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kevin 06-14-02 01:02 AM

Oshkosh - type club tent?

Scott Smith emailed me to to let me know that Oshkosh has offered to allocate the type club tent to us for a get together, and also to publish a dinner schedule for us. Scott is speaking at in the Forum tents again this year, and I suspect they offered this to him because he publishes the Skymaster Newsletter, although he didn't say.

Anyway, I don't think we have enough folks coming to Oshkosh (that we know of) to warrant the tent, but perhaps other 337, 337 and O-2 folks would show up (who are not seeing this site). So I am unsure about setting up "tent time". But I think we should get serious quick about setting a dinner schedule, and then publish that...

What do you think?


Bob Cook 06-14-02 07:26 AM


1) We should have a Skymaster LOCATION on the field where we can tie down. Suggest NW corner near Kmart and comfort inn.

2) If we want hotels and not rough it in a tent then we should make some plans.

3) get a name list going with email address for planning incl dates arriving and leaving. I do not plan to stay for more than a few days.

4) Put a link our to skysmith. CPA has their own tent, however, they might publish a meeting time, dinner, or some event.

5) Have a "radio" meeting time on 123.40 every morning at say 8AM and one at 6pm for rallying purposes.

6) leave cell phone numbers.

7) more important, find a way to OSH. I can pick someone up in PIT DET CLE or det/osh direct route.

Great opportunity for guy and aeroplane type stuff.



06-14-02 11:02 AM

I will be at Oshkosh again this year. (have been every year since 1970). I don't know if I will bring the Skymaster or one of my Homebuilts but would love to attend a meeting/supper/tent etc for Skymaster owner/enthusiasts. I hope to see some of you there. By the way my home field of Iowa City IA has u fill it gas for $2 per gal. Only 1 1/2 hrs southwest of OSH. Identifier is IOW

Dale Campbell 06-18-02 02:16 PM

Iam trying to come with my skymaster. I have two other skymaster pilots that want to come. We can only be there a few days probable Wed. to Fri. Weather permitting. Dale Campbell-

kevin 06-21-02 10:42 AM

Scott Smith got us some tent time from 5:30 to 6:45 in Forum Pavillion #2 on Friday at Oshkosh. No time available at other days and times.


Bob Cook 06-21-02 06:10 PM


Will be on the field wed by noon. If someone is coming sooner we should know so we can flag a few tiedown spots. There are some nice local restaurants that would work for meeting, even the dinner tents towards dinner time.

I anticipate leaving Friday noon if wx is good, otherwise, may stay over the weekend. Rather open to say the least.


kevin 06-21-02 07:44 PM

Can you really save tie down spaces? I thought they pretty much parked you first come first serve. Have you checked with them at all?

Also, I guess they are not tents, they are buildings (where I got the meeting space). Whoo hoo, I have not been to OSH in 15 years, things must be fancier now...

Sorry Bob, they had no space on other days, I hope you decide to stay Friday night.


Bob Cook 06-21-02 08:20 PM

space /osh

They will let you have an adjacent space or two if you ask them when you land and park. They have been good about it in the past.

I assume there is not going to be more than 3 of us (aircraft) by the sounds of it.

I can stay till sat, not really a big issue. I may come late tues depending on wx and how i feel.


Kevin McDole 06-22-02 04:43 AM

Bob, I'm planning on being at Oshkosh Tues through Thurs. I'm going to tie down at Appleton to avoid the circus at OSH.

Bob Cook 06-22-02 07:00 AM


you are going to miss all the fun!

There is no circus if you file IFR in and out. I have always had a "straight in" and I have never flown the vfr route. Even if you do fly the vfr route, with gps it is no big deal. If you are coming in tuesday i can meet you on the field. lot more fun when you camp out. there is a couple of hotels around the corner and i have stayed at the comfort in when the rain made life interesting.

They will also let you pick up a clearance and head out vfr. I have done that as well.

try and make osh rather than appleton. Sure beats driving everyday.


Kevin McDole 06-22-02 06:15 PM

OK, so I'm a lightweight, I hadn't even considered IFR into OSH. Does that eliminate the land short/long instruction <grin>?

Every few years the temps at OSH are heatstroke-worthy. There's nothing like a good air conditioner & shower in the hotel room at night.

I do agree that driving-in gets old. A few times I stayed in Green Bay (one hour each way), At least Appleton is only about 30 minutes. I really should get a hotel in OSH - but it seems like they're all sold out a year in advance.

You know, the hardest part of driving in each day is trying to find your rental car in the sea of parked cars. I never realized how many green Taurus's there were. Of course, GPS receivers as so small these days, we just record a waypoint …

Let's connect someplace on Tuesday - maybe a meeting place, or maybe swap cell phone numbers?

Bob Cook 06-22-02 06:33 PM

Okay Kevin

Your idea of roughing is the MARRIOT. I understand. I am surprised you do not have a chauffeur and limo. Really a green Tauris, how revolting! Need an extended limo HUMMER. They have these at KDEN, surely they have them close to OSH.

