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Jerry De Santis 12-31-03 07:42 AM

April 2004 Meeting
The committee for the April 2004 Skymaster meeting will meet in South Carolina on Jan. 10, 2004 to workout the April meeting details. Anyone with a POSITIVE suggestion for the April meeting, please list it on this string.

N34EC:D :D :D

Richard 01-02-04 12:42 AM

I had the pleasure of meeting with Don in Oklahoma this Dec. Wonderful guy and has alot of knowledge. I think we would all enjoy the meeting there. Tons of parts and room as well.

My two cents.


Ernie Martin 01-02-04 06:40 AM

I am in Madrid and will not return until that same day, January 10. But I will be most happy to help. Like last year, I will be happy to research hotels. Or anything else.


WebMaster 01-08-04 07:41 PM


Talked with Owen today, and he hopes to be able to fly his lates project, a Supercharged, Non Pressurized, 337 to PWA. It should make 85% power at 17,000 feet.

Ernie Martin 01-17-04 01:20 PM

Did the South Carolina meeting on Jan. 10 occur? Anything worth reporting? Is the meeting certain to be in Oklahoma City on April 22-24?


Jerry De Santis 01-17-04 03:46 PM

Yes to all! Details will be published in near future.

Rickskymaster 01-22-04 05:36 PM

Can we get dates for meeting
I would really like to firm up the dates for the meeting.
My schedule is already getting to the point that I am holding what I think to be the possible dates from earlier threads, but inquiring minds want and need to know.
I do not know to need the place and/or agenda just the dates.

WebMaster 01-22-04 06:50 PM

Dates were set as April 22 to April 24. Actually arriving April 21. We are, quite frankly, waiting for Don Neiser to get back with costs for some things. There is a meeting facility on the field, but there is a cost associated with it.
There are hotels near by, but we don't have costs associated with them.

hharney 01-22-04 10:41 PM


WebMaster 01-23-04 08:35 AM

PWA, Wiley Post, home of Commodore Aerospace, and Don Neiser

Rickskymaster 01-23-04 10:11 AM

Meeting dates
I will not be able to attend since I will be going to Sun and Fun the week before the Skymaster meeting.
I was really looking forward, but it is too much to close together.
The sun and guaranteed good wather wins out for me.

general 01-30-04 08:17 AM

I will see you at Wiley Post OKC sounds like fun.

walt 01-31-04 06:02 PM

April meeting
I will attend the meeting with my wife. We can arrive early and help in any way requested.

Keven 01-31-04 09:22 PM

Dear General, Walt, Rickskymaster, & Others

You sound like our kinda guy. You live in Belize, and your bio is much more fun than mine! You're my hero! No one WANTS to go to Okie, it's just the place you have to go for good Skymaster stuff. Hope you can still make it for the meeting.

Walt, still my kinda guy, bringing the bride along for flyin stuff. Couldn't talk mine into it in Okie.

Rick: Please reconsider. The dates were at a minimum when this was set up -- not many other options except to wait until next year, and that's not much of an option. And besides, Sun & Fun is good, but we got the suck and blows!!! Can't say that very often.


Ernie Martin 02-01-04 02:35 PM

I'm going to OKC and willing to help out in any way (my parts-buying Powerpoint presentation last year was given by Larry Bowdish when weather kept me away).

I'd also like to join Keven in encouraging Rick to come. I'm in Miami -- real close to Sun and Fun -- and will instead go to OKC. And Gaithersburg MD (where I used to live) is closer to OKC than to Lakeland FL. Or go to both! Sun and Fun ends April 19 and ours starts on April 22. You can hit our meeting on the way back from Sun and Fun. If you need to kill a couple of days between meetings, come down to Miami and we'll go flying together over The Bahamas (see for info on contacting me).


WebMaster 02-01-04 07:30 PM

we will get a tour of a prop shop, while at PWA, thanks to

Jerry De Santis 02-07-04 07:59 AM

Hi folks! Time to register for the April meeting. All of you who voted for the meeting to be in Olk let's hear from you and send in you reg. fee. Don't forget to secure your hotel room. Call early. See ya in Olk.
Jerry:D :D :D

Guy Paris 02-08-04 09:07 PM

2004 S.O.A.P.
Hi guy's, don't believe I will be able to attend this year's meet.

Been busy trying to down size, selling home and bought a condo.

