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WebMaster 04-24-12 09:29 PM

2012 Fly In
Please save the dates of September 5 (Wednesday) to September 8 (Saturday) for the 2012 SOAPA event. This year we will be basing at Groton Airport in Connecticut Rooms have been reserved at a bed and breakfast on the harbor in nearby Mystic where we will also have our business meeting.

Arrival will be on Wednesday with activities on Thursday and Friday, with Saturday available for other activities depending on weather and desire.

The main attraction will be a flight down the Hudson River in New York City and around the Statue of Liberty. Paul Rooy will also be making a presentation on his most recent flight around South America. We are identifying other activities too that will be available as desired:

- The Red Tails will be at Groton on that weekend At least one P51 will be flying and they will have static displays honoring the all-black flying squadron highly decorated during WWII which were depicted in a recent major motion picture. They will be selling rides on the P51.

- The Nautilus submarine and museum is open at the Groton Naval Submarine Base.

- Mystic, CT is quintessential old New England and was a hub of whaling activity in the 1800s. There are museums, shops, and sailing vessels to visit. Check out other activities at

- Sanford, Maine (KSFM) will be hosting the Maine model jet rally and Horizon Hobby Air Meet on 9/6-9/9.

- Survival Systems, Inc. is across the street from Groton Airport and provides military and civilian ditching training in the classroom and simulator. Hugh Teel (manager) has offered to do an introductory 1-1.5 hour class on fundamentals for our group.

Well, that's our start on this year's fun. More details will follow as things shape up.

jchronic 04-25-12 07:39 AM

Good choice of location and time of year. Wanted to mention that the pilots and observers on our marine surveys all go through the Survival Systems ditching and emergency breathing apparatus courses, which are outstanding.

For anyone who does much overwater flying, the ditching course is well worth the money - but it's a bit intense, especially for those not comfortable in the water.

Hope to make the fly-in this year.


WebMaster 04-25-12 01:32 PM

Other Activities
There are two (2) casinos in the area. Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods. It's to early to see what their entertainment schedule is.

The Mystic Seaport is a historic place. Mystic Pizza has good, and unusual pizza.

The Coast Guard academy is across from the Navy base.

There are many sailing ships, tall ships, that people can spend time on.
It may be possible to get a dinner cruise on one of them.

billsheila 04-25-12 06:15 PM

More Info re the Fly-In
Just one point of clarification for folks regarding the rooms -- we reserved a block of rooms for the "SOAPA 2012 Fly-in" but people will have to call the Inn on their own (phone number available via the link) to reserve their room. They have a variety of rooms available with views, balconies, hot tubs, whatever you want, also at a variety of prices. It may also be worth noting that the room rates all include a full hot breakfast each morning and an "afternoon tea" (to the extent we are around and not out exploring/flying).

Lastly, the Inn has requested that guests please confirm their rooms as soon as practicable, so that they are best able to accomodate everyone's specific requests of room type and so forth.

Bill Taylor

hharney 05-10-12 10:25 AM

SOAPA 2012 - Bucket List acheivements
2 Attachment(s)
My partner in the Twin Comanche will be flying the Hudson next week and will get some real live experience with the adventure. I may send a GoPro with him to document it and then share with this message board. He will be flying out of Teterboro (see charts below).

Here is a link to the VFR Terminal and the back of the chart has the VFR corridor layout.

Here is great video presentation that was at SNF in 2007. After reviewing this it, I can see it will be really exciting to experience this adventure. Join us at SOAPA 2012

awilps 05-11-12 08:54 AM

Hi all,
Fairly new to SOAPA, as we just started operating O-2's last year. I'm really excited to hear about this gathering, especially since it is basically in our backyard! Hope to be able to join you, flight schedule permitting.

I can also HIGHLY recommend Survival Systems...all of our crews have gone through it for overwater operations. Indeed, intense, but very rewarding and changed the way I personally fly and equip forever.

See ya soon I hope!

Dale Campbell 06-20-12 09:39 AM

Fall SOAP Meeting
Hi Larry,
Sounds like a good meeting location. I Always wanted to do the flight down the Hudson, but since the Towers came down, I figured it was not possible. Sounds like fun with a group of 337's. Count me in for now. I did not run that by the wife yet.

