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n86121 12-23-23 10:46 AM

Any interest in after market fuel senders and cowl motors

I would like to find the engineer who designed the bizarro rear cowl flap motor assembly,
and do unspeakable things to them.

Or, perhaps hire someone else to.

Plausible deniability always being important to maintain.

The motor assemblies twist in torment and agony with each cycle,
while also exercising the wiring and connectors.
They are painful to watch.

Mine are working AND I have spare motors, but...

QUESTION - Anyone interested? Maybe $1k for a direct replacement set front and back?



I have similarly thought to offer direct-replacement resistive sensors.
The CIES are what, $800 a pop. I would need 6 of them, then new indicators of some sort.
Fuel senders that cost maybe $40 for a boat would cost what, $8k in a 337?

QUESTION - Anyone interested at maybe $1k for a set of 6?

If enough interest this may stir me from my slumbers to act...

Burt 12-23-23 03:43 PM

Fuel Senders
I would be interested in direct replacement fuel senders.


wslade2 12-25-23 05:05 AM

I haven’t had any motor issues….YET! But sure would be nice for it not to be a nightmare when it comes…

Already spent the money on CiES install. My capacitance system was nil. Would be nice to have an option.

Jhogan0101 12-25-23 11:36 AM

My cowl flaps were replaced with the mechanical kind.
They work “ok”.
They tend to not lock 100% and sometimes pop open

The cies senders have been amazing and worth the money in my opinion.
I worked with them to reengineer the design (longer and changed orientation)
after too much unuseable fuel with original design.
Here is a link to the gauge i use to display.
The fuel gauge is third from right on top row.

wslade2 12-25-23 11:07 PM

When did you work with CiES to update their design? Trying to see if mine are before or after that. I got them about year and half ago.

pwolfehagen 12-30-23 12:22 PM

I'd be in on the fuel senders.

mshac 01-02-24 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by n86121 (Post 29874)
I would like to find the engineer who designed the bizarro rear cowl flap motor assembly,
and do unspeakable things to them. Or, perhaps hire someone else to.

Maybe we can get a two-fer discount and add the guy that designed the electrical system. :mad:

rmorris 01-05-24 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by n86121 (Post 29874)

I would like to find the engineer who designed the bizarro rear cowl flap motor assembly,
and do unspeakable things to them.

Or, perhaps hire someone else to.

Plausible deniability always being important to maintain.

The motor assemblies twist in torment and agony with each cycle,
while also exercising the wiring and connectors.
They are painful to watch.

Mine are working AND I have spare motors, but...

QUESTION - Anyone interested? Maybe $1k for a direct replacement set front and back?



I have similarly thought to offer direct-replacement resistive sensors.
The CIES are what, $800 a pop. I would need 6 of them, then new indicators of some sort.
Fuel senders that cost maybe $40 for a boat would cost what, $8k in a 337?

QUESTION - Anyone interested at maybe $1k for a set of 6?

If enough interest this may stir me from my slumbers to act...

Interested in both

paul.j 01-29-24 07:54 PM

I could be interested in the senders!

patrolpilot 02-01-24 07:33 AM

I'm interested in both motors and senders.

My fuel system (original) continues to work without issue and the gauges are precise. I would stock the spares though.

patrolpilot 02-02-24 09:27 AM

All this talk caused my rear cowl flap motor to fail yesterday.

It's not so much the money; it is the downtime.

B2C2 02-02-24 12:18 PM

my rear cowl motor failed a while ago, and it was repaired. The failure actually was right where the wires entered the motor case, and I mention it here because the motor was rebuilt, and then failed again because the issue was a parted wire inside the insulation due to the twisting action so was intermittent. Real devil to catch so make sure you have whoever does the repair look for this. I found it by shifting the wires connected to the motor by hand when it was installed and getting it to fail. After install, make sure to zip tie these wires down to the motor case or frame nearby so the strain isn't applied at that entry point.

patrolpilot 02-03-24 03:22 PM

I'm buying one from Don Nieser. My logbooks are very solid and detailed. I am certain the motor is original. About two years ago, I had to replace the front. Same story, no record of change, looked like had been on the airplane from the start.

I kept the front, ate the $500 core charge on it, and sent it to JBL for a rebuild so I have a front spare. I'm going to do the same with the rear.

RandyArizona 02-04-24 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by patrolpilot (Post 29979)
I'm buying one from Don Nieser. My logbooks are very solid and detailed. I am certain the motor is original. About two years ago, I had to replace the front. Same story, no record of change, looked like had been on the airplane from the start.

I kept the front, ate the $500 core charge on it, and sent it to JBL for a rebuild so I have a front spare. I'm going to do the same with the rear.

What, or who, is a “ JBL”.?

patrolpilot 02-04-24 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by RandyArizona (Post 29981)
What, or who, is a "JBL".?

Dang, I'm glad you caught that! Wrong initials!!!


RLB Accessory Service

971 N Babbit Ave
Addison IL 60101

When you call, be prepared to talk for a while—lovely older gentleman.

The trouble with the motors tends not to be electrical unless they truly burn up. He tells of small gears in the motor that are nearly impossible to find. From age, heat, and wear, they crumble. I believe he finally found a limited source for the gears. I did buy a cheap motor on eBay a couple of years ago as a core. It was burnt up and rebuildable. He told me that given the age of these things, there is a high probability of a failed unit being just that. Owners don't want to hear it, but we are dealing with a motor from 44 to 59 years old.

rmorris 02-16-24 05:19 PM

What is he charging to rebuild/repair your spares?

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