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Jerry De Santis 01-15-06 02:27 PM

2006 Meeting
The 2006 Skymaster annual meeting is going to be held in Las Vegas, NV on May 17, 18, 19 & 20th. Plans are being worked out with the Hotel and will be announced in the near future.

The committee decided to have the meeting in Las Vegas so that our friends on the west coast will have an opportunity to join in on the fun,... so dust off your wings and come and join us!

We are also seeking groups, organizations and or individuals that have a subject of interest they would like to present at the meeting to contact our meeting chairmen listed below:

Jerry De Santis: Telephone 269-209-0809 or

Larry Bowdish: Telephone 269-330-8308 or

Let's hear from all of ya!!!

N34EC:D :D :D

Pat Schmitz 01-15-06 08:26 PM

Have you decided on the Airport Location yet? I have contact information for Henderson Executive if you want it - was just there about 3 weeks ago.

They are in the process of adding an all-new ramp - Executive Center, Hangers, etc. (Unless you plan to fly into McCarran?)

Jerry De Santis 01-16-06 05:14 PM

Pat, please send me the contact information you have. I have been in contact with the North L.V. airport and they are very interested in hosting our group however, we have not committed yet.


hharney 01-16-06 10:15 PM

Another thought would be to stay away from the strip & McCarren. It gets really expensive at McCarren. There are lots of distractions on the main strip and it might be nice to be located at one facility that would keep everyone in one place.

Henderson & Boulder City offer nice facilities or Laughlin also is a good area and you could still plan one trip to the strip.

We could always get permission and base at Nellis. Anybody have connections to get us on the base?

WebMaster 01-18-06 09:21 AM

We actually can't land at Nellis. I checked.
Their tour request form says we have to arrive by bus or fly in, and I asked if we could fly in, and they said no.

big al 08 01-19-06 11:27 AM

what about bullhead? free parking, cheaper gas a lot less congested. lot of casinos, cheaper hotel rates. good golf, river activities the pluses go on. north lv is a long way from the strip so rental cars or cab fees. bullhead provides free shuttle service. so if you like high prices, long lines and honk kong type crowds lv is the place

Jerry De Santis 01-19-06 09:43 PM

Hi Big Al 08,

Thanks for the tip on Bullhead, sounds great! Wish you could have informed the group about it at the last meeting so we would have known about it earilier. In any event, I am sure if we selected Bullhead, someone else would come along and suggest Las Vegas.

Hope you can make it to Las Vegas, it would be nice meeting you. Perhaps you can assist the group and volunteer to be the meeting chairperson in year 2007.


kevin 01-21-06 07:44 PM

My apologies to Jerry and Larry. I promised to put an announcement of the meeting on the home page of the site, but have not done so yet. I have not forgotten guys, just overwhelmed.


big al 08 01-23-06 09:06 PM

not to be a friggen pain in the ass;BUT! this was the first time i noticed a posting concerning the annual flyin, or am i incorrect? did'nt relize there was a exec. board who called all the shots. it would have been nice of the persons who were trying to plan to accept input from other partisipants of this bulletin board. maybe post polls, open questions ect. if i were arrogant is would question the center of the universe is centered in michigan but being a drunk mexican i woun't(the last was a joke for some miss my humor). very dissapointing no input was requested.
rick bell.

Ed Coffman 01-23-06 09:48 PM

Big Al,

These guys have done a great job! When the decision making is put out to the general readership all that happens are a million different opinions and arguments and it goes absolutely nowhere. You should've seen the mess and bitchin four years ago. These guys have stepped up to the plate and I for one appreciate the donation of their time and money.

Ed Coffman

stackj 01-23-06 11:04 PM

I also appreciate the effort put in by the VOLUNTEER committees. I would also note that there were many emails sent to a good number of us soliciting opinions as to where the event should be held. We voted ( I think there was even a vote on the web site, but I can't swear to it).

Jerry, Ernie, Paul, Mary, Payton, Kevin...(and I'm sure I must have missed someone) ... Thanks for your work!

WebMaster 01-25-06 01:43 PM

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the strip

WebMaster 01-25-06 02:21 PM


Originally posted by kevin
My apologies to Jerry and Larry. I promised to put an announcement of the meeting on the home page of the site, but have not done so yet. I have not forgotten guys, just overwhelmed.


No problem, but, this was supposed to be the message thread about the NEXT SOAPA meeting, May, 2006, Las Vegas. Somehow it got hijacked. I suggest the hijackers start their own thread

Pat Schmitz 01-25-06 02:44 PM

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Here is another pix of the strip (from the Mandalay) Let's get some excitement built.