Dale Campbell 07-31-12 03:01 PM

2010 Meeting
Hi Larry,
Do you have any information on the hotels or dates of meetings and the day of the Hudson river flight yet. Dale

billsheila 07-31-12 08:23 PM

The detailed itinerary will be coming out later this week. Stay tuned it is going to be a whopper...seriously, we are working to finalize a few things and then will get it all posted soon. We are working hard to make it fun and also keep the costs reasonable. In the meantime, I suggest you book your hotel directly with the Inn per the information in the leading post to this thread. The arrival should be for Wednesday as the meeting and activities will begin bright and early on Thursday morning, followed by stuff on Friday and Saturday, with departures for home any time Saturday PM at your discretion.

Will be back to you soon with the final details.

Bill and Ken.

billsheila 08-08-12 10:14 AM

Finally -- The Details!!!
Fellow SOAPA members;
Please accept this apology in getting the final details for our New England Fly-In published and posted. Ken and I hope that despite the delay, you will be pleased with the activities we have set up and be able to join us all in New England for our late summer/early fall rendezvous.

Please refer to the itinerary below and also the EARLIER POSTING with details for booking the hotel accomodations that have been set aside at the Inn at Mystic.

We have attempted to keep the registration costs to a minimum and will not be renting a SOAPA van. Much stuff is walkable from the Inn and when we go for our fly out adventures and other excursions we can hire local cabs which we feel will be easier and likely cheaper overall. Cost per head will be $75 each. This will include the boat tour, Danbury cookout, and miscellaneous expenses for SOAPA. Your room rate (which includes breakfast and afternoon tea to the extent we are around), cabs, airport parking fee (if any....still under discussion) and outside meals at restaurants etc will be at your expense.

Please note that the specific details on the boat excursion are still being finalized along with the Danbury cookout, so these items may be subject to modification depending on a few factors.

Any questions about the event please post and also please send your registration via email confirmation to Larry or post here in reply and Larry will help keep a count. We will take registration money upon arrival, so please don't be SOAPA deadbeats and say you will come and then don't show -- or the opposite -- ie wait till the day of the event and then show up!!! It will make it hard on us trying to plan some of the events without a reasonably clear headcount.

Once again. we appreciate the short notice here and Ken and I are really sorry for the delay in getting this out, but life has gotten in the way of SOAPA for both of us and this has just taken more time to get organized than we would have liked.

We look forward to seeing you!!!

SOAPA New England

Wed September 5th PM folks arrive at Groton Airport KGON (Columbia Air)
Wed PM -- come as you are, SOAPA “shoot the bull” session at the Inn at Mystic

Thursday September 6th - EVENT OFFICIALLY STARTS
7:30 – 8:30 AM - Breakfast provided with room rate Inn at Mystic
8:30 – 10:00 AM – SOAPA Business Meeting
10:00 –10:15 AM – mid morning break
10:15 – 11:30 AM – Paul Rooy and Mary Lightfine, South America Skymaster Tour
Noon – Lunch at Floodtide Restaurant, Inn at Mystic (self paid)

1:30PM -- Ditching Discussion at Survival Systems Inc, Groton, CT
3:00PM – 3:30 PM -- Hudson River “Laby Liberty Tour” Briefing Session
3:30PM – Walking and Sightseeing tour of Mystic area.
5:00PM – Refreshments at an establishment of our choosing followed by select seafood dinner feast (…or whatever you want).

Friday September 7th
7:30 – 8:30 AM – Breakfast (provided with room rate)
9:00 – 9:30 AM – taxi shuttle to Groton Airport (self/shared payment)
10:00 AM – Departure from Groton land KPOU (for regroup)
10:45 AM – Depart for Hudson River Corridor "Lady Liberty" fly-out
11:30 AM – Heading north out of Corridor
12:15 PM – Land at Danbury Airport KDXR for Lunch New England Style “Pilot’s Cookout”
2:30 PM – Depart for Groton KGON…landing 3:30 or so (taxis back to Inn at Mystic)
5:45 PM – “Popeye” boat tour out of Mystic Harbor area c/w refreshments
6:30ish PM -- Dinner at "Skipper's Dock", Stonington, CT
8:00 PM -- Boat Cruise back to Mystic

Saturday September 8th
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM – Breakfast (provided with room rate)
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM – check out/taxis to Groton Airport
10:30 AM -- Visit Red Tails exhibit at Groton Airport
Lunch (to be determined)

Saturday PM activities at your discretion:
Groton Naval Sub Base
Mohegan Sun Casino
Other ideas?

