi doing a little scoping around... for a location to hold our annual
meeting of the 337 Skymasters group... we usually have a technical
meeting as well as a social time. Is their a general meeting room at
the terminal that could be used to hold the meeting in... where we go
through technical issues... that is away from the main traffic... is
their cars to rent still at the field... and place to stay that is close
by which you could recommend... we expect to have about 15-25 aircraft
from all over the country attend with a average of 3 persons on board.
We would need a room with power to do a powerpoint presentation as well
as graphical material. Thanks for your time our website is

If you would like to make a pitch to the club to attend at your field...
I will be more than happy to post it for you...


G.M. Amthor

WebMaster 10-18-02 09:49 AM

Wrong Site
you have, which is Bill Crews site. I'm sure Bill would appreciate having more people look at the skymasters he has for sale.

Our website is

Are you promoting LV for May, or LV for October, and an Eastern meeting for May? If LV in May, that pretty much wipes out the chance of an Eastern meeting, unless we do it late fall.

Also, if you look at the website, you'll find that Jean Nevada has a 6000 sq foot meeting room available free for aviation related activities.

GMAs 10-18-02 11:34 AM

Opppsssss.... I thought I took it off the header.. hmmmm...
Ya that looks good.. but, its 15 miles south of LV... however it is more GA frendly and with 6000 ft of room... its bigger than the runway...:)

However we would have to fly to go to the BIG city... and thinking of the other half while were in the meeting..??? Oh what to do...!... I like yours better for the meeting but, I am sure the night life is going to be... Hmmmm... unless we have a pot luck dinner or bar-b-q... kinda thing... where we all can sit around and gas about flying and meet each other.. only problem is that we would have to do our own cleaning.. etc... unless we hire someone to do it... then it gets expensive again... and I am sure the gals will not want to have the food detail...

Ya May for LV... is what has been promoted... and even though its not in the middle.. its close to the middle and it does have lots of activities.... that others can do...

Of course their are other places like Salt Lake City... Denver it too high... for some flyers... and the attractions are sparse to say the least...

here is one place but, it again is difficult to get to..

KDRO would be best because it has a longer runway for the non-turboed planes... as they will take about 4000 on a good day... smile...

So if your into trains etc... this is the palace... and it might be more in the middle of the country thing... :)

Still looking at others that have suggested places... also got a reply back from Pilot Getaways... editor... and he has several suggestions.. but, also wants to know when were going.. because he would like to tag along and do a article kinda thing... Megs has also expressed a intrest in coming along also to do a picture story about how "FUN" it is to use the plane again... to travel and meet with others.. I told her that we were meeting in July... ops.. guess I made a mistake.. huh... :)

WebMaster 10-18-02 12:19 PM

John Wayne
Like John Wayne said, once, "We're burning daylight". Pick a date, lets get the show on the road.

Ernie Martin 10-18-02 06:55 PM


Could you please tell us your intentions regarding meetings?

In the past several days I've written 3 messages asking you whether the LV meeting is in the Fall of 2003, so that we can have an Eastern meeting in the Spring, and asking you if you would attend the Eatern meeting. No direct response from you to this question. Instead, there is a suggestion in your messages (as Larry points out above in his message entitled "Wrong Site") that you are promoting LV for May, which "pretty much wipes out the chance of an Eastern meeting" in the Spring.

Look, let's call a spade a spade. We'd like YOU to be at BOTH meetings. So we'd like a CLEAR indications on your preferences. If you really want the LV meeting in May and will later go (or not go)to an Eastern meeting in Fall 2003 (which is the opposite of what some of us wanted), just tell us. If you have a preference for Nashville over TC, just say so.

Bunch of us here would like to make plans. Like Larry's quote from John Wayne: "We're burning daylight".


GMAs 10-18-02 07:46 PM

Hmmmm..... 2002, 2003 schedule
Ernie... I think up about two or three we said that it appears that the meeting is going to be in central west, according to the votes... in May... as a date is not set as yet...

someone else came in and said that they wanted it at TC again... but, someone else said that they wondered why we took the time to vote if it was going to be held back on the east coast, TC, again...

Now to me TC is not what was voted on... thus the reason we had the poll in the first place...

Then someone said well lets have two meetings one for the eastern people and one for the western people...and that I would have to attend both...

Then the dates got all mixed up again.. and someone said May for TC or east coast and Fall for the west...

I am kinda still thinking about everything.. and emails start showing up... about places... put out a few things as to where it would be the most exciting time for all... thus LV came into its own.... with Drango being the second best place...

As far as I was asked... I have not... I read your thread about putting one on in Nashvill or again back east... and think it was a good jester but again the group said that they voted for someplace that everyone would be able to go to.. and not just in someones back yard... kinda thing...

As to attending both... I am sorry to say... I don't have that much time to be able to... so its going to have to be just one place... as I have to take time off to make it to the place as well as put togeather some sort of infomation presentation that would be fitting to the group... sure I could stand up their and wave my arms around.. and talk for an hour or so.. but, it left most in the dust so to speak at the last meeting... I had the understanding that they had equipment and facilities to hold the meeting at.. and was un-prepaired to what we found... I had info that I had brought which should have been copied for each person... but, without a copier... well.. and the presentation was on computer for the rest of the subject items... that took a couple of weekends to put togeather... but, because we didn't have a projector... it would have been a little hard to see on the lap tops screen... for all... I hoped that we did the best we could for the conditions that their were... and I think it did come off good but, it could have been better... and the group could have gone away with more info had it been better... I also would have liked to have held one session out at the plane... but, because it is not allowed in their country.. i.e removing screws... it again made it difficult to have show and tell...

Then their was the airlines and the homeland security of things... smile... we won't go into that... as it was a ugly sight... smile...

So to make the trip twice... is not going to happen at this time... as I can't be away from work that long... and attention has to be directed to other things in life...

I am sure that Bob has a great agnda... with the touring of the islands and all... down at TC but, their are others who want info... after all that is what they came for... while others want social... that is what they came for... and I frankly don't know much about either...:)

So I keep reading... and trying to help put something togeather... as others are saying its what we voted on or nothing... and I have written them saying that we had it last year on the east coast... why not this year have it on the west... but, it seems like the middle is a happy ground for all... kinda thing... so we are going with that...

Hope this answers your questions... as I feel privldged to be at any meeting as a speaker... for you guys and gals.. but, I won't be able to make two or three... their is just not enough time.. sorry... G.M. GMAs

hharney 10-20-02 05:59 PM

Lost Wages or Bust?




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GMAs 10-20-02 09:58 PM

I like that......... :))
Hey... I knew someone would pick up on the sumposium... with all the great go lookie... honey we could get this and that for the plane.. as well as the mechanics would be their... for their thing... FAA will be their also...

BBQ... meeting ... weekend touring.. .. yep I like that... just don't let your wife let you take the prop off the plane and put it on the gambling table... actually saw that one time... and the guy got to walk home... :)....

Now as far as Jean goes... it would be cheeper and we could fly from their to NLV... but, I think once down... best to be in the hotel... kinda thing.. but, I do like the show and tell and being out on the ramp.. for a look see even a best looking plane thing... but, hey they all look good...

But,... it not up to me.. its the rest of the group.. how do they feel about having it their... come on now lets hear from the rest too... G.m> GMAs

hharney 10-20-02 10:12 PM


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