On the topic of Nellis - is there a way we can get a tour of the base while there? That might be an interesting side-trip! Especially for those flying in 0-2's..... I understand they will not allow any fly-ins... but that might be a way to crack that door open a bit... they might be excited to have a flock of 0-2's come in....Great photo opportunity for their website!!

WebMaster 01-25-06 03:03 PM

I have a form, for submittal to Nellis Public Affairs. We can not fly into Nellis. DRATS!!. :( They require that we come by bus. I hope to get this back to them tomorrow.
There are several exciting things we can possibly see. Thoughts from you folks would be good.

Pat Schmitz 01-25-06 03:28 PM

Do we have any 0-2 flyers out there that are planning to fly into Vegas for this meeting (with their O-2?) We might be surprised - they might make an exception if they had an opportunity for a photo op... If the flight of 337's is led by a retired 0-2, it would be quite a site to see!

Skymaster337B 01-27-06 12:34 AM

I've got to agree, Las Vegas can be alot of fun; but the prices of everything around the strip is out of control -- even the drinks cost $5 a pop. I've taken a liking to Laughlin for it's pricing, and the river!!! So unless we get a really good deal from the Bellagio I might not go. Seriously, Laughlin is more what Vegas used to be.

Jerry De Santis 01-27-06 07:54 AM

Thanks for your comments Skymaster337B.

The SOAPA committee selected Las Vegas so that the folks on the west part of the country will have an opportunity to join in, help direct and learn more about the organization. See first hand how great it is becoming and learn more about aviation and the Skymaster.

The people that were surveyed( and there were many) for a meeting place for year 2006 picked L.V. That polled group is made up from folks that attended past SOAPA meetings in the Bahamas, Nashville, OKC and Florida. L.V. will be the 5th meeting place. As you can see most of those locations are mid to east of the country.

Some of them are flying there Skymasters between 1,200 and 2,000 miles to L.V. and will be spending up to $1,500 in aircraft fuel. I particularly don't drink much, but a $5 class of wine or other drink surely is not going to bust me. However, it is really not so much about where the meeting is going to be...but rather that there is a meeting at all, and, there is a group of people willing to work hard to put it on.

We are people that love aviation and the Skymaster aircraft. And yes, we would love to have you come and join us! However, It's you choice.

The L.V. meeting is going to be a very important meeting in that a slate of people will be chosen and voted on by the ATTENDEES to serve on the committee. If you want to have input, attend the meeting.

Also, for some of the newer readers on the SOAP web page, SOAPA and SOAP are different entities and other than the fact that SOAP webmaster permits SOAPA to use the website to get our message out, there is no direct connection. So please, if you don't care for the meeting place or how it was selected, please don't blame SOAP.

Paul462 02-08-06 10:11 PM

Good comments, Jerry! Ed and Jim, thank you very much for the vote of appreciation!

My records indicate the original list of nominees for this, the FIFTH ANNUAL SOAPA FLY-IN, numbered 17 locations; Las Vegas was voted the winner by the SOAPA Fly-In Committee. The time was a little dicier - it took two votes to nail down the Fly-In dates.

This year's SOAPA Fly-In Committee is made up of 23 individuals who volunteered to help organize the 2006 SOAPA Fly-In. From these individuals, Jerry De Santis and Larry Bowdish stepped forward to be Fly-In Co-Chairmen for this year. Thanks, Guys!

As Jerry notes, the Fly-In Committee is in the throes of finalizing a SOAPA By-Laws draft to present for approval to the membership during the 2006 Fly-In. During the Fly-In we will also hopefully elect officers, and thus begin a new, slightly more formal (and ultimately more permanent) chapter in our organization's history than the largely ad hoc venture it has been to date.

We will be discussing these matters, brainstorming Fly-In speakers, events and social activities, and seeing how we can best help Jerry and Larry, during our Mid-Winter Committee teleconference this Saturday.

We look forward to catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones, at this year's Fly-In - please attend, provide input, and join the Committee to help plan the '07 Fly-In! If you're unable to attend but are interested in SOAPA, please check out the Fly-In report on this site after the Fly-In. With luck, there will be information on how to join SOAPA, and the Committe, at that time.

Paul Rooy

Frank Benvin 02-26-06 09:49 PM

Any more details on meeting. Only 2.5 months away. I have to start planning time off. Dad & I would like to attend. Who is going???


Jerry De Santis 02-27-06 05:42 AM

Most details will be published within the next week.