But never say never. guy, the old 72 driver...

stackj 02-09-04 12:20 AM

All Righttttt!!!!!!!
Count Jenny and me in. "The check is in the mail." Jerry... Thanks for stepping up and organizing this again. We will be looking forward to meeting the group again this year!

FRED-E 02-09-04 07:36 PM

Wrong Dates
Check the "DATES" for the "Preliminary Schedule for OKC!!!!!!!
Fred N358

kevin 02-09-04 08:08 PM

Oops, sorry, fixed it. Thanks Fred...


stackj 02-11-04 11:34 PM

Date Help
No, I'm not leaving Jenny - The other kind of date. Is there a problem with the dates listed on the schedule? Jenny and I want to get the room reservations but want to confirm the dates first. Our current plan has us arriving on April 21 and departing April 25. Are these the correct dates?

Oops... Never mind. Looks like I should have looked at page 2. We will plan on being there as noted above... Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Don Nieser 02-16-04 11:22 PM

April 2004 Meeting
Dear General, Do you live in Belize City Belize? If so I will be in Belize City Tue. 24 Feb. 2004 on Holland America cruise ship Veendam. Please contact me and I would be glad to meet with you and see your 337 aircraft.
Don Nieser
Commodore Aerospace Corp
6221 Commodore lane
Oklahoma City OK 73162
405-722-4079 phone and FAX
405-503-4686 cell

Phildan 02-17-04 11:58 PM

That was close...
Somehow I thought from previous visits that the "fly-in" was in June or July. I guess I almost missed it, and may anyway. I was hoping to come in my non-Skymaster plane but it would be a stretch to have my ticket by then....but close. I will search for information on cost to attend etc. but have missed it in my quick perusal so far, only saw reference to the existence of same.

kevin 02-18-04 09:47 AM

The fly-in is currently announced on both the home page of the site ( and the Calendar page. Or you can go directly to the fly-in information page at:


SteveG 02-25-04 07:01 PM

After having spent several enjoyable days socializing with other Skymaster owner/operators in Nashville last year I was very much looking forward to attending a similar meeting again this year.

After having spent the last ten weeks enduring winter's snow and cold with no relief in sight for at least another four weeks I was very much looking forward to attending Sun 'n Fun again this year.

Given the proximity of the scheduled dates, it appears I'm going to have to make a difficult choice. An old song refrain comes to mind "did you every have to finally decide, to pick up on one and let the other one ride" or something like that. For now I believe I will have to sit back and see how the Oklahoma program developes and how many pilots/airplanes plan to attend before commiting to one or the other. Hopefully more program details can be posted soon. I also need to consider the wishes of my life's co-pilot. Any information on entertainment or activities available to non-pilot spouses, in the vicinity of the meeting site, would be appreciated.

Best wishes to all and thanks to all the folks making the effort to organize a 2004 meeting, whether I make it or not.

Steve G.

P.S. - KPWA is in the heart of Tornado Alley and April 22-24 is at the height of the season. Just wondering if any storm contingency plans are being considered. I don't think I can afford to find out what happens to .030" sheet aluminum when hit by an atmospheric vortex dropping out of a super-cell thunderstorm! However remote the possibility, the thought of assembling some 5% of the remaining fleet in the same place at the same time only to have the entire row consumed by an F5 is enough to make one shudder.

Jerry De Santis 02-25-04 07:24 PM

April Meeting
Hi Steve, A full AGENDA is completed and will be posted very soon. Some exciting presentations will be done with a number of tours. On the last day ,Saturday, a fly-off to ADA (ADH) for a tour of GAMI and more. This should be one of the best flyins thus far. Several sponsors etc.

Wednesday night dinner reception will be at the OLIVE GARDEN next door to our hotel. Friday lunch at the PROP SHOP, Friday dinner at Clarence E. Page building Sponsored by Don Nieser and a pass the hat lunch at General Aviation Management Inc.(GAMI). All for only $50.00

While at GAMI we will be given a mini seminar on engine management, the type you normal pay hunderds of dollar for, plus GAMI will extend the same discount on their products to our group they give at Sun & Fun.