Depart for home at your discretion Saturday PM or Sunday AM (book your room accordingly!)

Paul462 08-13-12 01:47 PM

Good job, Bill & Ken! Mary and I are planning on arriving early afternoon on Wednesday - we're looking forward to seeing ya'll!

Paul & Mary

mpscrip 08-15-12 02:12 PM

Passing through
I will not be able to attend the fly-in but would like to drop in if I can. I am in the process of selling a C172 SP in the hopes of moving up to a skymaster. As you can imagine I get a fair amount of skeptical looks from other pilots (and my wife) when I talk of wanting a skymaster. This is compounded by the fact that I have never actually been in a skymaster much less flown in one. I have been following your website for many years trying to educate myself with regard to skymaster operation and ownership. As I am in northern NJ and a short hop from Groton I was hoping that I might be able to drop in to at least see a few skymasters up-close and talk with some owners. I do not want to be pest but was hoping that someone would be kind enough give me a few minutes of their time to let me see their aricraft (sit-in) and pick their brain a little.

WebMaster 08-15-12 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by mpscrip (Post 18349)
I will not be able to attend the fly-in but would like to drop in if I can. I am in the process of selling a C172 SP in the hopes of moving up to a skymaster. As you can imagine I get a fair amount of skeptical looks from other pilots (and my wife) when I talk of wanting a skymaster. This is compounded by the fact that I have never actually been in a skymaster much less flown in one. I have been following your website for many years trying to educate myself with regard to skymaster operation and ownership. As I am in northern NJ and a short hop from Groton I was hoping that I might be able to drop in to at least see a few skymasters up-close and talk with some owners. I do not want to be pest but was hoping that someone would be kind enough give me a few minutes of their time to let me see their aricraft (sit-in) and pick their brain a little.

We had a guy like that in Abacos. I took him for a ride. He liked it. I won't be there, but I'll bet you can find someone who'll give you a ride.
Bring the wife, let her talk to some of the owners about 2 engines, 2 vacuum pumps, 2 alternators. The redundancy that is there. Maybe someone will give you both a ride.
Also, they are a little bit faster than a 172P.

Dale Campbell 08-24-12 08:40 AM

SOAP Meeting
How many are coming so far. I can not find the list anywhere. Dale Campbell

SteveG 08-25-12 09:30 AM

My wife informs me that we now have a room reservation although she is somewhat concerned about the accommodations. There does not appear to be a choice of rooms, you take what you get and the room rate seems to be a moving target with no firm commitment from the proprietors. Those issues not withstanding, we're signed up for something. Hope to see you all soon.

WebMaster 08-26-12 03:59 PM

no list

Originally Posted by Dale Campbell (Post 18375)
How many are coming so far. I can not find the list anywhere. Dale Campbell

there is no list i am aware of

WebMaster 08-29-12 07:30 AM

Ken Hollrah and Dee Ann Ediger will be attending.

billsheila 08-29-12 10:43 AM

Taylors are attending
1 Attachment(s)
Hopefully it is obvious that as part of the organizing team, Sheila and I will be there as well (Larry I forgot to tell you this formally I think!). I think we are up to 10-12 attending now. Larry and Herb have both declined, with regrets, so I am not sure what the "SOAPA Business Meeting" part of the agenda will look like, but we will make it up or just generally talk Skymasters...

Looking forward to seeing folks and hopefully also meeting some new people interested in these fine aircraft.

I flew last week up to New Hampshire to pick up my son who was visiting for a week with a friend and and his family for some summer son texted my wife while we were enroute "Tell Dad he won't believe it....this tiny little airport in NH with only two planes on the ramp...both Skymasters." I landed and made it three. [See attached photo]. I left notes on both planes suggesting they join us for the fly maybe we will have some local drop-ins as well.