Paul462 03-06-06 08:32 AM

SOAPA Mid-Winter Teleconference.
Fellow SOAPA Members and interested casual readers,

On February 11 we held our Mid-Winter Teleconference, attended by Jerry De Santis, Larry Bowdish, Keven Kenison, Mary Lightfine, and Paul Rooy. The following was decided:

1. Jerry submitted his treasurer's report - we have $1,586.21 in the bank! (minus the cost of the Mid-Winter Teleconference, of course...)

2. Proposed By-Laws Rev. February 11, 2006 were approved, with a change to Par. 6 to provide a more specific mechanism for determination of the officers slate decided upon by the Executive Board, and correction of some typos. and to allow the Executive Board to make decisions during the Mid-Winter Teleconference. The By-Laws will be submitted to the membership for approval during the 2006 SOAPA Fly-In.

3. $400/day for a conference room for two days - approved.

4. $500 to send out postcards advertising the Fly-In - approved, with the proviso that a poll be taken during the Fly-In to determine how many attendees came to the Fly-In due to the postcard mailing.

5. Fees: $150 per plenary session attendee, $75 per significant other for the social events if fees received prior to 30 days before the start of the Fly-In. $175 per plenary session attendee, $100 per significant other for the social events if fees received subsequent to 30 days before the start of the Fly-In. Fees are 100% refundable if refund request is received prior to 30 days before the start of the Fly-In; no refunds thereafter.

6. Events: Try to include maybe a Thu PM Skymaster Happy Hour with first drink paid for by SOAPA and a Fri boat trip (maybe around $50/person cost?). Or maybe dinner one night for around $50/person? A pre-fly-in event could be a "Behind the Stage Tour" of a Vegas show at 2:00 PM Wednesday. Larry will investigate a Lake Las Vegas "Booze Cruise", and Paul will investigate a Lake Mead boat tour of archeological sites recently uncovered by descending water levels in Lake Mead.

7. Speakers possibilities:

Peyton - 337 Acrobatics (1/2 hour).
Larry: Line up "Flight to Alaska by ADF", C&D Enterprises heater company, SIMPLE GREEN presentation, 15 minute Herb Harney video on flying Michigan.
Jerry: Get Don Nieser Comodore Aerospace.
Paul: See if Galen Hanselman (author of "Fly Idaho") or Sparky Iveson (author of the "Mountain Flying Bible") can talk about extreme mountain flying off short/high/soft/unpaved strips out in the middle of nowhere without getting et by a bear.

If anybody has speaker suggestions, please let Jerry or Larry know!

Well there you have it, folks! Yet another successful Mid-Winter Teleconference - Jerry and Larry enthralled us with stories of the heavy snowfoll descending outside their windows (700 OVC), and the rest of us thanked our lucky stars for being located further south. Keven is looking for a P-337, so if you were about to toss yours, don't do that - give it to Keven instead!

We appear to be well on track for the 2006 SOAPA Fly-In. Jerry and Larry, if you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask us!


WebMaster 03-24-06 01:03 PM

The folks who make and service heaters for the pressurized airplanes, C&D, will be there for Thursday.

hharney 04-04-06 12:31 AM

I see the hotel rates for Wed and Thurs and also for Friday but what about Saturday? Is there a rate established for Saturday or is it the same as Friday?

Do we bring the attendance fee with us to the meeting or is someone we should submit this to?

WebMaster 04-07-06 10:26 PM

Herb, you can mail it to Jerry, or bring it with you.

Rooms can be reserved, by calling the Stratosphere directly at 1-800-998-6937 between the hours of 07:00 to 22:00 PST and reference the: SOAPA – SKYMASTER GROUP and/or Group Code C/SOAPA.

Each individual is responsible to make there own hotel reservation and it is to be charged to the individual’s credit card.

Hotel check in time is 15:00 hours and checkout time is 11:00 hours.

We would presume that the rate for Friday night is the same as Saturday night.

Jerry De Santis 04-09-06 10:47 AM

Fellow Aviators......All information is now posted on the home page.

Go to the home page and in the paragraph titled EVENT AGENDA, 5th sentence down "Click here for more information". When the new page appears, scroll down and you will find the cost of the event, dinner menu choice for the Thursday night Paddle Wheel style boat dinner tour as well as where to send your registration fees....This years meeting is really shaping up to be both informative and enjoyable. Don't delay!!!

See ya all in L.V.

N34EC:D :D :D

WebMaster 04-09-06 05:18 PM

Jim Muse reports that he is bringing a projector to work with laptop computers. I presume several people will have them, I will have mine. If you want to bring your presentation on a CD or DVD, we can play it. Jim is also bringing microphones, and a mixer, to work with the sound system in the meeting room.