Beleive me, the comfort inn always has rooms. There are always cancellations. Why not bring a sleeping bag and air mattress. There are showers for sure. I am sure we can find a room or two if that is your interest. again, sitting around with a beer in hand, under a wing (skymaster) talking about war stories is far better than watching CNN miles away in an airconditioned room.

That is like washing your feet with your socks on! Now lets get into the "REAL" OSH fun thing and be a part of the TRUE believers and followers.. Take your socks off!

Common guys, get this Kevin guy in the mood....


WebMaster 06-25-02 08:49 AM

Flying In
We have hotel reservations for the weekend, but we are thinking of flying in for the day. How feasible is that? What time do we have to arrive in order to be able to land at OSH, and what time can we leave at night?

I know Jerry has talked about flying into Appleton, but if we can fly into OSH, that would be cool.

Oh, do I have to notify customs if I land there?

Bob Cook 06-25-02 10:34 AM


Osh is easy. Instuctions are on the websight or go to AOPA. I assume you will shoot straight across the lake. The airport is closed during the airshows. Get in by 10am and you will need to check for afternoon hours. Think things close down about 3pm when the show hits. Again, before 10am is easy and earlier the better. File IFR, you will bypass all the VFR traffic, especially when you are a twin.

Bet you will get a direct in on 27...

custom? oh yes, this is another state.


WebMaster 06-25-02 12:01 PM

Thanks Bob,
but, it's LARRY, not JERRY. I know, old age is hell.

Keven 06-25-02 03:49 PM


Thanks for clarifying.

Kitchen Measures

Kevin McDole 06-26-02 02:48 AM

Larry, Fly into Appleton with me. There's no customs there <grin>.

Bob Cook 06-26-02 07:27 AM

Old age is Hell !


kevin 06-27-02 12:54 PM

EAA has confirmed that we have meeting space on Friday, 7/26 at 5:30 PM (until 6:45) in Pavillion 2. Here is the description that it is listed on the EAA web site and show program as:

"If you are a Skymaster or O-2 owner, pilot or enthusiast, or are just interested in learning about the aircraft, join our group at Oshkosh for an informal hangar flying session and discussion."

I am thinking we might draw some other folks in who are just interested in Skymasters, as well as folks that don't visit our web site. Do you folks think that I should plan to put together some sort of short (10 min) presentation on Skymasters for those that are not familiar with the bird? If so, what would you suggest for topics? How do you think we should handle the rest of the time? Should we have an agenda? if so, what should be on it?

Any thoughts or contributions would be much appreciated.

Also, who all thinks that they might be interested and able to make this time? Do we want to plan dinner afterwards?

Please let me know what you think.


P.S. Thanks again to Scott Smith for suggesting and helping arrange this time. -KM

WebMaster 06-27-02 03:16 PM

A thought
Perhaps you could talk about the message board,
and maybe Bob could talk about the TC fly-in.

Bob Cook 06-27-02 03:32 PM

why not talk about the aeroplane.

Dinner after / for sure / Wendies has a special on. Two/for one and you can "biggie it" for 30cents.

Too bad Dave "wendies" couldn't join us but he ate too many of his own hamburgs now and is in hamburg heaven.


Dale Campbell 06-27-02 03:42 PM

337 Osh Meeting
Count us 3 -337 pilots in for the friday afternoon meeting. If all works out & we don't have to leave early. Dale Campbell

06-28-02 01:48 PM


07-12-02 01:04 AM

Can't make it this year due to work.


07-16-02 11:19 AM

I will be at Oshkosh manning one of the NASA displays (Aviation Weather Information in the Cockpit) as part of the NASA weather accident prevention program. It would be nice to get together and meet other Skymaster owners in person. I will be at the North bldg.#63, from Tuesday the 23rd to Saturday the 27th, stop by and say hello.
Would like to participate in any organized functions that the group can come up with.

I cannot fly my 68 Skymaster to the event because FAA medical branch temporarily ground me. I can only fly with an appropriately rated pilot with a current medical, even though I am fit to fly. Go figure!

Walt G.

Keven 07-16-02 11:35 AM

Kitchen Pass

It looks like I got my kitchen pass from the Mrs. for OSH. I plan to come in early Thursday a.m. (via OSU on Wednesday night to see and stay with some family, so if anyone in that vicinity wants to tag along, I'll be happy to haul you along) and leave OSH Friday a.m. sometime.

Kevin / Bob, What's the latest head count, where are you tying down, will any spaces be reserved, and are you camping or hitting the hotels?

This will by my first OSH, so let me know the routine of what to expect, bring, etc.



kevin 07-16-02 11:47 AM


Everything I know about plans is either in this message thread or on the Calendar page. Bob, did you find out how we can park (camp) near each other, or is it just going to be luck...

Keven, Bob is the most regular OSH attendee that I know of on the board, so I will defer to him to answer your other questions. Last time I was there was early 80's, I suspect it has changed a bit since then.

Kevin (not Keven;-)

Keven 07-16-02 12:04 PM


Thanks, I forgot to look on the Calendar page.

That helps.


Bob Cook 07-16-02 04:59 PM

For those camping
see below for copy of email from EAA regarding additional spaces.