Hope you can make it.


WebMaster 02-28-04 08:39 PM

Also, it should be mentioned that the GAMI thing is normally $995, per person attending, but for us it is FREE
I didn't see this note on the announcement, but it is an important one.

kevin 02-28-04 09:31 PM

The agenda is posted and the $995 thing is in the agenda. However, to be clear, the $995 seminar is two days long, we are scheduled for two hours, so obviously it will be compressed and abbreviated.

Still, I think, a great value, and I think it will fun and interesting for everyone who attends.


Jerry De Santis 02-29-04 08:08 PM

The completed agenda is now posted. It's time to send in your registration fee! Let's hear from all you folks that voted for the meeting in OLK.

Richard 02-29-04 08:21 PM

Sending it off Monday. Sounds REALLY exciting.

Ernie Martin 03-07-04 03:07 PM

Flying VFR into OKC
I'm starting to do my VFR flight preparations from Miami to OKC. Are there any tips/suggestions for the OKC approach that Don Nieser or other locals could post here? The OKC area, especially coming in from the Southeast towards PWA (which is to the Northwest of the city) looks like a maze, with the two overlapping Class C airspaces. I assume that it'll be relatively easy, with OKC approach (which I'll call 20NM outside the city or I'll get handed over to them if I can get flight-following the whole way) guiding me all the way from southeast of the city to PWA. Anything the locals want to add?


WebMaster 03-12-04 08:59 AM

Prop Shop

Does anyone know the name of the Prop Shop that we are going to tour.

Jerry De Santis 03-12-04 01:07 PM

Larry, it is my understanding the the name is "THE PROP SHOP"

FRED-E 03-12-04 08:13 PM

The Prop Shop
Yes the name is THE PROP SHOP. it is a small operation on the north east corner of the airport properity. I just though some of you might enjoy seeing the inside of a prop.
Fred Escott is the owner, a very colorful guy, if you don't want to look at props, he will show you his jet motorcycle and his jet golf cart.
We will cook hambugers for lunch.
I hope you will enjoy it. But if there is something else you would rather use that time slot for, just let me know.

WebMaster 03-14-04 07:58 AM

don't change!!!
No, I just wondered if it wasnt' bob's prop shop or something like that. THE PROP SHOP!!!
Yes, I want to see the insides, just not of mine for a while. Enough sticker shock for 1 year.

Jerry De Santis 03-21-04 01:22 PM

Agenda Change
Just to let all know, there has been a slight agenda change on April 22 afternoon at 15:30 to 17:00. Instead of the open discussion, the FAA will put on a presentation for us. Short film and talk. In addition, please see the note for Friday morning, April 23.

Like Larry said, Where are those that voted for the meeting in OLK? Did you just like the idea of voting or, were you serious about attending. Send in the registration, it will be appreciated.

This year's meeting is really shaping up for a great experience. We have so many organizations that want to assist that this could have turned out to be a full week of class sessions and tours. Let's keep it going and attend. It will only make it better for the 2005 meeting whereever it will be held.

Jerry De Santis 03-24-04 06:47 PM

The cut off date of April 2, 2004 is approaching fast. SAVE $25 per person by getting your reg and $50.00 fee in by that date. REMEMBER......................the fee will be $75.00 after April 2.. Don't walk.......Don't to the post office and mail your registration in NOW!!!!

Thus far 19 confirmed. More than enough for a great learning experence and good time, but like to have more. Come on Skymaster drives...treat yourself to a good time. Register and attend the is setup for you!!!! 03-24-04 09:24 PM

meeting maybe
Hope to attend meeting but probably won't know for another week. Lost turbo on front engine and waiting for replacement to arrive. If it gets here next week and installation and check out goes good I will be there. Guess I may have to spend the extra $25 if things run late. Story of my life lately but stuuf happens. Will let you know.

hewilson 03-25-04 01:14 AM

I'll be there
I'm not even a real pilot yet, just a wannabe. Looks like a great lineup. I am very much looking forward to the presentations and to meeting real Skymaster drivers. Walter Simendinger has even so kindly offered to take me for a ride in his 336. I'm "stoked" as we former '70s surfers say. I hope more of you can make it. Should be educational and a hoot!

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