Dale Campbell 08-30-12 12:18 PM

Fly In
I have made my reservations at the Bed & Breakfast, to stay the night of 6th. I will fly in as early as I can on Thursday morning and stay over night and do the flight down the Hudson with the group of 337s. I have reviewed the NY SFRA and took the test to get ready. See you on Thursday if the Hurrican doesn't screw up our plans. Dale Campbell

billsheila 09-04-12 01:14 PM

Update on a few items regarding the FLY-IN
Columbia Air has finally got back to me regarding fuel and fees for planes coming into Groton. They are waiving the landing fee and facility fees for us, as well as offering a $0.20 cent per gallon fuel discount for SOAPA attendees. Unfortunately the overnight parking fee is levied by the State of CT and therefore no way around that, but it is only $10 per night for each tie-down.

Other than that, the only change to our itinerary thus far is that the lunch after the Lady Liberty Fly-Out will not be at Danbury, we can decide on some other location with lots of choice in the area. We could do Martha's Vineyard or Block Island (good choices for a scenic lunch) or some other choices like that, or some other options that are faster and easier with a restaurant right on the field.

Thanks. In terms of numbers still a bit of a moving target but some folks are driving, others flying, so we shall see.

Bill (and Ken)

Dale Campbell 09-10-12 10:07 AM

Great SOAPA Meeting
To all that missed a great meeting,
I would first like to thank Bill and Ken for arranging a great SOAPA meeting place and activities. I think everyone really enjoyed the friendship and places we visited. Myself and the 2 guys I brought will remember the fun we had for years to come. Paul & Mary gave a great recape of thier trip around South America and Paul entertained us on the piano. A guy with many talents. There were 4 wifes at this meeting, which I thought was great to see wifes enjoying their husbands love of flying. I wish my wife was like that. We left {GON }Mistice Harbor on friday for a trip up the Long Island Sound to the Hudson Coridore. Past the GW Bridge, the Intreapide, we dropped to 900 feet and rounded the lady twice. Over the VZ Bridge and back up the east side of the Hudson, past the new buildings at ground zero.
We took video of the trip & will post as soon as we edit out the jerky parts. We flew back down the Long Island Sound to Block Island for a great lunch. After that I headed for home back over the Sound at 4500 feet in clear air. Those of you that missed this SOAPA meeting missed a great time. We all missed Herb,Larry and Jerry. Dale Campbell

hharney 09-11-12 09:02 AM

Some photos and reports on Skymaster Facebook

Please join

SteveG 09-11-12 02:35 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Attached are a couple of images for you slackers who could not or would not participate :).

hharney 09-12-12 11:10 PM

Mary Lightfine photos on Facebook

ArthurMed 11-01-12 01:11 PM


I have a question that you organize the rallies in Europe?

hharney 11-02-12 02:35 PM

1. Are you asking for SOAPA to organize an event in Europe like we have in the USA?

2. Are you asking how to organize an event like we have in the USA?

WebMaster 11-02-12 02:54 PM

Lets have it at Dunsfold Aerodrome!!! EGTD 07-25 runway 1836 Meters long (6,023 feet).
The dates are 24th and 25th of August, 2013. It coincides with the Wings and Wheels event at Dunsfold. I'm excited!!

I did note that Dunsfold is also the home of Top Gear. Maybe The Stig will fly in.

ArthurMed 11-03-12 04:53 AM

Dunsdolf were ideal for a rally Skymaster, Buddy asked politely about it or you organize such rallies in Europe, except in the U.S. :)

If you were to carefully organized rallies such as Dunsdolf it certainly would be an interesting event in August;) Sam I chose my Skymaster at the rally :) Especially since the TOP GEAR it could be published :) Surely Richard Hamound and James May, possess licensed pilots.

Paul462 12-17-12 08:53 PM

Facebook Pix
If anyone is having problems getting to Mary's Facebook pix, try this link:

hharney 12-17-12 09:12 PM


The link above yours is still working for me. Not sure why you are having problems but could be your security settings in the browser you are using. What browser do you use? I am using Firefox so you might try that and see if the original works for you.

No worries either way because the link you just posted works too.


Skymaster337B 01-08-13 09:39 PM

Is there a fly-in scheduled for this year?

hharney 01-09-13 08:24 PM

There are rumors of one. Most likely in the fall again. Stay tuned

hharney 08-01-13 09:33 PM

SOAPA Back Country Trip

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