WebMaster 04-09-06 08:42 PM

Another point is the riverboat cruise on Lake Mead. Your fee covers dinner on the boat.

WebMaster 04-12-06 04:59 PM

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Folks, I am in Las Vegas today, and tomorrow, for another meeting. Took some time and went to the Stratosphere, looked at our meeting room. It is the Sunrise room, on the 104th floor. Looks east towards Sunrise Mountain, and Nellis AFB.
Nice meeting room. They will have a screen, a table for the projector, water on the table, connection to the PA system for a microphone for the speaker to use (Jim Muse is bringing these things.)

Thought you might like a look

WebMaster 04-12-06 05:07 PM

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The room will be set up like a classroom, unlike today, where there are small tables.

A note, actually several. If you want to have dinner in the top, the dress code is business casual, jackets for men.
The restaurant actually revolves, she said.
If you want to get out and see the strip, The Deuce is the local bus service, you buy a ticket for $5.00, you can ride up and down the strip for 24 hours. On and off, here and there. It's a good bargain, one of the few. Buses are clean, and double deckers.

Jerry De Santis 04-17-06 01:53 PM

The Stratosphere Hotel has a policy that they will only reserve the block of rooms for events until 30 days prior to the event.

Today is the last day you will be ensured a room. The hotel informed me that the week of the SOAPA meeting is a very busy week so please call and make your hotel room reservation by 22:00 PST today, Aprit 17, 2006.

You can always cancel your room anytime up to 48 hours prior to the reservation date and not have to pay for the room, so if any of you think you may be coming to the event, I suggest you get the hotel reserved now!!!

By last count there are only about 12 to 16 rooms left for our party and they will be released after 22:00 today.

Thank You!

djarrett 04-17-06 11:15 PM

we are coming, but we don't know where to land (airplane) we have reservations for hotel where are we parking the plane.

Jerry De Santis 04-19-06 09:47 PM

North Las Vegas VGT. Go to North Las Vegas Airport Terminal. Run by the city. They have parking, weather info and fuel.


Jerry De Santis 04-19-06 09:55 PM

West Coast
Soapa decided to have the meeting in Las Vegas to give all you folks on the west coast an opportunity to join in on the fun and help direct the organization as it grows. Sure like to see more of you sign up for the meeting. Remember, if you want to have input on the direction of the organization, you must attend the meeting.


kevin 04-19-06 11:14 PM

North Las Vegas also has a free shuttle to strip hotels. McCarren is much closer, but the cost of fuel is out of sight, to discourage small aircraft. The cost of fuel at North Las Vegas, on the other hand, is usually very inexpensive. Or at least all this was true 3 or 4 years ago. Man, I am so out of touch now, I should just keep my mouth shut. Sigh...


Roger 04-20-06 03:36 PM

Fuel Prices

I've found this site to be pretty good.

Jerry De Santis 04-27-06 09:15 AM

west coast
It appears that most people going to the Las Vegas meeting are not from the west coast but more central and east coast folks. Where are all you west coast 337 owners? This is a great opportunity to join in and help run this new orgaization. Let's see more of you come to the meeting. Sign up now!


WebMaster 05-14-06 04:44 PM

Some things to be aware of:
1. Our meeting room is in the tower, and the tower has it's own elevators.
2. All the elevators have elevator attendants. Tell the elevator attendant you are going to the SUNRISE ROOM.
3. There is security for the tower. You have to empty your pockets, pass through a metal detector. Fortunately, you don't have to take off your shoes:D
4. We will have coffee in the morning.
5. The entrance to the tower is on the second floor above the casino. Just take the escalator up to the second floor, and follow the signs for the tower.
6. I think you have to take the elevator from your room to the casino, cross over to the tower. I don't think you can get off at the second level where the tower elevators are, but I could be wrong.
7. We'll try and start on time each day, so please be prompt. Allow plenty of time for the security screening and elevators.
8. The meeting room is called the SUNRISE ROOM because it faces east, and Sunrise Mountain, a local landmark. It also faces south, and there is a good chance you will see planes on approach to LAS.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there, Thursday morning.

stackj 05-14-06 06:39 PM

Have Fun!
Wish we could join you but it just didn't work out this year. Maybe next year. Have a great time and we will be thinking of all of you!

Jim and Jenny

WebMaster 05-14-06 08:57 PM

Jim and Jenny, we'll miss you until we see you.
The meeting room is really spectacular, on the 103rd level, overlooking much of Las Vegas, and off in the distance you can see Nellis AFB.

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