We need to have our eaa numbers and when the first AC arrives they reserve based on the EAA memberships and AC registration. You tell the line person when you park the next XX spaces will be reserved and has be authorized by (see below).

Should have a cell phone handy so we can find out where the 1st AC parked. This is the way you grab a few spots. I expect to be in Tuesday noon sometime wx permitting. Coming from KIAG > OSH. expect to arrive around 11-12 am. Assuming the winds our out of the west should get a straight in over the lake.

if you want to email me at I will compile the info on excel and keep updating it here on the web.

name (s) AC registration EAA reg # and date/time arriv.

fill in the blanks

=================== email from EAA:


You may do this.

Make sure you have your friends membership info (EAA Number). You can sign up for the sites using their EAA Membership number. When your friends arrive they can check in and finish the registration.

Best Regards,

Mark Forss
Aviation Information Specialist

EAA SportAir Workshops
EAA AirVenture Forums Scheduling


EAA's Aviation Information Services Department
EAA Aviation Center
PO Box 3086
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Tel 920-426-6588 Fax 920-426-6560

Visit us at:

===================================== end of email

How about those apples !


WebMaster 07-17-02 12:37 PM

Our Plans
We had a hotel room in Ripon, for the weekend, but cancelled it since we had an illness in the family. We thought that might impact our ability to go to OSH. That issue is resolved. We are flying in on Friday AM, early, and staying through the meeting. We will then fly back.
We are planning on returning, either Saturday or Sunday. No, my wife doesn't like to camp (her idea of camping is a hotel without room service), and we think another skymaster owner is coming with us on Friday.
Unfortunately, if it rains, you folks will have to tough it out, and there is no dinner at The Treasury (unless Kevin's friend brings a car!!)

WebMaster 07-17-02 12:43 PM

OSH parking
Does anyone know, will we be able to find a parking spot at OSH with our plane? Someone mentioned calling ahead to see if we can park at Basler.

Bob Cook 07-17-02 02:32 PM


Pay attention! <Grinnnnn>

I sent all the info on the Osh topic yesterday. re first one in.....
go have a look.


WebMaster 07-17-02 09:51 PM

Saw that
I saw that, but I thought it only applied to campers. I emailed you my information.

Jerry De Santis 07-18-02 12:52 PM

Oshkosh departure
Larry, If you are only going to Oshkosh for the day as I am, make sure you know what time the airport closes. Not sure, but I think if you are going to attend the Skymaster meeting on Friday, Ya can't stay very long and still get out by 9 PM. That is the time I understand nothing leaves Oshkosh until next day. My plan is to fly to Appleton as in previous years and take the bus down right from the FBO. If the buses stop going back to Appleton before I leave the meeting at Oshkosh I will take cab back to Appleton.

WebMaster 07-18-02 01:22 PM

The NOTAM says the airport is closed after 8PM local time.
It will make it tight to get out of the meeting, get to the plane, monitor atis for 30 minutes, and still get in the air. Also, I note that even for you going into Appleton, you'll need a slot arrival and departure time.

Keven 07-18-02 09:06 PM


My Wednesday meeting in Cinci has rescheduled. What's your schedule developing into for next week? I've got some flexibility to come your way if you're still available.

Housewives Cams

Bob Cook 07-18-02 10:00 PM

re osh
Keven just email me and see if we can work something out.


WebMaster 07-19-02 01:01 PM

lunch and props
Well if Bob and my lawyer stop in LDM, I'd be glad to buy lunch.

Seperate Subject.
Les Brindle may bring his 3 blade prop skymaster to OSH on Friday. It is a normally aspirated skymaster with an M-T composite prop.

kevin 07-19-02 10:03 PM

Arriving after the airshow
Hi folks,

Anybody arrived at OSH *after* the airshow in the last few years? Weather and mechanism permitting, we will be arriving after the airshow on Wednesday. I need to figure out a place to stop someplace northwest of the field, as I *hope* we will be early, and I need to figure out what time to aim to arrive at OSH. It looks like the field is open until 8PM, so that brackets how late it can be, but the Notam is confusing about when the airshow ends. It says the airshow TFR is until 6:30 CDT, and another part of the Notam says that arrivals are not allowed until one hour after the airshow ends, but that would be 7:30, and that doesn't make sense. The airshow starts at 3:30, I assume it will be done by 6PM, so would you aim for 7:00?

Please don't tell me to get there in the morning, we are leaving Portland, Oregon at 5AM to get there by 6 or 7PM as it is. My passenger can't leave the prior day, and getting up at 3AM for a 5AM departure is hard enough. We could spend the night someplace (and may have to if weather or wind is uncooperative, or if fatigue sets in), but that means less time on the ground at AvMecca.

Advice is solicited.

Sign me,


Bob Cook 07-19-02 11:55 PM

re osh

Think airshow is over about 6 pm. You should have 1.5 hr window and if IFR maybe a little more. I have seen ac coming in towards dusk but the marshelling people start to fold their tend around 7:30. Probably can get in but you might be stuck at BASLER ramp.

Just my opinion based on past experience. No bets are on.

Don't get fatigued! Grab 20k and show us that 350 knt groundspeed again.... right..... summer duldrums?

have a safe trip.


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